UFC 120 is FREE

Don't bother me!
The NASCAR race is on!:D
Just kiddin,I like UFC too!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Sooooooooooo glad Condit knocked out mowhawk


Later, Brandon
Holy ##### man,are you guys talking about tonights fight .It still dont start here in Vegas for another 15 minutes .
Hardy got knocked the **** out!! I like him and I also hate him. He took his defeat like a true gentleman. Its better to be caught with a punch than to be submitted or ground and pounded to a defeat IMO. I don't think this loss will hurt him too badly.

T&A Inspector
I loved that knock out! Hardy is an exciting fighter, but it's always nice to see the quiet guy knock out the one runnin his mouth. And in England too! Loved every second of it

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