

Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-15 AT 09:08PM (MST)[p]Get that notepad and pen out.

I'm sure you'll now take this information I'm about to give you and run with it and use it as your own. Something you're very good at as evidenced by your board-hopping trying to be the "man"

First of all the poll conducted pointing out that a majority of Resident hunters were in support of SF31 last year:

The poll, conducted by DFM Research, was commissioned by the George B. Storer Foundation, a supporter of conservation and sportsmen?s organizations in Wyoming, including the Wyoming Sportsmen?s Alliance. The poll surveyed 550 Wyoming residents statewide between Nov. 15 and Dec. 7, 2013. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percent. According to polling results by DFM Research of St. Paul, Minn., some 63 percent of Wyoming residents supported the proposed fee increases.

With those FACTS on the table, now what you wont find on a cd-rom from your desk in Michigan.

In conversations I had with some Legilsators, that I wont name, I was told that ANY bill that had anything to do with increasing the funding for GF was "never going to see the light of day". That was a fact, as all the funding bills never made it out of committee. The likes of Lynn Hutchings, Marti Halverson, Gerald Gay, Gary Piiparinen, and a few others killed every bill that increased license fees. If you recall, there was also a PP bill last session, as well as the previous session, that died too. It died because a resident PP bill would have given the GF additional funding.

Those bills died in defiance of what the poll said, by the written comments received, as well as testimony given to the TRW committee. I know because, unlike you, I'm not forced to guess. I heard Marti Halverson rake Director Talbott over the coals for cutting programs, never mind that Marti Halverson and her merry band of misfits, cut the GF budget in 2013/14 by a combined 6.6 million. Just WTF is the Director supposed to do when you lose nearly 7 million in 2 years?

I will give Director Talbott a lot of credit, I would have lost my job in my reply back to that tea-party transplant from Connecticut.

I also know, that at least 2 of the other TRW committee members had a major dislike for the GF from previous run-ins. I wont say who, but someone may have had lunch with Gerald Gay and got the low-down on the low-down.

The deck was clearly stacked against any Fee increases, it didn't matter if hunters marched on the capitol in Cheyenne with pitchforks and torches, no fee increase legislation was going to pass, and it didn't. The polls weren't convincing, the testimony didn't matter, and the comments receieved didn't either.

SF45 was a miracle, only passed because of the herculean effort that WYSA put into it, and the fact that it didn't allocate any solid funding for the GF. All it did was give the GF the go-ahead to ask for funding for grizzly bear management and GF employee health coverage.

Even at that, Marti Halverson made the motion to take out the Grizzly bear funding portion of the bill. That idea came from none other than Bob Wharff, as he wanted sf45 to fail. Halverson already knew that the bill would never pass the Senate TRW committee without the grizzly bear language included. Gerald Gay, in his infinite wisdom, also took a chunk out of Director Talbotts a$$, saying that "the GF is messing up Grizzly Management. When I used to go to Yellowstone, I saw grizzlies every night at the garbage dumps in the headlights, now I don't see any". That was his defense for dropping the Grizzly bear management portion of SF45.

The Grizzly bear portion of the bill was added back in on the floor, thanks to some savvy moves by the WYSA...that bill would have died, 100%, if not for their efforts.

So, you ask how it is that the fee increase bills died even with over-whelming Resident support? There it is, a teaparty agenda, a couple personal grudge matches with GF and the wrong people on the TRW committee.

One would think a guy of your age, with all your supposed knowledge, would be able to connect the most obvious of dots. Yet you seem incapable of doing anything but parroting what others know and tell you. Just like you will most likely do with what I just posted.

It may be worth considering, that some of the same Legislators will be voting on the 90/10 split. That bill, even though it doesn't reduce the GF budget by much, will be seen as a golden opportunity for people the likes of Halverson, Gay, and Piipiranen to take another shot at the GF budget.

You savvy that Mikey, or do I need to get out the crayons...???
I was going to say something sarcastic to you Buzz, but now I'm starting to feel sorry for you. You really can't help yourself.


Did you almost say something? Have any first hand information to add to the discussion of how and why the funding increases failed last session?

Didn't think so.

Carry on...
Mr Gruber, an optimist may take all that to say you don't always get your way. and not all WY residents are excited about the fee increases your plans will surely bring.

Thanks for the pep talk I think I'll send WHDF another donation.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-15 AT 01:08AM (MST)[p]I don't know about the rest of it, even though i've been buying points, i just don't know if i can even go outa state anymore so i'm a slow dog in that race, but, i do think that Buzz has Popgun down to the tick and i'm surprised more haven't seen it just the same as we have.
Thanks Buzz, heck of a Post!

edit: Topgun does go way out of his way to help guys, lots of guys, especially when asking questions in this particular Forum. For that, i do give him credit.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
TOPGUN is passionate about his opinions. BuzzH is condescending and arrogant. Like a lot of Gov't employees in high positions he enjoys talking down to the uneducated masses. He portrays himself like the Emporer Obama with his" know it all" attitude. Must of sucked for him when he was in school. I bet he got bullied (butt kicked) quite a bit with his narcissism.
>TOPGUN is passionate about his opinions.
>BuzzH is condescending and arrogant.
>Like a lot of Gov't
>employees in high positions he
>enjoys talking down to the
>uneducated masses. He portrays himself
>like the Emporer Obama with
>his" know it all" attitude.
>Must of sucked for him
>when he was in school.
>I bet he got bullied
>(butt kicked) quite a bit
>with his narcissism.

YBO- Guess when you can't refute the content, might as well attack the man. What was all that butt kickin' like that you got in school?
Not trying to refute the content. BTW, never ever got my arse kicked. Just curious, are you and BuzzH roomies?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-15 AT 09:49AM (MST)[p]Thank you for your eloquent response BuzzH! I took my crayons and scratched out all the BS and put downs you always come through with when talking to anyone and just filed the information away that was more than helpful in explaining the facts that I asked for. Very informative and I appreciate that!

PS To Joey: Thank you for your kind remarks about my helping others. I'll let everyone decide for themselves who they would prefer to read posts from and not feel that they just got talked down to by an egotistical Narcissist! I obviously have known for quite a length of time your view and it's not surprising, LOL!
The thing some of you residents seem to forget is you're not an elite class deserving of anything , all it takes to become a WY resident is a U-Haul truck. we're all americans and the land you hunt on belongs to every american. well, except for the private land but you hate those guys too.

You are taking away something we've paid on for 20 years because you feel entitled to it. you're not entitled to chit, you just have the political advantage on state matters. stop gloating and call it what it is.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-15 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]440,

Baldwin V. Montana, S.339, good places to start your education regarding the difference between Federal land management policy and State Wildlife resource policy.

You are obviously not capable of understanding the differences with your current lack of understanding of the policies and laws.
440 for just once lets make a road trip to WY and show this punk BuzzH that he is not as special as he obviously thinks he is. I'll pay for the gas and food and will take your Hummer. Hell, I'll buy all the Crown you can drink! I bet our better halves could whoop this wimps arse. Leaving after the game.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-15 AT 06:22PM (MST)[p]440,
Go ahead and keep donating to Wyoming Nonresident Hunter Defense Fund. They will need that money to lobby their future agendas. Like changing the special price nonres licenses from 40/60 to 60/40, and higher nonres fees, and higher PP fees, and what ever else they can come up with to make it more of a rich mans game. The richer the more likely he will hirer an outfitter.

When they push those bill you are not going to get any support or sympathy from the residents. Its kind of funny, first you are paying them to do them you get to pay the higher fees.
Buzz has to be a federal employee so we'd get in big trouble for that.

Buzz I didn't say you didn't have the legal right to manage game, I said the land they're on belongs to somebody in NY or me in OR just as much as it does you. if I didn't think you had the right to manage game you'd be seeing me in court not on this stupid forum.

That isn't where this runs or falls I only say it to bring you down off your high horse a foot or two . it's about money. everything is about money and you're pulling a Gruber here. we've covered this already.

Stay thirsty my friends
So what? I don't go to 99%er rallys in the park either. not everyone with money is bad.

Why do you think outfitters support pouring the pork to NR hunters? does it gain them anything to empty their potential clients pockets to buy a tag ?

Might it be to make the NR dollars more important to the state and keep quotas higher? they aren't trying to screw us, they're trying to keep you from doing excatly what you're trying to do anyway. by trying to buy you off.

They may not be the ally of my choice but they're the only one I have. I'll pay a little more if it gets me a tag before I'm 388 years old. make sense?

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-15 AT 07:52PM (MST)[p]I don't want Residents and youth hunters to wait 388 years to draw a tag either. Make sense?
Let us see... is this the same BuzzH that comes on here every year to tell the rest of us NR about all the tags he has in his pocket. Hmmm like two or three elk tags maybe 6 lope tags and only two deer tags. Along with all the "Friends" tags that out of the goodness of his heart he will help them shoot a six point bull from the road in maybe a two hour hunt. Looks like I'm not following you (Buzz) to well. Oh I forgot after the last lashing I got I was not supposed to say anything, because I am uneducated.

Looser DZ
Pretty funny guy, 440. You telling us residents we're not entitled to anything....especially not YOUR sheep tag, right???

You know...the one you're ENTITLED to?

All this bickering about who is entitled more...WAFJ.

You can't see the hypocrisy?? Really???

Get it right...I had 5 elk tags this year, filled them all.

What aren't you following?

Translator anyone?
E: Topgun...


I am just curious, but what do you and your wife do with all of the meat from the numerous animals you collectively harvest each year?


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