Trump was shot

You are. While 90% of Americans are struggling.

Correct, that's what the politicians you elect do...both R and D, if only too obviously. I won't apologize for being smart enough to capitalize on their agenda. Their agenda is Capitalism, Corporations, and favoring the top 2%.

You would be wise to do the same or quit whining about it.
Or how about I elect to try and better everything as a whole instead of a blood sucking leach like yourself. I hope you sleep so well at night knowing you vote to only better yourself and screw everyone else over.
Or how about I elect to try and better everything as a whole instead of a blood sucking leach like yourself. I hope you sleep so well at night knowing you vote to only better yourself and screw everyone else over.
Who do I vote for that doesn't look out for Capitalists, Corporations, and the top 2%?

I'm voting trump this year, who would you recommend?
I noticed you failed to respond to the fact all your party nominates for President or likes is old white guys. Seems like the party that has a sexism and racism issue is pretty clear.
No one is more racist than a democrat, the party of the KKK and segregation. Once a racist always a racist. Your nominee & party is going back to their segregationist & racist roots after gaslighting the public with their fake equality nonsense for years.
Imagine the outrage if the Republicans set up a zoom call for white women only & raised millions off of it?
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Most Americans will vote for Harris this November. Let it eat at you.

I noticed you failed to respond to the fact all your party nominates for President or likes is old white guys. Seems like the party that has a sexism and racism issue is pretty clear.
My party? Still a ******* idiot. So until they b
pushed Biden out, your poster child was old and white. It took a Democrat power play to make it happen

1/2 the country will be happy and 1/2 will not come November. That's how it has been for 100's of years. Kamala will be a hard sell in the rust belt. So we shall see what happens. Let the people decide and we all live with that choice.

Keep trolling and spewing garbage. That is what you like and what you life is. Sad pathetic impotent blue crybaby. take your hate for America and what it stands for somewhere else.

My guess is your a Russian or Chinese agent using the internet to help erode our free country.

Or just a rotten excuse of a human being..are so mad at the world because they can see what a joke you are and see thru your BS for what you are. Worthless and pathetic

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