Too many elephants

I like it. Woolly Mammoths once roamed the entirety of Germany, and since they are so concerned about saving the world's "endangered" animals, it's the least they can do.

Rette die Elefanten!!!
I love this. You can just feel the disdain in his quotes. I love seeing these countries stick up for themselves. The power dynamic is certainly tilted away from them. There was another good one recently that someone shared with me:

Not the same topic of elephants, but these people are ready to do what all the west has done, and that’s utilize their resources to benefit their people and it’s probably time for the rest of us to stop telling them what is good for them. I’m all for protecting truly endangered species, and the elephant bans likely helped at one point, but it’s time for the west to start listening here instead of talking on these topics.
I love this. You can just feel the disdain in his quotes. I love seeing these countries stick up for themselves. The power dynamic is certainly tilted away from them. There was another good one recently that someone shared with me:

Not the same topic of elephants, but these people are ready to do what all the west has done, and that’s utilize their resources to benefit their people and it’s probably time for the rest of us to stop telling them what is good for them. I’m all for protecting truly endangered species, and the elephant bans likely helped at one point, but it’s time for the west to start listening here instead of talking on these topics.
Wow! I love this guy! Everyone should listen to this.
I was just over in Africa and they were telling me over 15K elephants need to be removed from Kruger park.
At least that many. Elephants have destroyed the habitat across a large portion of Kruger, which not only affects elephants but all other species that share the habitat with them. Still, Kruger is a wonderful place to tour and has excellent game viewing.
At least that many. Elephants have destroyed the habitat across a large portion of Kruger, which not only affects elephants but all other species that share the habitat with them. Still, Kruger is a wonderful place to tour and has excellent game viewing.
Based on a single trip to hunt South Africa, we spent three days in Kruger, with our PH. It was absolutely spectacular.

It was especially great because we paid extra for our PH to be tour guide, rather than a Park tour company.

For three days our PH took us into locations the local tours couldn’t or wouldn’t take their Park Buses. We spent 90% of our trip on two track roads, away from 99% of the other visitors. I was torn between which I enjoyed the most………. the hunting or trip to Kruger. The rest of our group said they felt the same way.

Anyone that has asked me about going to
Africa to hunt, since that experience I have told them enthusiastically, how much it will enhance their trip, if they arrange a trip to a wildlife Park.

One of the super benefits of going to Kruger……… PRIOR to going on your hunt is because you see hundreds of many of the same species you will be hunting soon. What that does do for you is it allows you to focus entirely on finding and shooting the animal tou’re after, so your not pestering your guide to stop every time you see a species that you’ve not seen before. Also, your better able to compare younger and less mature animals with the older larger animals. You’ve already got tons of pictures of everything you’re likely to see on your hunt. The only animal we saw while were hunting, that we hadn’t already seen, many times in the Park, was an Aardwolf.

Does that make sense?

I’ve never been to any other Park in Africa, but I’ve come to believe there are many similar to Kurger, that would provide a similar experience.

While you are already in the neighborhood, I would definitely take CAelknuts suggestion, especially if haven’t done it on a previous trip.

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