Speaking from personal experience, LEOs can, do and WILL, look up what tags people have for any reason they would like. Happens every day.
It’s not illegal to shoot trumpeters. Never has been in utah. Still isn’t. You just have a waiting period associated with it if you do. Kinda like drawing a LE or OIL tag. If you get a special opportunity and choose to take it, there’s a penalty to do so. It’s the exact same concept. Limiting opportunity for a limited resource. Trumpeters or moose. You still have a wait period of you choose to take the opportunity.
Coincidentally, bait used by guides, trumpeter swans targeted by guides and cams used by guides, are why we are having these discussions. There’s a common theme here. Maybe this has all been to lead up to the newest house bill directed at hunters.
But don’t say it’s “ILLEGAL” to shoot a trumpeter swan. I had you pegged as a much smarter person than that. I suppose i was wrong.
A "waiting period"??
You know who doesn't have a waiting period?
Dudes that don't shoot Trump's.
Ya. Exactly like LE hunts.
You have a deer tag, shoot an elk, and get a waiting period after. ?
I agree. We have a corporate hunting problem.
I live up here, we know who targets Trump's.
We know who was hauling in bait. We know who runs thousands of cams, and armies of spotters.
We, kept thinking they could control themselves, we were wrong.
So, now we have "waiting periods" for trump's, banned bait, cam seasons, and soon a law on spotters.
And, we still get lectures about how it's "the antis" causing the problems. The antis don't even have to make up lies, they just scroll
That "waiting" period(others would call it a PENALTY) came because the thousands of dudes screwed each year by a handful of others, got sick of it, and demanded it. It wasn't the Audubon Society.
Same happened with bait, cams, and soon spotters.