Utah Magazine


Long Time Member
Just got my first issue, lots of great articles and photography. Well worth the money. Anyone else get this?


All in fun Tards and Mods, don't gettem in a wad.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 08:35AM (MST)[p]For the record I have no idea how my username made it on that arch. Well actually I do, I was a co-editor on the LDS/LSD article.

Well done F-er!! The detail on all of it is outstanding!!!

Cant wait for my Subscription!!

This is evidence that anyone can publish a magazine if they just have a computer and a little creativity. I doubt this one would sell well, but hey give it a shot. I want to see next months cover!
thanks boys

i don't spend a lot of time posting on the upstairs forums but i do read a lot of the bickering that goes on there. This is my style of commentary on some of that.

Boz said:
"For the record I have no idea how my username made it on that arch. Well actually I do, I was a co-editor on the LDS/LSD article."
Boz... not only did you edit it, you wrote it. That article was your autobiography :)
Sure that's funny all right. Taking an iconic image of not only the American West but of America itself and filling it with grafitti. Joking about crap like that really only encourages it - oh yes ha ha ha. Very very very funny Feleno man make fun of Utah. Ha ha ha, laugh laugh laugh, guffaw guffaw guffaw. I would say this brand of humor is sophomoric, but that would insult the sophomores. Insipid.

Here's a new article to be featured in next month's issue:

Feleno the Perpetual 7th Grader: Curating The Art of Juvenile Humor for over 30 Years.

Teaser quote: "I found out in 7th grade that I was pretty funny, so I kept on telling the same jokes and having the same brand of humor. It was tough when everyone else matured and I didn't but the good thing is there a new crop of seventh graders every year so it worked out good. Then I found MonsterMuleys where everybody is virtually still a 7th grader and I am really enjoyng being a hero to everyone there."
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 10:14AM (MST)[p]HOMOJ do the world a favor and cut your wrists!!!!

Don't take any chances cut both of em!!


LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]Homer
Man I feel sorry for you, you seem to be the only one who doesn't get it. Pull your head out and laugh a little bit.

I have a feeling you might be on the cover of the next issue. You can't win.

7th Grade Graduate
I think you Guys have Homo j all wrong. I clearly remember back to one of his first posts being about why he wasn't invited to the Feleno Christmas Party. He was a good sport back then and seemed to take humor in stride.

Seems like He is looking for attention any way He can get it. Who's the real 7th Grader ?

By the way F-er that is great work. We all know the answer to "would Wiz hit it" .
Feleno, just when I think you can't be topped, you top yourself. Nice one.

HomoJ, I know you're just trying to fit in. I think I almost found a sense of humor in your post above. Almost. Welcome to seventh grade. If you lighten up a little we won't kick your a$$ at lunch today.
That is hilarious!!
But i didn't see the top story of the cat being reincarnated??

Fit in??

Not sure if I want to fit in with this crowd. Just on this thread alone I have been told to slit my wrists (both of them), pull my head out, get a sense of humor, take my ball and go home and have been called various different names that question my masculinity and sexual preference and have been threatened to have my ass kicked. Yeah, with friends like that who needs enemies?? Sorry but if that is the nature of the crowd here then I don't need to fit in.

The bottom line is I can take the ridicule of myself - doesn't even bother me but the blatant sexism, misogyny, racism and meanness on here does. If that makes me an "#####" or a "douche" for standing up for what I believe in then so be it. I am not the one who needs to change or bend. But I will try to be a little more careful since this site is patrolled by various forms of police that wield their influence not only behind the guise of a moderator but behind a real badge as well.

Don't think that I am so naive to believe that this little gestapo mentality you "mafia members" have isn't enforced beyond the virtual walls of cyberspace and that certain members of the law enforcement community who frequent this site wouldn't dare stoop to arrest me under false pretenses and cook the books with a false charge just becuase I said some contrary things on a web forum. Sorry but I ain't going to let that happen to me like it has to other individuals who frequented here in the past. You may have been able to intimidate other past forum members who pissed you off by I don't know let's say - by remotely infecting a hard drive with a kiddie porn virus and then arranging to have that person pulled over for a false DUI charge and claiming that you needed to search his vehicle illegally just because "you felt your saftey was threatened" and then planted evidence that would in turn allow you to get a warrant to search a personal residence and find the kiddie porn that you conveniently already knew would be there, but you won't be able to do that to me!

You may have been able to, by your general rudeness and persecutory and predatory nature, drive an already unstable woman who was only trying her hardest to fit in here and share her love of hunting and riding her horses to the edge of a nervous breakdown and in and out of serveral different mental facilities over the course of the last two years, but I won't let that happen to me! NO sorry, you can't get to me like that. But I digress...

Back to the original question. Do I really want to fit in to all of this? I don't know, you tell me?

Sorry but I had to do this, even though I get a sinking feeling that I may have said too much already. I guess if I all of a sudden stop posting on here you can assume what happened to me and take it as a warning to the rest of you. It will be your own fault then if it goes unheeded.
>>Sorry but I had to do
>this, even though I get
>a sinking feeling that I
>may have said too much

I think I agree.


Have a Shirley Temple and relax.
I don't want to be caught hanging out with ANY MM mafia.
So HomerJ please list them so US GOOD FOLKS can stay away from those low-life SOB's Thanks Buddy

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I hope you make your living off of being creative Feleno. If you don't, you should. The next one should have homer jumping from the top of the arch holding hands with the Grinch. Great effort and funny as hell. Thanks for the laughs. I even had to read it to the wife and she laughed knowing nothing about MM.

>Have a Shirley Temple and relax.

Are you kidding me?? Do you even know who Shirley Temple was?? What kind of sick twisted mind does that even come from?? Is that some kind of kiddie porn code?? I guess now we may have a clue as to who might have invented that virus after all!
Holy Crap! I don't post in the Campfire very often because I usually hang out in the Political forum but you guys think the Political forum is full of whackos, this dude HomoJ makes Dude, Piper and Zigga look like the in crowd. HomoJ for Christ sakes man, haven't you ever thought a joke was funny? WTF is all that crap about kiddie porn and DUI's? The good news HomoJ is that there are facilities for people with your illness and I suggest you seek one out before you seriously lose it man.

P.S. BTW, Feleno that shyt is funny dude!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
very very funny lol cant wait untill next months issue
this thread covers the whole spectrum from hilarious to well something else lol
lol You never let down f-dude. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You do not belong in your current line of employment. Figure out how to channel that humor into $$$$ and you'll make all the rest of us drool with jealousy.

P.S. If you do take it big some day remember I told you to do it, fostered your career development, was a good friend, and happened to be your ...well for the sake of ongoing prosecution outlined in the current issue of Utard, we'll leave mafia administrative titles out of the print. :)
>>Have a Shirley Temple and relax.
>Are you kidding me?? Do you
>even know who Shirley Temple

Of course I do. A Shirley Temple is kind of like a Roy Rogers only a Roy Rogers is made with coke.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 08:42PM (MST)[p]Feleno yet another thumbs up on this one.

Homer J we accept everyone at the campfire, its not our fault you keep getting "burned". RELAX!!!

Life's too short to be that uptight.;)
My gosh Feleno, that's some of your best work ever! Thanks for all the laughs!


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8

Homie -

WOW. Kind of speechless here for you, dude, guess what, those black helicopters and vans you keep seeing? Well, they aren't for you pal.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
HomerJ, let me summarize what MM people are saying to you !

1- You are a girl with a big virginia.
2- You have no sense of humor.
3- You may want to log onto Dr. Phil.
4- Ask Dr. Oz?
5- You may be more f up'd than a football bat.
6- Get out on your own buddy and leave the parents alone.
7- Stay away from the Campfire as you get burned to easy !!
"HomerJ, let me summarize what MM people are saying to you !
1- You are a girl with a big virginia.
2- You have no sense of humor.
3- You may want to log onto Dr. Phil.
4- Ask Dr. Oz?
5- You may be more f up'd than a football bat.
6- Get out on your own buddy and leave the parents alone.
7- Stay away from the Campfire as you get burned to easy !!"

+1 aint that the damn truth!!


I can only hope I live far enough away from you man. That was outstanding work there.
f -dude you way to much time on your hands....you are however clever and talented!

thats awsome. your pretty good with your mind. i love the " wiz would hit it" hole ROFL
That is funny. Homer I dont know you but lighten up, and if you dont want a Shirly Temple have a six pack of what ever it is you drink and relax. Once again that is funny, I like it.
Come on Feleno bring us some more of your outstanding work. I'm a native Zoner but I have also spent a day or two in Utardia so I can deffinately appriciate the humor in your post here. I sure hope that you aren't just displaying your talents here on MM. I hope that you're entertaining through other venues as well. Good job man!

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
I hate to be critical, but you spelled munthly wrong. It should be monthly.

If you want people to take this magazine seriously, you have to pay attention to the details...especially on the cover.
Good point Sureshot - but unfortunately most Utards would even know the difference... especially with this bunch of idiots. Guess instead of Utards we could call them idiotards. The MM idiotards. That has a good ring to it.
>>Have a Shirley Temple and relax.
>Are you kidding me?? Do you
>even know who Shirley Temple
>was?? What kind of sick
>twisted mind does that even
>come from?? Is that some
>kind of kiddie porn code??

Homer -
Have you ever heard the old Mark Twain saying:
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt". Well Homer same thing applies in this case applies to what you type if you get my drift. You should never enter in to a battle of wits without any ammunition, these guys are kickin' your ass..

Feleno - Bravo on a job well done! It's to bad that some cannot appreciate or understand the humor.. They miss so much..
>>Have a Shirley Temple and relax.
>Are you kidding me?? Do you
>even know who Shirley Temple
>was?? What kind of sick
>twisted mind does that even
>come from?? Is that some
>kind of kiddie porn code??

Homer -
Have you ever heard the old Mark Twain saying:
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt". Well Homer same thing applies in this case applies to what you type if you get my drift. You should never enter in to a battle of wits without any ammunition, these guys are kickin' your ass..

Feleno - Bravo on a job well done! It's to bad that some cannot appreciate or understand the humor.. They miss so much..
Good stuff Feleno.... LOL


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>The misspelling of 'munthly' was totally

Son of a gun...did sarcasim elude the Master Of Sarcasim ?
Feleno, I didn't notice a cover price. I assume that's because most Utards just shop lift them anyway?


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
Congrats...great creativity and humor, keep it up. OHH..maybe I better rephrase that...do some more.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

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