ufc 126 winners?

Forest outpointed Griffin....Silva beat Belford with a front kick to the chin. The rest were boring.

The only winners here were Jon Bones Jones who dominated Ryan bader and those dumb enough to buy tonights card....like myself. Weak as sh!t!! Very unexciting fites to say the least. The most exciting news was that Rashad Evans blew his knee out so Jon Bones Jones will step in his spot to fight for the title against Shogun Rua at the end of March. Jones wasn't hurt one bit in the fight with bader so he'll be in tip top shape to take the title against Rua. I don't necessarily think he's ready for the pressure of being champion as he's only 22 but he's damn good.....damn good! He could be champ for a long, long time. Who is there to contend anymore? UFC needs new, experienced blood. They are running out of fighters in that division. I was not excited at all about Franklin vs Griffin cuz I've seen them both fight at least 10 times before and they're both on their way out. What's the point? It's like watching Chuck Liddell fight again.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
You nailed it Wiz. Boring night. I knew Jones was good, but he made it look easy against Bader. I did call Forrest over Franklin, but you nailed it on the yawn fest.

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