Vortex Nomad Angled Spotting Scope - Trade/Sale


Very Active Member
I bought the Vortex Nomad Angled Spotting Scope from CameraLand and I love the scope and just got back from using it in Wyoming. The scope worked great and I thought I would really like the Angled eyepiece, but I had a hard time getting used to it. I glassed quite a bit off of a window tripod mount, and that is why I would like to trade/sell it. I am looking to trade straight up for a straight eye-pieced Nomad or if someone wants to buy it, I can definitely take some money off of the retail price as I used it for a total of 7 days.


[email protected]
Funny. I did the same thing. I ended up buying one before my hunt in Montana this year. Used it, but didn't like it as well as the straight scope I have. Selling mine on ebay this week..........
I have the angled Nomad and like
you said it was tough at first to
get the hang of the angle but it
is alot better because you can put
it on a small short tripod, where
a straight is kind of hard on a
shorter one.
I agree it was nice on a tripod, but I did not like it on a window mount much at all.

Thanks for the responses.
You are right angles are not made for
window mounts, That is why I bought
the Skyline straight, It is great,
but I need to upgrade my window mount
because of the weight.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-08 AT 11:12AM (MST)[p]Have you tried rotating the scope body on the mount? I rotate mine 90 degrees on the window and It is more comfortable than any straight scope that I have used.

There is a picture of mine rotated on my blog. Just click the link below.

Just a suggestion. Hope you sell it if it doesn't work out.



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