uh oh!


Active Member

my ph sent me a picture of a buffalo he saw. im getting excited. figured id spend my last dime on a helluva time!

honeymoon for the new wife in venice then a trip down south to africa for both of us then back to london.

one last hoorah!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-17 AT 00:15AM (MST)[p]well the trip is mostly free. i used skymiles and hotel rewards points. its amazing how far those things go
Nice Cape!! Wish I was able to hunt one on my July safari but too rich for my blood where I'm going.
Tell them you want a buy one get one free Buffalo and then bring me! I'll get my own room.
No you don't, BUT I'm hoping you still like me. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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