warbird and ktc

RE: ktc's buck

Well just got back to my trailer after getting saddlesores buck skinned and hanging and hauled azz out hunting again before dark seen a real decent deep forked 4 point on private while saddlesore was asking Los for permission but to no available I liked this buck what a huge body and maybe 174 gross if I was to guess but hardly no deductions.Oh well still looking for a 180 plus it's gonna be a victory party if it happens.Dang it Bess I will keep at it but the fat lady is getting ready to step on the stage to sing.Ty sticking to what I told you what I wanted it worked with my goat this year but am getting worried now wish you were still in camp but please take good care of barbie looks like you can start pimping her out for other hunters.Ha
Got to get back to the baseball game buck is cooking again that guy can cook real well.Thanks buck I sure the heck can't.
Hitting the glass hard again in the morning come on big bucks givethe last two of us a break.
RE: ktc's buck

Very nice bucks Saddle and Ty! You guy's did great! Keep at War! That 180 is right around the next juniper! I hope you both slam bucks tomorrow! Good luck!

RE: ktc's buck

After a guy gets things back in line at home, he wishes he was still there as well. You guys are a lot of fun, ball games, beers, and Barbies. Next time we need to leave the day before the hunt so I don't get burned out and hold off on killing one so I do not have a damn deer to worry about. The horses can stay home on that unit as well.

Good luck tomorrow guys.
RE: ktc's buck

Nice bucks you guys! Sounds like a great and fun hunt.

I really like your pretty orange vest, it goes nicely with Barbies hair and eyes.
RE: ktc's buck

Nice job, those ae great looking bucks ktc and saddlesore.

warbird, get your mind off barbie and get that 180.
C'mon "2inch Buck" and Monte I'm keeping my fingers crossed. You both might have to swallow your pride and shoot a 2Buck like mine :) Good Luck Boys!

Sounds like you can at least hit them! Ha! You may want to teach 2" how to shoot? I think he is afraid of his Ultra Mag? ;-)

He would be home by now if he could shoot?
Made it home put 1600 miles on my truck using it to scout early and during the hunt plus the drive over that hurts more than not bringing home a deer and now all the clean up I have.This is a good suggestion never be the guy that takes or owns the trailers on these hunts what a mess to clean up when ya get home.
Good hunt but not what I was expecting I can honestly say never seen a 180 plus buck and glassed over hundreds in private that you can't hunt and the bucks I seen on public we not that big just 160 class bucks.Didnt score this time I will say this if you can't get on private ground you better be ready to deal with tons of hunting pressure on the public areas.It was a fun camp this year but don't think I would want to hunt that unit again just to many people and if you do get on private you just push a corn patch set on the other end and shoot the deer when it comes thru.Just not my type of hunting for mule deer I guess.I was thinking qaukie pockets and open hillsides that unit has that also mid mountain it's all private also.
Oh well back to cleaning the trailer up do you know a good seasoning for tag soup anybody?he he
Glad you guys all made it back safe and had a good time.

Ken is glad to have Barbie back too. Though she'll never be the same.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-08 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]I'm glad my "2inch" made it back home safely...Congrats to those of you who killed. I'm taking "2inch" to the shooting range sometime this week! lol...
I thought you lose weight on hunts you can't shoot straight 2inch but you cook a fine meal it beat the heck out of micro wave food.The story about camp court still makes me laugh tell 2buck about that dream.
Not to get any wrong impressions, I also drove and took my own trailer. I am self-sufficient and pay my own way. It is always a job cleaning up the trailers and stuff, but I would not have it any other way.

I had a good time. Did not score on the buck I was hoping for, but satisfied none the less. He was just one G4 away from being what I wanted and took the gamble when I shot he had it all there. All a guy can do is give it a good old college try and let the chips fall where they may. By our best guess this unit would work out, unfortunately it was not quite what we had hoped for.

I thought it was a fun experience. Not really sure where to go from here? Maybe it is time to say "uncle" and hang it up? If I cannot hold up my end of the deal then it is no longer worth it. These hunts are too demanding and too much pressure, while trying to maintain a home and keep kids on track, for this guy.
Ktc we all had a great time and yes you did take a trailer also and had plenty of clean up it is part of it not a big deal, just ribbing.Fun hunt no matter what, you did well but dont you think we can find a place where we dont need to worry about all the private property?Now thats pressure seeing bucks that you cant hunt but only look at.If you do get on private it would be a major worry about hitting a structure or another human that is what had me scratching my head wondering how this could even be legal.The public land gets hammered.No regrets it was a great fun trip we ate good thanks for all the food buck couldnt eat a better breakfast on any hunt.Thanks Ty and Matt it will be a hunt I will never forget pushing corn fields just not my style of hunting deer I guess weird to say the least but it worked.The public ground was much different than I thought there is no way to get away from the crowds to much access and roads everywhere bordering checkered private and most the bucks will stay on private after the opening.Guess thats why they call it hunting and not killing.he he
Thanks to everyone that was involved with this hunt we had some good laughs.I agree with you ktc we pulled the trailers over maybe a little early but hey we did learn alot of the area before opening so that worked out I think for all of us.Good job on the bucks you guys and good shooting.We cant give up now Ktc that 180 plus buck we talked about for over a year could be around the next corner or canyon next time we chase mule deer.I just didnt like that unit to much is all but am over that now also.I kept thinking it would get better but we started seeing the same bucks day after day and 98% were on private land, that there was no way a guy was getting permission to hunt anyway.The landowners we asked most had leased there property to Outfitters and others said they had trouble with idiot hunters in previous years shooting homes etc..and did not want anything to do with hunters on there land.Checkerboard private mixed with public makes for a frustrating hunt thats for sure, it does not take those deer very long to figure out where they are safe that is what we found out.
Good hunt couldnt ask for better camping weather seen plenty of deer and passed alot of deer just never did see the type of buck I went over there for except that one buck that was on private, maybe I would be singing a different tune if that Landowner would have let me on for that 175 what a nice looking buck that was huge body and nice deep forks a corn buck for sure.
Its All Good its about time to start applying again for 2009.
Hey is Barbie guiding next season Ktc?HA Hope you will let me take her to Az on an elk hunt and ride on my antenna next year that is if I can get lucky and draw that permit.
Ty, you had better set up a rental program for Barbie... You could make enough money to buy another permit next year... Maybe even find a couple of her look alike sisters and start your own business pimping out Barbies!
I tried to start my pizza delivery business, but that fell thru with a thud!!!! I was going to surprise you guys and come over that second Saturday with Pizza, but you got antsy and went home so I tabled that plan..
Anywhatwho, sounds like you guys had a fun hunt with good friends, and that means more than killing a stinkin damn deer!
Looking back I sure had a good time. Good food, good ball games, lots of deer, and lots to do. On the flip side, sh!t was going south from the second we left home. Lost in GJ, no camp spots, lost in the country, lost warbird for a while, had the screamin' shits, a horse wreck, lots of people, hot weather, camped in a damn shooting range, surgery tomorrow, rotted capes, and the list goes on. I guess this is all supposed to be fun? Ha!

Barbie is safe and sound sleeping in the trailer. She is for use by any buddy of mine. So just ask!

I am worn out. I will re-coup by next year and continue the qwest for 180!
Not to mention the news I got over there about my Mother needing to be put in the hospital for a serious condition.This year has come and gone but looking forward to next year now.
180 plus in 09 or Bust barbie bust that is.he he

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