Us government trolling us


Very Active Member

It’s two bats on a 2020 quarter maybe they knew before hand? It’s a real quarter I just pulled the change out of my pocket.

Here's another one for you... The Government put the eagle on our coins shortly after our country was founded. I'm outraged! That's a hundred years before DDT was even invented.

The government was laughing at us for using DDT and causing cancer and almost making eagles extinct!

Hurry post it on social media!

Here's another one for you... The Government put the eagle on our coins shortly after our country was founded. I'm outraged! That's a hundred years before DDT was even invented.

The government was laughing at us for using DDT and causing cancer and almost making eagles extinct!

Hurry post it on social media!
Mmm kinda did put it on social media.
Mmm kinda did put it on social media.
What are your still doing on MM? This is serious! You've gotta get this massive eagle conspiracy we've uncovered out to the masses! They're mocking us on our own money!

Gettr, Parlar, Truth, and FNC need you!
What are your still doing on MM? This is serious! You've gotta get this massive eagle conspiracy we've uncovered out to the masses! They're mocking us on our own money!

Gettr, Parlar, Truth, and FNC need you!
Sorry grizz only on hunting sites no fb I forgot how tight you were with the former administration. Maybe it’s like a statue that will be removed. I just thought it’s ironic that a 2020 coin had a bat on it. It’s not like a chemistry set or anything so I’m going to take off my tinfoil hat and go to sleep. Sorry if offended you? I know which way you lean so please take my statement lightly I don’t want to be deplatformed. ?
Sorry grizz only on hunting sites no fb I forgot how tight you were with the former administration. Maybe it’s like a statue that will be removed. I just thought it’s ironic that a 2020 coin had a bat on it. It’s not like a chemistry set or anything so I’m going to take off my tinfoil hat and go to sleep. Sorry if offended you? I know which way you lean so please take my statement lightly I don’t want to be deplatformed. ?
You done did it, pissed of a Democrat.
Eel I’d send it your way but I’d have to put a label saying it might cause cancer in your state. I think I’ll just put in a fund to introduce grizzly into California. Make him feel more at home.
Eel I’d send it your way but I’d have to put a label saying it might cause cancer in your state. I think I’ll just put in a fund to introduce grizzly into California. Make him feel more at home.
Don't you need to melt it down for more hats, or do you have enough of those stashed away already?

It's amazing what triggers some people enough to run to a hunting website and start a thread about "government trolling" referencing a totally BS conspiracy.


Now that I think about it... I bet it's the deep state at the US Mint that did it. The proof is probably on Hunter's laptop, if only Rudy would show us what was on there. Maybe Putin will be able to retrieve the server when he finishes de-Nazifying Ukraine, too.

Thanks for the offer, but I can't risk moving to California; that's where Marjorie identified they have the Jewish Space Lasers they're using to start wildfires. It's too dangerous!

PS. The best part is, I am trolling here. And the ridiculous things I just posted are really believed by thousands (or millions) of people. Probably a bunch on MM, too. Some guys are probably reading that post and nodding in agreement. Scary!

You can keep looking for "evidence" in the mundane, but I'm done here. I made my point.
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