You Just Can't See Him from the Road is a favorite of all three of my daughters. Ledoux is mandated by them any time we are in the mountains.

My Ledoux playlist I created is easily the most played on Apple Music in my house.

I have two hunt videos I've created in my lifetime. Coincidentally, both are on the Wasatch for elk and both feature Chris Ledoux songs. So you see GOAT, we are not off topic at all!
And if I were lucky enough to draw a Wasatch elk tag at the expo this year, I'd be happy as a puppy with two peters and go hunt the heck out of that tag. Hopefully I could kill a 300 inch bull!
I have two hunt videos I've created in my lifetime. Coincidentally, both are on the Wasatch for elk and both feature Chris Ledoux songs. So you see GOAT, we are not off topic at all!

I figured this is elkassasins thread and he has driven us off the road as much as anyone so .....

Not sure if you all have been on regular sites but they recruit some pretty serious dudes to moderate those things and they are strict. I would have been contacted and possibly in jail for 30 days by now for posting off topic on this thread alone.

They even have different levels of moderators. So the "administrators " I think are like the low level force. Like mall cops or the lady that watches the lines at lagoon so you don't bud.
Then you have the moderators. They are like the cops that have cuffs and tasers and authority to jail you. Then they have super moderators. Those guys have lethal force authority and they will use it. Yep, USER BANNED!

That's why I can only be on here. I can't help it I read something that reminds me of something and then I just type. Brian can only afford Slamdunk and I noticed he wanders a bit at times himself, so he let's some things slide.

No offense Slamdunk, that's a good thing or I would have nowhere to be.

I figured this is elkassasins thread and he has driven us off the road as much as anyone so .....

Not sure if you all have been on regular sites but they recruit some pretty serious dudes to moderate those things and they are strict. I would have been contacted and possibly in jail for 30 days by now for posting off topic on this thread alone.

They even have different levels of moderators. So the "administrators " I think are like the low level force. Like mall cops or the lady that watches the lines at lagoon so you don't bud.
Then you have the moderators. They are like the cops that have cuffs and tasers and authority to jail you. Then they have super moderators. Those guys have lethal force authority and they will use it. Yep, USER BANNED!

That's why I can only be on here. I can't help it I read something that reminds me of something and then I just type. Brian can only afford Slamdunk and I noticed he wanders a bit at times himself, so he let's some things slide.

No offense Slamdunk, that's a good thing or I would have nowhere to be.

So like if the moderator says "elkassasin, you can't say FN because we know it's a bad word" , then tomorrow you say "that dudes a plick" and the super moderator says "strike 2" under your name and you then reply " O ba!!$, the FN mall cops are after me" ..... then they boot you off, and where it says "long time member" by you name, it would say "USER BANNED " . You can never go back and post . EVER!

I never did that, but I seen it. I usually stop at the "Stay on topic " or one time I got to "strike 2" then I just stopped posting at the end of my 30 day jail sentence.

How Many F'N Strikes Do I Have?

So like if the moderator says "elkassasin, you can't say FN because we know it's a bad word" , then tomorrow you say "that dudes a plick" and the super moderator says "strike 2" under your name and you then reply " O ba!!$, the FN mall cops are after me" ..... then they boot you off, and where it says "long time member" by you name, it would say "USER BANNED " . You can never go back and post . EVER!

I never did that, but I seen it. I usually stop at the "Stay on topic " or one time I got to "strike 2" then I just stopped posting at the end of my 30 day jail sentence.

How Many F'N Strikes Do I Have?

Just off of the posts today, on a regular sites, you would be "USER BANNED" already. Strike 1, called vanilla a bad word. Strike 2, posting off topic, strike 3, continue to post off topic after strike 2. The only way you wouldn't be banned is if you got put in jail for 30 days because you called Vanilla a bad word and you couldn't get strike 2 or 3 till you got out of jail.

I'm not sure what you would have to do on MM to get strikes. I thought you would have tested the waters out by now? When I accidentally wandered into the funny meme thread, I thought for sure I was going to get a strike just for clicking on the post.
Hey goat?

Where Did I Call Niller A Bad Name?

You said "It Won't Be Me PUSSIN Out On THE RIDE If I'm Still Alive!"

Super moderators could take that as you were calling Vanilla and Hawky pu$$ies. You can't name call on some sites. And if that hurt Vanilla, he could also file a hurt feelings report.


That Has Nothing To Do With Me Calling Niller & hawky Names!

Ya & Maybe They Could SIOUX Me Too!

You said "It Won't Be Me PUSSIN Out On THE RIDE If I'm Still Alive!"

Super moderators could take that as you were calling Vanilla and Hawky pu$$ies. You can't name call on some sites. And if that hurt Vanilla, he could also file a hurt feelings report.


That Has Nothing To Do With Me Calling Niller & hawky Names!

Ya & Maybe They Could SIOUX Me Too!

One time I was on a reloading site and I had a specific question I needed someone with experience to answer. There was this one guy who was super smart on the site. He knew his stuff, but he spoke in some sort of engineer/physics lingo. I had no idea what his information meant so I said " do we have anyone on here that can translate nerd language for me I'm not sure what this post is saying.?" BAM! 30 days for name calling. No strikes strait to jail.
Well Here's The Deal:

Not All!

But Most!

DRATS Have Perty THICK Skin Around Here THANK GOD!

There Are Exceptions To The Rule!

One time I was on a reloading site and I had a specific question I needed someone with experience to answer. There was this one guy who was super smart on the site. He knew his stuff, but he spoke in some sort of engineer/physics lingo. I had no idea what his information meant so I said " do we have anyone on here that can translate nerd language for me I'm not sure what this post is saying.?" BAM! 30 days for name calling. No strikes strait to jail.
Hey bessy, do you want another fun story about Chris Ledoux?

The year is 2002, and Chris Ledoux had just released a bunch of dates for shows for the year. Surprisingly, Utah did not have a date set on the calendar. My buddy and I were kind of pissed about it.

So we decided to write a strongly worded letter! Okay, maybe just an email to the contact on his website...

But we wrote in expressing our disappointment, and suggested that an artist that had written a song about our great state telling us he would "owe us more than (we'll) ever know," that he should come and play a show for us. It was about six weeks after sending this email that a show was scheduled for Salt Lake City. (West Valley, if we are being technical.) So anyone that was at that concert in August 2002 at the Maverick Center in WVC along with me that night, you are welcome!

If I am not mistaken, that was the last time he played a Utah show before he passed away. I'm going to listen to Chris Ledoux as I walk up to validate my expo entries. I'm guessing that will be my ticket to a 2024 LE Wasatch Bull Elk permit.
Hey bessy, do you want another fun story about Chris Ledoux?

The year is 2002, and Chris Ledoux had just released a bunch of dates for shows for the year. Surprisingly, Utah did not have a date set on the calendar. My buddy and I were kind of pissed about it.

So we decided to write a strongly worded letter! Okay, maybe just an email to the contact on his website...

But we wrote in expressing our disappointment, and suggested that an artist that had written a song about our great state telling us he would "owe us more than (we'll) ever know," that he should come and play a show for us. It was about six weeks after sending this email that a show was scheduled for Salt Lake City. (West Valley, if we are being technical.) So anyone that was at that concert in August 2002 at the Maverick Center in WVC along with me that night, you are welcome!

If I am not mistaken, that was the last time he played a Utah show before he passed away. I'm going to listen to Chris Ledoux as I walk up to validate my expo entries. I'm guessing that will be my ticket to a 2024 LE Wasatch Bull Elk permit.
I Think That Will Make You A Shoe-In Niller!

But I'm Worried About Rather It Will Happen Without You Calling PEAYDAY Names Again?
Hey bessy, do you want another fun story about Chris Ledoux?

The year is 2002, and Chris Ledoux had just released a bunch of dates for shows for the year. Surprisingly, Utah did not have a date set on the calendar. My buddy and I were kind of pissed about it.

So we decided to write a strongly worded letter! Okay, maybe just an email to the contact on his website...

But we wrote in expressing our disappointment, and suggested that an artist that had written a song about our great state telling us he would "owe us more than (we'll) ever know," that he should come and play a show for us. It was about six weeks after sending this email that a show was scheduled for Salt Lake City. (West Valley, if we are being technical.) So anyone that was at that concert in August 2002 at the Maverick Center in WVC along with me that night, you are welcome!

If I am not mistaken, that was the last time he played a Utah show before he passed away. I'm going to listen to Chris Ledoux as I walk up to validate my expo entries. I'm guessing that will be my ticket to a 2024 LE Wasatch Bull Elk permit.

Hey bessy, do you want another fun story about Chris Ledoux?

The year is 2002, and Chris Ledoux had just released a bunch of dates for shows for the year. Surprisingly, Utah did not have a date set on the calendar. My buddy and I were kind of pissed about it.

So we decided to write a strongly worded letter! Okay, maybe just an email to the contact on his website...

But we wrote in expressing our disappointment, and suggested that an artist that had written a song about our great state telling us he would "owe us more than (we'll) ever know," that he should come and play a show for us. It was about six weeks after sending this email that a show was scheduled for Salt Lake City. (West Valley, if we are being technical.) So anyone that was at that concert in August 2002 at the Maverick Center in WVC along with me that night, you are welcome!

If I am not mistaken, that was the last time he played a Utah show before he passed away. I'm going to listen to Chris Ledoux as I walk up to validate my expo entries. I'm guessing that will be my ticket to a 2024 LE Wasatch Bull Elk permit.

Did we even have e-mail and websites in 2002?

Probably that old dial up internet we had. The 6 week gap is explainable though, probably took that long to go through the phone line to Wyoming.
It was all very new. Exciting stuff, for sure!

This was also the time that the Satch was probably starting to enter its prime as a trophy elk unit. The next 5-6 years after this were probably the best the unit ever had to offer for size of bulls. That type of management was not sustainable for a unit like that. Good for those that go one in that timeline.
It was all very new. Exciting stuff, for sure!

This was also the time that the Satch was probably starting to enter its prime as a trophy elk unit. The next 5-6 years after this were probably the best the unit ever had to offer for size of bulls. That type of management was not sustainable for a unit like that. Good for those that go one in that timeline.

Indeed the good old days on the Wasatch. In September, you could set on the lake pulling trout out as long as your leg and listen to elk bugle all morning long in every direction.

To me, the best part had to be the trout though. Elk were just there to enhance my fishing experience.
I think GOAT is just screwing with me at this point. He has done a major behind the scenes recon mission is dropping bread crumbs leading me to a trap where I will suffer an ignominious downfall.
I think GOAT is just screwing with me at this point. He has done a major behind the scenes recon mission is dropping bread crumbs leading me to a trap where I will suffer an ignominious downfall.

You are going to need to dummy this comment down for me again.

SPLAIN what you are trying to say here. Are you questioning the part where I like to reel in trout as long as my leg or listen to elk bugling in the background while I'm doing this?
As long as the annual harvest age objective is inline with the elk management plan there is no management incentive to make changes.

I hunted the Wasatch at least 15 days in 2023 and saw one bull over 300. He was a bonified 340-350 bull that was in the deepest darkest place I've ever ventured on the Wasatch. I watched him for about 10 minutes. I saw dozens of satellite bulls and one awesome super spike. The herds seemed smaller and more spread out this year because there was so much water. I'd be shocked if the overall success rate wasn't lower than normal across all the hunts in 2023. The bulls just didn't put on very much length even though the mass was good.

I have zero faith that the Wasatch will ever be what it once was. If you want a 320+ bull, or even a solid 6x6, look elsewhere or you will be disappointed. They do still exist, but they are rare on public lands. The CWMUs are a safe haven and do get bigger bulls typically.

Just my two cents.
We observed the same as you on the Wasatch and Manti this year. I am maybe a bit more optimistic about the bulls being able to bounce back in antler quality. We did see bulls each day but they were smaller than other years. Fingers crossed with some milder winters.
So Far Mild!

Maybe A Little Too Mild?

We observed the same as you on the Wasatch and Manti this year. I am maybe a bit more optimistic about the bulls being able to bounce back in antler quality. We did see bulls each day but they were smaller than other years. Fingers crossed with some milder winters.
For some guys it matters, and not in an unhealthy ‘need a 380” or nothing’ kind of way.

But after sitting through elk committee, and just getting to a different place personally, I can confidently say there’s far more guys who have opportunistic priorities set well above size. Bessy is very much the vocal minority.

Most people who hunt have no idea what a 300” bull is. They’ll do a quick brush up on the internet looking at a few YouTube videos, and a google image search the year they draw. Then head out, wanting nothing more than a fun hunt with family that culminates in a punched tag.

The surveys back this up, my personal experience talking with a ton of people that walk thru the marina and guiding all coincide.

So yes, I’m serious. We got fed a bill of sour goods by a loud group of seasoned hunters who thought they could create this utopia of mature animals with no regard for the consequences. The consequences are obvious to us today, and when we consider what the majority of hunters want, inches, LE, waiting periods, age class, etc etc are well down the list of priorities that impact satisfaction. Family and frequency were the dominant desires for the surveyed outdoorsmen in this state.
Well said!
So, spent way too much time on this thread. What I’m coming away with, not many bulls over 300”-350” on Wasatch because too many tags but several 300”-350” on GS (pumpkin patch) south slope unit? Make it make sense…
The last time I helped a friend with his muzzleloader hunt on the Wasatch there were still some really big bulls in that 360+ range but it was by no means a slam dunk for a bull that big with any weapon. He had 2 chances at bulls over 360 and then passed on some 320 bulls and ate his tag. I also saw a really big 370 bull on the archery hunt helping another friend 2 years ago up AF canyon. It is a big enough and rugged enough unit to always produce some big bulls. But he also at his tag after many days of hard hunting. I agree that it can be a lot of fun helping others on their hunts without all the pressure on you when you are the tag holder. But there is nothing compares to being the one with the tag in your pocket. One of the main problem with the point systems is they give guys the idea that they are owed a big bull after waiting for so long when in reality it just gives them a limited opportunity to get out and hunt an area that is probably not "worth" the amount of years they have waited. Just like all of the other systems in the US they are not helpful to the up and comers and our kids. Buying a house in Utah these days $500K for a condo, or a truck for $90K or an elk tag 35+ year wait. Pretty discouraging.
Bulls like this


for some reason this is the first I've seen this thread. Well, we pulled 2 of the 11 random archery tags from Pa. as NR's. We don't necessarily need 380" bulls , we need lots of bulls since we don't have enough elk experience. So, after reading this I hope there is plenty of mature bulls in the herd. Thats the reason I target LE units. We will screw up some opportunities, we will make mistakes, and I don't fully understand the language, etc.
I hope that peoples fear of it being bad are wrong, and that the optimism of others is correct since elk hunting is something I won't get to do many more times.

Lets hope for the best
I hope that peoples fear of it being bad are wrong, and that the optimism of others is correct since elk hunting is something I won't get to do many more times.

Lets hope for the best

This entirely comes down to perspective. If you look at this thread closely, you can clearly delineate realistic vs outrageous expectations. There are some in the middle as well.

If 380 is one’s standard, just get used to them pissing and moaning. There isn’t a unit in the world that produces high numbers of those. Never has been. But a lot of units produce some every once in a while. The most restrictive trophy units will produce a handful of them. We could produce more, no doubt, if we all adopted an anti-hunting mentality and just wanted to see the king’s men post about them on the internet while us peasants just argue.

Oh…wait. Isn’t that what is happening now in some areas???

The Wasatch is fine. If you can’t create a fun and memorable hunt on the Wasatch that is a “you” problem. (Not you specifically, nocwalker. Just speaking generally there.)
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This entirely comes down to perspective. If you look at this thread closely, you can clearly delineate realistic vs outrageous expectations. There are some in the middle as well.

If 380 is one’s standard, just get used to them pissing and moaning. There isn’t a unit in the world that produces high numbers of those. Never has been. But a lot of units produce some every once in a while. The most restrictive trophy units will produce a handful of them.
And That Right There Is Coming Straight Out Of The Mouth Of An OPPORTUNISTS Mouth That Doesn't Have Any Experience On Many of The LE Units!

Let's Compare The Size Of Bulls Harvested On LE UNITS In This State From 2004-2012 Compared To The Size Of Bulls Being Taken The Last 7-8 Years In The Same LE Units!

Back Your BS Up!

Waitin For It!

We could produce more, no doubt, if we all adopted an anti-hunting mentality and just wanted to see the king’s men post about them on the internet while us peasants just argue.

Oh…wait. Isn’t that what is happening now in some areas???

The Wasatch is fine. If you can’t create a fun and memorable hunt on the Wasatch that is a “you” problem. (Not you specifically, nocwalker. Just speaking generally there.)
for some reason this is the first I've seen this thread. Well, we pulled 2 of the 11 random archery tags from Pa. as NR's. We don't necessarily need 380" bulls , we need lots of bulls since we don't have enough elk experience. So, after reading this I hope there is plenty of mature bulls in the herd. Thats the reason I target LE units. We will screw up some opportunities, we will make mistakes, and I don't fully understand the language, etc.
I hope that peoples fear of it being bad are wrong, and that the optimism of others is correct since elk hunting is something I won't get to do many more times.

Lets hope for the best
I’ve seen plenty of elk the last 3 weeks on the unit I’m sure you’ll find some bulls that will make you happy.
I hunted the Wasatch in 2009 , nice bulls everywhere and seems like everyone had nice racks in the back of there trucks .
Nocwalker…I rest my case!

I’m almost positive you’re going to be able to have an awesome hunt. Just don’t listen to anything the anti hunter that only complains about what he doesn’t see on his “drives” has to say.

I assure you that there are guys on this thread that have more knowledge of the unit in their little finger than elkassassin has in his entire body. I don’t claim to be one, but find those guys and listen to them. Some people just like to b$&C£ all the time. We’ve got a word for them…
There It Is!

They'll have An Awesome Hunt No Doubt!

I'm A Hoping They Can Pull The 2 Biggest Bulls Left On The Unit!

There A Long Damn Ways From Home & I Wish Them The Best!

And If you wanna Hear Somebody BAWL,The OPPORTUNIST Posting Above Is A PRO At It!

Nocwalker…I rest my case!

I’m almost positive you’re going to be able to have an awesome hunt. Just don’t listen to anything the anti hunter that only complains about what he doesn’t see on his “drives” has to say.

I assure you that there are guys on this thread that have more knowledge of the unit in their little finger than elkassassin has in his entire body. I don’t claim to be one, but find those guys and listen to them. Some people just like to b$&C£ all the time. We’ve got a word for them…
Congrats @nocwalker.

I think you will have plenty of fun on the hunt.

Keep your heads up, there will be plenty of bulls, and the elk look healthy coming out of the winter.

We are getting good moisture still, I think this will be one of the better years (if moisture and health and all that do have that effect) compared to all the drought years.

Look Who CHIMES In Every 5 Years Or So!


Is Your Shooting Range 3 Or 4 Miles Now?

How Many More 30-378 Barrels Have You Toasted?

CHIME In A Little More Often Will Ya?
I don’t shoot like I used to, everyone’s doing it now. Retired the 30-378. So is it true you finally drew your elk tag?

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