Trump was shot

I hope he lived for a few moments after getting domed. I never wish pain upon even my worst enemies, but being this low of a life form, I pray that he felt every bit of that ball enter his face and blow that worthless SHT out of his Mellon.
Unfortunately JP, you are correct….
I’m sure he’s going to supplement with private security now. Rooftop left of the stage? Please, if that’s not thee best evidence you’ll ever see that we live under a clandestine deep state government that persecutes and is willing to kill its political opponents I don’t know what is.

How close you think you’d be able to get to a roof top with an AR at an Obama speech?
I’m sure he’s going to supplement with private security now. Rooftop left of the stage? Please, if that’s not thee best evidence you’ll ever see that we live under a clandestine deep state government that persecutes and is willing to kill its political opponents I don’t know what is.

How close you think you’d be able to get to a roof top with an AR at an Obama speech?
I’d be dead before I even touched the building…
I’m sure he’s going to supplement with private security now. Rooftop left of the stage? Please, if that’s not thee best evidence you’ll ever see that we live under a clandestine deep state government that persecutes and is willing to kill its political opponents I don’t know what is.

How close you think you’d be able to get to a roof top with an AR at an Obama speech? Or The Security You'll See Surrounding BIDEN From Here On Out!
Biden will get taken out and it will be blamed on “the real threat in this country…maga” as a retaliation against the attempt on Trump.
Thankfully the premiere law enforcement agency in the world is on it. I feel very comforted the agency that vowed to get Trump impeached before he was ever inaugurated, declared parents who spoke at school board meetings & white Christians a threat to democracy. Granny's that are opposed to abortion... yup a threat to democracy. The agency that raided Trumps home is on top of it. We can all rest easy the FBI will totally get to the bottom of it. 😉
Thankfully the premiere law enforcement agency in the world is on it. I feel very comforted the agency that vowed to get Trump impeached before he was ever inaugurated, declared parents who spoke at school board meetings & white Christians a threat to democracy. Granny's that are opposed to abortion... yup a threat to democracy. The agency that raided Trumps home is on top of it. We can all rest easy the FBI will totally get to the bottom of it. 😉
Ain’t that the truth
Biden will get taken out and it will be blamed on “the real threat in this country…maga” as a retaliation against the attempt on Trump.
Should never happen. You don't try to kill your political opponents. This is not Russia. For even the Dems this is a new low.
Should never happen. You don't try to kill your political opponents. This is not Russia. For even the Dems this is a new low.
True, but look how many “firsts” the dems have started. No low is too low for them.

Trump gets into power, they know heads will roll, and all their sh*t will be exposed. Nothing is off the table, Nothing!
Biden will get taken out and it will be blamed on “the real threat in this country…maga” as a retaliation against the attempt on Trump.
This actually could be the play here. They need him gone, they know he can’t win. At least without cheating again and that would be way too obvious this time.

They take Biden out it gives them a reason to “post pone” an election. Getting close to the end now folks
I’m not sure if the average person knows how crazy the ss is. I was in aspen when Mike pence came to an event a few years back. There was ss and police on every corner. I can tell you that if someone was acting strange it wouldn’t last long. A little strange a gunman seen by a few people wasn’t picked up by the pros.
I've heard quite a few retired Green Beret's, Navy Seals, tier one operators/snipers etc., rock solid dudes that have actually provided security/protection for some of the highest level govt. officials in the world at events just like yesterday... all come out & say the same thing.

Paraphrasing what they say: Not a chance that a 20 yr. old kid that was likely playing Dungeons & Dragons in his mom's basement two days ago was able to get within the short range that you normally zero a rifle at 100+ yards. Climb up on THE most obvious/likely building in the area, get in a prone position and start firing rounds at the former president.... without help from inside the SS or local law enforcement.

Tough to disagree
Oh my lord, conspiracies, blame, and nonsense. Posts with fake videos.

Can we just stop? Just for a few days?

I’m glad Trump is okay, and what a horrible place the country is in. The heated level of discourse made this feel more like a “when” not an “if” on something like this happening. It felt inevitable. Let us all remember the man the FBI killed in Utah County that had made multiple social media threats to the current President.

We can settle things with ballots, not bullets, and I very much hope this doesn’t escalate things worse. November seems like it’s going to be horrendous no matter the result.

Both Democrats and Republicans are responsible for coming to this point. I could post a slew of things, but instead I’ll say God Bless America, and let’s all get a grip and be AMERICANS for 5 minutes.
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I've heard quite a few retired Green Beret's, Navy Seals, tier one operators/snipers etc., rock solid dudes that have actually provided security/protection for some of the highest level govt. officials in the world at events just like yesterday... all come out & say the same thing.

Paraphrasing what they say: Not a chance that a 20 yr. old kid that was likely playing Dungeons & Dragons in his mom's basement two days ago was able to get within the short range that you normally zero a rifle at 100+ yards. Climb up on THE most obvious/likely building in the area, get in a prone position and start firing rounds at the former president.... without help from inside the SS or local law enforcement.

Tough to disagree
Just stop. For 5 minutes just stop.
I’m not sure if the average person knows how crazy the ss is. I was in aspen when Mike pence came to an event a few years back. There was ss and police on every corner. I can tell you that if someone was acting strange it wouldn’t last long. A little strange a gunman seen by a few people wasn’t picked up by the pros.
It seems the biggest issue is, it was outside the zone, and the officers that were told about it did not follow protocol and alert the SS or whoever they should have the second they were told someone was on a roof. The fact one of the officers climbed the building saw the guy and didn’t radio it immediately is absurd. I get it’s an intense moment that takes quick thinking but the message not being relayed immediately is a total failure of the law enforcement that was under that building.
True, but look how many “firsts” the dems have started. No low is too low for them.

Trump gets into power, they know heads will roll, and all their sh*t will be exposed. Nothing is off the table, Nothing!
So many things could be said. God Bless America.
I was waiting for blows guys....sorry...oneye to comment here. The political party you seemingly endorse have proven time and time again to be nothing but crazed violent bigots. You say can you stop for 5 mins. Even the SS sniper made a comment that his uppers FORCED him to hold fire and not tale the shot. Little suspicious, but there's suspicion on both sides with this one. The big thing is that this one man had been nothing but targeted, harassed beyond repair, now SHOT AT?? This man has said some crap things but his actions have shown that he wants America to flourish and he wants the corruption form both parties but mainly the left to be exposed and they are doing that themselves slowly.

Fact of the matter is that if rolls were reversed riots would be happening, buildings burned and so forth. And if you deny that, you're more of a fool than you've been proven to be.
I was waiting for blows guys....sorry...oneye to comment here. The political party you seemingly endorse have proven time and time again to be nothing but crazed violent bigots.
There is a slew of things I could point to from Trump himself that are unacceptable. A day after Pelosi’s husband was attacked with a hammer he mocked it. A week before the perpetrators were charged he called the plan to kidnap Michigans Governor plot “a fake hoax”. The first step in solving a problem is admitting there is one. Democrats have blame here, but so do Republicans. IF political rhetoric has consequences, then January 6th can be put on the lies of the same guy. Can we stop for 5 minutes or do we just keep digging in deeper to the idea we aren’t all Americans who simply disagree?
You say can you stop for 5 mins. Even the SS sniper made a comment that his uppers FORCED him to hold fire and not tale the shot. Little suspicious, but there's suspicion on both sides with this one. The big thing is that this one man had been nothing but targeted, harassed beyond repair, now SHOT AT?? This man has said some crap things but his actions have shown that he wants America to flourish and he wants the corruption form both parties but mainly the left to be exposed and they are doing that themselves slowly.
I’m going to need context. The shooter was dead pretty immediately once the situation occurred.
Fact of the matter is that if rolls were reversed riots would be happening, buildings burned and so forth. And if you deny that, you're more of a fool than you've been proven to
I very much disagree. I’m glad Trump is okay, and that’s why there are not riots. People really need to stop excusing their political sides violence or coming up with conspiracies to swear it wasn’t people who agreed with them. There are segments of each party that are unhinged. And you, I, and all of our political counterparts need to do better on being Americans not left or right. Your entire post is to break things into a binary political blame game even after that?

Let’s just stop. And PS I think Trump means way more to the right than Biden means to anyone on the left.
I would suggest you read my other post. What I’m concerned about is even after that…..people can’t put their politics down.
Well hello 1I. Its been a bit. You might try moving a little slower with the hypocrisy. You have been a ghost for years, then you pop back up mysteriously to take pot shots at people outraged that their candidate just about got KILLED. You try putting politics down first, it seems to be all you know.

If you could get as close to a mule deer as this guy did to a past President and current candidate, maybe you would have something else to talk about.

Until then, folks will continue asking obvious questions until some answers come down the line. I doubt it will ever happen. The current Govt has forgotten that they are beholden to us.
There is a slew of things I could point to from Trump himself that are unacceptable. A day after Pelosi’s husband was attacked with a hammer he mocked it. A week before the perpetrators were charged he called the plan to kidnap Michigans Governor plot “a fake hoax”. The first step in solving a problem is admitting there is one. Democrats have blame here, but so do Republicans. IF political rhetoric has consequences, then January 6th can be put on the lies of the same guy. Can we stop for 5 minutes or do we just keep digging in deeper to the idea we aren’t all Americans who simply disagree?

I’m going to need context. The shooter was dead pretty immediately once the situation occurred.

I very much disagree. I’m glad Trump is okay, and that’s why there are not riots. People really need to stop excusing their political sides violence or coming up with conspiracies to swear it wasn’t people who agreed with them. There are segments of each party that are unhinged. And you, I, and all of our political counterparts need to do better on being Americans not left or right. Your entire post is to break things into a binary political blame game even after that?

Let’s just stop. And PS I think Trump means way more to the right than Biden means to anyone on the left.
First off, please show me where and how he mocked her husband. All he said was "anybody know how's he is doing" and then stated she made a wall around her home that obviously didn't work to well. I didn't see that as mocking I see that as a legitimate question and then a small statement. But you keep thinking he was mocking him.

I never said the right side didn't have issues. But ho boy do the right have so much fewer than the left obviously have. Get off the news channels and do you own research and you'll see the facts. They attack trump on so many fronts and now they see that he has backed them into a courner and so they try and shoot low can you go. How low.
Well hello 1I. Its been a bit. You might try moving a little slower with the hypocrisy. You have been a ghost for years, then you pop back up mysteriously to take pot shots at people outraged that their candidate just about got KILLED. You try putting politics down first, it seems to be all you know.
I’ve been around idk what you’re talking about tbh.
If you could get as close to a mule deer as this guy did to a past President and current candidate, maybe you would have something else to talk about.
Okay? I think I made pretty clear there was a failure from the law enforcement being alerted to this next to the building.
Until then, folks will continue asking obvious questions until some answers come down the line. I doubt it will ever happen. The current Govt has forgotten that they are beholden to us.
People fail all the time. That’s the flaw. Especially in high intensity situations. You don’t hear about the 100 times that they stopped something, just the one time they failed right?
First off, please show me where and how he mocked her husband. All he said was "anybody know how's he is doing" and then stated she made a wall around her home that obviously didn't work to well. I didn't see that as mocking I see that as a legitimate question and then a small statement. But you keep thinking he was mocking him.
I’m trying not to do this today. But this is him one day after her husband was attacked by a right wing intruder with a hammer, who bashed Pelosi’s husband in the head while looking for Nanci. This was a day after it happened and the audience is laughing. You could also probably pay attention to him calling other Americans “locusts”.

Then there’s him calling the plot to kidnap Michigans Governor a “fake deal” even after those who planned it were found guilty facing life in prison:

We could look at the many holidays he’s called Americans who disagree with him “human scum”

I don’t know do you want more proof?

I never said the right side didn't have issues. But ho boy do the right have so much fewer than the left obviously have. Get off the news channels and do you own research and you'll see the facts. They attack trump on so many fronts and now they see that he has backed them into a courner and so they try and shoot low can you go. How low.
Or, you could pay more attention to the rhetoric and actions of your side you want to ignore. What happened yesterday is disgusting and UN-American. Is mocking Pelosi’s husband being bashed in the hammer a day after it happened also disgusting?

Btw here was his son’s reaction right after it happened too:


The problem is, the high ground is just gone. Both sides convince themselves after some tragedy they have it and they have some right to blame other Americans but the high ground was ceded all around a long time ago.
I’m trying not to do this today. But this is him one day after her husband was attacked by a right wing intruder with a hammer, who bashed Pelosi’s husband in the head while looking for Nanci. This was a day after it happened and the audience is laughing. You could also probably pay attention to him calling other Americans “locusts”.

Then there’s him calling the plot to kidnap Michigans Governor a “fake deal” even after those who planned it were found guilty facing life in prison:

We could look at the many holidays he’s called Americans who disagree with him “human scum”
View attachment 151235

I don’t know do you want more proof?

Or, you could pay more attention to the rhetoric and actions of your side you want to ignore. What happened yesterday is disgusting and UN-American. Is mocking Pelosi’s husband being bashed in the hammer a day after it happened also disgusting?

Btw here was his son’s reaction right after it happened too:

View attachment 151236View attachment 151236
The problem is, the high ground is just gone. Both sides convince themselves after some tragedy they have it and they have some right to blame other Americans but the high ground was ceded all around a long time ago.
Five minutes???🤔
Oneye, would you take a bullet for what you believe? My guess is a sore mouse finger is as far as you will go.
Yes. I would die for America to fulfill its dream TO ALL PEOPLE, not just those who have had power from its foundational power structure. I would not take a bullet for a politician, but the idea of America for everyone.
Donald J Trump almost was the latest causualy of the Hilary/Democrat hate.
No, just what has been cultivated by both parties including the man himself. Absolving Republicans is nonsense. Democrats deserve blame, 100%, but absolving your brand is the problem. Just for a minute, be objective.

We aren’t enemies, we’re Americans. Stop with the hate.
Yes. I would die for America to fulfill its dream TO ALL PEOPLE, not just those who have had power from its foundational power structure. I would not take a bullet for a politician, but the idea of America for everyone.

No, just what has been cultivated by both parties including the man himself. Absolving Republicans is nonsense. Democrats deserve blame, 100%, but absolving your brand is the problem. Just for a minute, be objective.

We aren’t enemies, we’re Americans. Stop with the hate.
There is a slew of things I could point to from Trump himself that are unacceptable. A day after Pelosi’s husband was attacked with a hammer he mocked it. A week before the perpetrators were charged he called the plan to kidnap Michigans Governor plot “a fake hoax”. The first step in solving a problem is admitting there is one. Democrats have blame here, but so do Republicans. IF political rhetoric has consequences, then January 6th can be put on the lies of the same guy. Can we stop for 5 minutes or do we just keep digging in deeper to the idea we aren’t all Americans who simply disagree?

I’m going to need context. The shooter was dead pretty immediately once the situation occurred.

I very much disagree. I’m glad Trump is okay, and that’s why there are not riots. People really need to stop excusing their political sides violence or coming up with conspiracies to swear it wasn’t people who agreed with them. There are segments of each party that are unhinged. And you, I, and all of our political counterparts need to do better on being Americans not left or right. Your entire post is to break things into a binary political blame game even after that?

Let’s just stop. And PS I think Trump means way more to the right than Biden means to anyone on the left.
Hey Founder, can you add a vomit emoji? Never mind, I found it.🤮
Thank God Trump is ok. Sad times we live in, with all the extreme dangerous rhetoric coming from politicians on both sides of the isle, all it takes is for one person with mental instability/illness to "snap" and carry out such an act of violence.

Easy, easy..... All the conspiracy theories, untruths, and hate on both sides of the isle need to stop! This will just keep fanning the flames and more violence will ensue.
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Just be an American for 5 minutes my guy.
"Luckily Hoss, he’s completed the grift and created a non-profit to steal stupid people’s money. No better grift these days in the GOP than denying election results. He learned from the orange leader."-Oneye, Friday.

Are the stupid people American, my guy?

How about the MAGAts?

Are the racist Mormons American? My guy?

Man up and support your own writings. We all read them. Don't hide. Don't spin.

The orange Hitler whose a threat to democracy got what he deserved, right? Hitler deserved what he got.

You've always looked stupid. Now you look like a stupid, coward.

You said it. You've launched vitriol for years, NOT JUST AT TRUMP, but his supporters, Lyman's supporters, Mormons, etc, etc, etc.

Don't cower now, my guy
Yes. I would die for America to fulfill its dream TO ALL PEOPLE, not just those who have had power from its foundational power structure. I would not take a bullet for a politician, but the idea of America for everyone.

No, just what has been cultivated by both parties including the man himself. Absolving Republicans is nonsense. Democrats deserve blame, 100%, but absolving your brand is the problem. Just for a minute, be objective.

We aren’t enemies, we’re Americans. Stop with the hate.

How about the racist Mormon church, can we stop the hate on them too?

Imagine being Oneye.

"We interrupt this program with news update emergency, DJT has been shot"

Oneye frantically logging into MM so he can wag his finger at R to "stop the hate".

Close one, my man. Dead Trump? Wtf would you irrationally hate then? TDS has no cure
He's the kid in elementary that kicks kids in the back of the leg in line ups. Spends the whole year kicking kids until one day a kid turns around and smacks him, and he runs to the principal screaming about how he's bullied.

The dude, on a hunting site, who posts zero about hunting, only in political site so he bash millions of folks he puts into categories, and was doing so a day before bullets flew, calling Lyman voters stupid, thinks he is going to lecture anyone on civil discourse?

This site can be a tough place. But only 1 guy comes in here, and in a matter of minutes, hides from what hes said, then tries to spin as if YOU aren't American for noticing.

"We" aren't anything.

1 dude in here is a spineless, sniveling coward.

The rest are full grown men taking shots at each other, and dealing with blowback.

No bullets sat, and sat he would be blasting MAGAts. Bullets fly, and suddenly YOU aren't American cuz you noticed.
"Luckily Hoss, he’s completed the grift and created a non-profit to steal stupid people’s money. No better grift these days in the GOP than denying election results. He learned from the orange leader."-Oneye, Friday.
I’m pretty sure there is no violence in that. But continue.
Are the stupid people American, my guy?
Yes. There are in fact stupid people in the world, both left and right. Stupid doesn’t know political bounds.
How about the MAGAts?
Are the racist Mormons American? My guy?
The Mormon church has and has always had a racism problem yes.
Man up and support your own writings. We all read them. Don't hide. Don't spin.
I’m not. And I believe I myself said, I myself should do better.
The orange Hitler who’s a threat to democracy got what he deserved, right? Hitler deserved what he got.
Nope. He is a victim of a horrible attack by a deranged POS. He’s also a threat to the foundation of what makes America’s democracy and elections, and he’s shown that by his actions. Again, hes said the exact same thing about Biden, WORD FOR WORD.
You've always looked stupid. Now you look like a stupid, coward.
I stand by what I’ve said, that can co-exist. I could really care less buddy. Grow up. Again, I’m not the child sending pics in the DM’s of me flipping you off weirdo.
You said it. You've launched vitriol for years, NOT JUST AT TRUMP, but his supporters, Lyman's supporters, Mormons, etc, etc, etc.

Don't cower now, my guy
I’m not cowering, I’ve never incited violence. I’m also not the one refusing to tone it down a notch.
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He's the kid in elementary that kicks kids in the back of the leg in line ups. Spends the whole year kicking kids until one day a kid turns around and smacks him, and he runs to the principal screaming about how he's bullied.

The dude, on a hunting site, who posts zero about hunting, only in political site so he bash millions of folks he puts into categories, and was doing so a day before bullets flew, calling Lyman voters stupid, thinks he is going to lecture anyone on civil discourse?
Still true.
This site can be a tough place. But only 1 guy comes in here, and in a matter of minutes, hides from what hes said, then tries to spin as if YOU aren't American for noticing.
I think it’s hilarious you folks share the same exact views and yet I’m the coward for actually being the one person here who doesn’t just eat the garble I’ve been fed my whole life.
"We" aren't anything.

1 dude in here is a spineless, sniveling coward.

The rest are full grown men taking shots at each other, and dealing with blowback.

No bullets sat, and sat he would be blasting MAGAts. Bullets fly, and suddenly YOU aren't American cuz you noticed.
Hoss, grow up man. I don’t want to see you giving me the bird in the DM’s again you child. If anything you’re the one who has threatened violent interaction on this site.
Oneye. Let's start some fact questioning.
No more or less. Just yes or no's.

1. Do you agree that with all the physical evidence provided that the left stole the last election with fraud?

2. Do you think good policies, making America first. Boosting the economy etc ought weighs mean words?

3. What do you think should happen to these radical democrats that are on air caught saying trump should die, etc??? Don't you think they should be arrested for inciting an assassination??? Just like apparently trump incited a riot????? Or does only his **** stink?

I’m pretty sure there is no violence in that. But continue.

Yes. There are in fact stupid people in the world, both left and right. Stupid doesn’t know political bounds.


The Mormon church has and has always had a racism problem yes.

I’m not. And I believe I myself said, I myself should do better.

Nope. He is a victim of a horrible attack by a deranged POS. He’s also a threat to the foundation of what makes America’s democracy and elections, and he’s shown that by his actions. Again, hes said the exact same thing about Biden, WORD FOR WORD.

I stand by what I’ve said, that can co-exist. I could really care less buddy. Grow up. Again, I’m not the child sending pics in the DM’s of me flipping you off weirdo.

I’m not cowering, I’ve never incited violence. I’m also not the one refusing to tone it down a notch.

Tone it down AFTER the bullets fly🙄
Still true.

I think it’s hilarious you folks share the same exact views and yet I’m the coward for actually being the one person here who doesn’t just eat the garble I’ve been fed my whole life.

Hoss, grow up man. I don’t want to see you giving me the bird in the DM’s again you child. If anything you’re the one who has threatened violent interaction on this site.

Post that pic👍👍

Sweety. Words aren't violence. Burning down cities is violence. Bullets flying is violence.

You reading words isn't violence.

What's the matter, you kicked enough Mormons, Conservatives, Lyman voters, etc and now your crying to the principal?

Could you not be such a stereotype?

No safe spaces in here. You run your mouth, then don't cry
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