To The Ted Nugent Haters

Well there ya go once again, our main stream media brainwashing us as they always do!
Ted is a radical guy no denying that, but he's not stupid.
I'd put money on the line that there ain't many Hunters/Sportsmen on the face of the Earth that haven't bent a Rule/Law sometime in their day!

I will Exclude the MM Angels!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
Link won't work for me...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I wasn't a big fan of Ted. Now after listening to him. I'm a fan. He is standing up for hunters and gun rights.
I have to admit, I have not followed anything regarding Ted Nugent. I really barely know who he is. I'm thinking he used to be in a rock band and I knew he hunted a lot.

Anyway, it sounds to me like he loves to hunt and does his part. Obviously if he's the spokesman for sportsmen as he stated, then there is no doubt people are going to attack every move he makes. Especially the anti hunters.

I think even those in our crowd, sportsmen, are going to attack him. Some people think they are perfect, never made a mistake in their life and will pounce on anyone who makes a mistake.

I'll be the first to say, ya, it sounds like he broke a law in Alaska. He admitted that. But why do people rip into him? Who knows!! It's just the human race. There will always be those people out there. I think for some people, they bring themselves up by tearing other people down. Probably a mental issue.

Brian Latturner
>Tx_packmule. Ignorance is such a
>broad term would you mind
>clarifying. Thanks

Of the law, ultimately that's not on everyone else, it's on him. No judge is going to know every law, just flip to civil and ask one to explain all the tort laws on the books.
Thanks for the link. Before watching I wouldn't have been able to pick Ted out of a line up. I've just heard his name on MM.

After watching, I think he's Awesome!!!
Ted is a good guy and great defender of the second amendment and the rights of hunters. He defiantly is way out there on a lot of things but he means well. He made a mistake in Alaska he admitted it, but I believe it was an honest mistake.

Ted's every move is scrutinized by the antis and he takes a lot of heat for standing up for what he believes in. It is sad to see hunters and sportsman, the people he defends, take shots at him and add fuel to the antis fire. Now had he tried to use his connections and pull to get out of it that would be a different story, however that is not the case he took responsibility for it.

GO Ted thanks for all you do to support our freedoms and rights as Americans.
Trumped up charges that would have never been pursued if it hadnt been the Nuge.

Love the Nuge, no apologies.
He is an accomplished hunter an outdoorsman but I feel he does hunters more harm than good. He's one weird dude an his outlandish behavior on his show makes hunters look like nut jobs. I really don't want him as my representative for hunting.

In today's society image is everything an his image for hunters is bad IMO. Remember we hunters are in the minority if we come across as nuts by people like Uncle Ted we will end up fighting more legal battles to protect our hunting rights. I am normal when I talk about hunting with someone who is against it an use reasoning instead of acting like I'm on drugs. He wasn't even that good on the guitar I'm old enough to remember. I know virtually all will disagree with this but that's my opinion.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-12 AT 04:38PM (MST)[p]I had posted a similar message to this several days ago in another thread. I think the entire thread got nuked, however. So here it is again.

First, some background.

Before the Web came into existence, during the mid-1980s, my good friend/partner in Maryland and I ran a stable of outdoor-oriented forums under contract with what was then known as the Compuserve Information Service (CIS). At the time, we were the operators of the largest conglomerate of consumer forums around, with 14 separate ones. We continued to operate those forums into the late 1990s up to when AOL bougth up CIS.

One of the forums we had was a very popular Hunting one, and Nugent began hanging around and posting there. We eventually gave him his own message section for him and his "blood brothers" to use. That lasted until the Web became popular, and Nugent set up his own site.

Naturally, as the administrator of the forum, I often exchanged messages with him and eventually talked about doing an interview when he came to Phoenix. To that end I provided my phone #.

So one morning at 6:30 I'm sitting at my desk, and the phone rings. It's Nugent calling from a limo on his way to some airport in Connecticut.

Long story, short: he's coming to Phoenix for a concert. He leaves me two tickets at will-call and orders for his daughter, Sasha, to take me to his dressing room before the show. The column tacked on the bottom of this is the result of that interview. I wrote it about 15 years ago.

So since that time, we have sort of kept in contact occasionally, especially when our mutual friend Jim Zumbo, got himself in some hot water a few years back.

I don't go as far as calling Ted a good friend; he's more like an acquaintance, so to speak. AND...I'm also not a big fan of his in-your-face approach, but read the column and consider what he says in the bold type.


Copyright by Tony Mandile


The stage was set -- literally.

A few friends and I had just sat through more than hour of throbbing rock music put forth by the English group known as Bad Company. For an old dude like me with a taste for Barbra Streisand or Whitney Houston, sitting there on the grass of the Desert Sky Pavilion in Phoenix and listening to hard rock amounted to an anomaly. In this case, my real motive for bearing it had little to do with the music.

The stage curtains had been closed for 15 minutes or so after Bad Company's performance. Now the only sound was the combined buzz from several thousand spectators melting into one indistinguishable voice. I could handle the noise from the murmuring crowd quite easily because it didn't vibrate my insides and produce a decibel level to push the needle off the scale. The welcome change from Bad Company suddenly ended, though

The huge speakers came alive again with the raucous beat of drums and high-pitch twangs of electric guitars. As the curtains parted, a stage filled with smoke appeared amid banks of multi- colored, rapidly blinking spotlights. The rising, ever shifting smoke, tinted by multi-colored lights, provided a constantly changing surrealistic scene. Then from the stage's dark recesses sprang the man known as the Motor City Madman.

The Madman's long hair, reaching well below his wide shoulders, bounced around to the beat of his body contortions. The din from the amplified drums and guitars grew louder and louder now, though not quite loud enough to drown out the welcoming cheers from the crowd when it recognized the words of Cat Scratch Fever, the Madman's trademark song. Minutes later, Ted Nugent stepped to the microphone, and in a rapidly paced, jivey way, told everyone how glad he was to be with his bloodbrothers.

I sat mesmerized, knowing I had just witnessed a metamorphosis of sorts, a Clark Kent trip into a phone booth, so to speak.

Two hours earlier, I had spent a 1/2-hr. talking one-on-one to the 46-yr.-old Nugent in the quiet of his dressing room. He wore jeans, a sleeveless camo shirt and a camo baseball hat. His long, flowing hair, confined into a ponytail by a rubber band, remained relatively still as we discussed hunting, the animal-rights crowd and the battle to save our 2nd Amendment rights. In fact, the chat with Nugent seemed no different than one I would have with my next-door neighbor. But now, as I watched the transformation from hunter, father and outspoken critic of those who endanger America's hunting and shooting traditions, I got the feeling I was seeing someone else. I again visited with Nugent backstage after the show and mentioned my astonishment at the ease he switched personalities.

Nugent laughed. "It's like a welder who comes home, takes a shower and puts on a suit and tie. He's no longer a welder once he punches out from his job and dresses in a different costume. When I'm on stage, I'm a rock star -- the Motor City Madman, if you will."

Although Nugent can adopt the persona of two different people, his view of life is always the same. Most importantly, he eschews the misuse of drugs and booze. It's a potent message coming from a rocker who has been in the business for 30 years. He also has a devout love for the outdoors and a well-honed understanding of wildlife and the environment. Most importantly, Nugent defends hunting and firearms with a zeal few can match. He isn't afraid to make his views known, regardless of his audience and whether it agrees with him or not.

I asked Nugent if he didn't often let this enthusiasm go too far, especially when it comes to some of his most outrageous comments or his dialogue that's often laced with four-letter words.

"There's a reason for it. When I'm outrageous and crass, it creates controversy, and that controversy focuses attention on me. In the last two days, I've been interviewed on six radio and two TV stations in LA and here. You don't see the NRA or hunting organizations getting that kind of airtime. Yet in every case, I was able to get the word out. No matter what words I use, though, no one can ever accuse me of speaking an untruth and not saying something from the heart, stuff I truly believe in. The important thing is people hear what I have to say. And as Ted Nugent, the rocker, I reach an audience that no one else can -- the youth of this country. To do that, I need to speak their language.

"When I defend hunting, I do it because I know it's a wholesome activity. When I speak against the animal-rights whackos, I do it because their beliefs are garbage and have no factual basis in reality. They are the extreme fringe. No free-thinking, intelligent person should accept what they say without researching the facts for themselves.

Nugent gets his word out in other ways, too. Several years ago he formed Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters (soon to be Ted Nugent's American Bloodbrothers). Along with his lovely wife, Shemane, he publishes Ted Nugent Adventure Outdoors, a full-color, straight-hitting magazine. But one of the efforts Nugent is more proud of than anything is his Kamp For Kids program.

Held twice each summer, the "Kamp" is aimed at getting kids off the streets and into the woods. As Nugent puts it, "We want to get them where they belong. The main emphasis is to teach kids about the environment and bowhunting. In doing this, we hope to protect the future of both bowhunting and the youth of America. "

Nugent's admiration for the legendary bowhunter Fred Bear is hard not to notice. After Bear's death, Nugent wrote the song, "Fred Bear." He now refers to it as the American Hunter's Theme Song. Though it rocks and rolls like most of the Motor City Madman's music, the message it conveys is pure and unadulterated; Nugent thought much of the man and what he stood for. And when Nugent changes from the camo of a bowhunter to the gaudy trappings of the rock start and sings "Fred Bear" on-stage, the audience still gets that message loud and clear. And the Madman's Spirit of the Wild is alive.

Of course, some of us older folks just wish it wasn't quite so loud.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
very interesting clip....puts alot of things in perspective....if i didnt like Ted before, i do now... thanks for the post Justin

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
The Nuge ain't a Bad ole boy!

He get's more wound up over a PISSCUTTER than He should!

I always wondered what He'd do if He harvested a decent animal?

I'm sure He's took his share!

But most of the Shows I've seen him in,he was shootin PISSCUTTERS & Does!

Baitin a WhiteTail? Na,nobody would do that!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
Tony/ Outdoorwriter
So correct me if I'm wrong as I did not go back and look at the other topics again before I decided to ask you this question.
When I first seen your older post about Ted I was thinking to my self what's this guy know about Ted that the rest of us don't or is he just posting the latest hot of the press info.
Now after reading your last post and seeing that you did know Ted but you really don't actively defend him or call him your friend do you like him or were you trying to add to the bad press?

Justin Richins
R&K Hunting Company Inc.
Nicely written article an I agree with the part that he can have more media access than the NRA or any other hunting organization. I also agree that attacking the anti-hunting warm fuzzy animal groups an debunking their B.S. is generally a good idea however the methods take away from the message he has. Its also a lot about him and not as much about the defense of hunting. Thanks for posting your article about Nugent I think I read it before I just don't no where.
Is this the Ted Nugent that has multiple Fish and Game violations and not just the recent one in Alaska?

Are we still talking about draft-dodger Ted?

The same Ted that wouldn't pay child support?

Ted, the guy that impregnated a few ladies other than his wife?

The Ted that will die or be in jail if Barry is elected again?

Deadbeat dad Ted??
huntinco its not worht the effort, some of the guys on here are just plain perfect and have never had a speeding ticket let alone sped, they have never ever ever ever broke the law intentionally or unintentionally. they are perfect. zig is one of them. the guy is so amazingly perfect its obvious that the 2nd coming has already happened. hail messiah zigga.

its funny to me that ted can get on admit he messed up be man enough to admit it, yet he is horible because he messed up. everyone makes mistakes. I agree he obviosly should have known the rules but even then its pretty hard with all the rules. there are so many nonsense rules out there how is it possible to keep them all straight. i have made honest mistakes a couple of times in my days. ones that i absolutely was oblivious to and i usually try to be honest and legit on everything read rules books etc.... but i mis read or mis understood a few things a time or two and i was wrong no way around it but it didnt make me a bad person it was an honest mistake

now teds problem is he has the spotlight on him 24/7 and many people hate him and try to get him on anything they can.

i dont care to watch teds hunting show because he shoots dinks and does, but he loves it and i respect him for it, he truly loves to hunt. i think he calls him self the backstrap assassin pretty comical to me. but anyway the guy seems like he tries to do the right thing, but when you are on the wrong side of the media its hard to be portrayed as doing the right things, only the bad things are brought up by the liberal media if your not a liberal huh zigga.
He got put on the wrong side of the media by his mouth. Nobody forced him to be Ted. You do all the stupid sht he's done and I'll bet you'll get there too.

He shoots exotic fenced in animals for God's sake. Some people call them "livestock". He's not a hunter. He has no business speaking for me as a hunter and a gun owner. If I can get his address I'll start sending him money to STFU!!!


You're fired!
>He got put on the wrong
>side of the media by
>his mouth. Nobody forced
>him to be Ted.
>You do all the stupid
>sht he's done and I'll
>bet you'll get there too.
>He shoots exotic fenced in animals
>for God's sake. Some
>people call them "livestock".
>He's not a hunter.
>He has no business speaking
>for me as a hunter
>and a gun owner.
>If I can get his
>address I'll start sending him
>money to STFU!!!
>You're fired!

i can agree with you on the high fence BS i think thats pretty lame. Ill give ya that one! but that still doesnt make him bad. But i must say your a bit hypocritical. Your favorite politician obama has way more bs against him and since he is liberal he gets away with it. and you know it!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-12 AT 08:42AM (MST)[p]Zigga, how do you sleep at night with that big head of yours? you show yourself as a child everytime you post...if nothing else view the link and listen to his side of the story...

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
+1 Theox.

I think one only read Founders post to figure out what Zigga's problem is, I think it was in his last line.

Take a look at some of the Kennedy bloodline and you will see how REAL dirtbags act and how little negative press it gets and how celebrity can wash them clean. Or some of Hollywoods finest or pro sports. Come on Zigga I called you on Obummer in the other post and now Theox is calling you on it here and you have nothing, he is the spokesman and representative of our ENTIRE COUNTRY and acts like a fool, no wonder you like him.


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've
stood up for something, sometime in your life.

- Winston Churchill
It seems to me that hunters and gun people have no choice but to be represented by nut jobs like Ted. Worse yet the gun shows blowing up crap at the shows end. That is how the common gun owner is being compared.
>It seems to me that hunters
>and gun people have no
>choice but to be represented
>by nut jobs like Ted.
>Worse yet the gun shows
>blowing up crap at the
>shows end. That is how
>the common gun owner is
>being compared.

What side of the fence are you on? Here in CA. we have law makers taking our gun right's away one peice at a time.
Zigga, you have to be kidding??? Nobody is that stupid...Are you? Oh wait, I forgot your a liberal!!! My mistake. Go Ted...If your a nut job so am I!! Some of you piss ants need to take up knitting and stop pretending to be hunters.

Thanks huntco and THANK YOU TED NUGENT!!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
While Ted might be a little extreme, we need people like that to counteract the people that are that extreme in the opposite direction so we can land somewhere in the middle where normal people are.

Ted is a good guy and a good thing for Hunters/gun owners.

We need level headed people to counteract the other extreme nutjobs, not other extremists. You guys complain about other liberal freaks as if I support them for supporting my gun rights and hunting. Huh?? We can't even have a conversation that makes sense because too many of you live in RWJ land. We simply need to shut Ted up and support someone like Jim Shockey for example to speak up for gun rights and hunting if we think we need it. Ted is doing us no favors believe me.

I read the latest violation he received in Alaska and it is weak, but it's the law. I am having a problem with his California violations, deadbeat dad issues, draft dodging etc. He is not the right guy to speak up for us so let's not pretend to support him.
From Nugent's Web site:

Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse
by Ted Nugent

Not a day goes by where an American outdoorsman doesn't confide in me that due to the increasingly complex, illogical hunting and fishing regulations across the nation, that it would not surprise them that they have unintentionally violated a game law at some point in time. Other outdoorsmen routinely express their frustration about regulations that serve no purpose and cannot possibly be explained in terms of wildlife management.

America is increasingly drowning in just such strange, goofy regulations and requirements. As logic crusader John Stossel recently exposed, our federal government releases roughly 80,000 pages of new regulations each year?confusing, ambiguous, weird illogical regulations that serve no meaningful purpose other than to feebly attempt to justify bureaucracies already off the rails. It's way past bizarre.

The "you don't need to read it, you just need to sign it" health care bill argued before the Supreme Court was almost 2,000 pages long of extraordinarily complex rules and regulations. Sarcastically, Supreme Court Justice Scalia stated that reading the bill was a violation of the 8th Amendment's cruel and unusual punishment clause.

Regrettably, state hunting regulations have also been ravaged by the over-regulation beast. In Alaska, the hunting regulation book is 128 pages long. The Alaska trapping regulation is 48 pages.

Alaska is not alone. Numerous other states have seen incredible expansion of their hunting regulations over the past few decades. In Texas, the summary of hunting and fishing regulations is 85 pages. The hunting regulations in California are roughly 140 pages long.

Even with an increasing mountain of often confusing and complex hunting and fishing regulations to abide by, sportsmen have a legal and ethical obligation to know and abide by these regulations, no matter how goofy they may be. I have said this for decades and will continue to do so as we fight to make them sensible.

I have hunted in Alaska for almost 40 years. It is a spectacular, beautiful place that offers incredible big and small game hunting cherished by sporters from around the globe.

In 2009, I returned again with my sons to Alaska to hunt black bear. What I was unaware of is that the specific region where I hunted had a new and unprecedented requirement that a bear hunting tag was considered to be "filled" even with a non-lethal hit on the animal. For sixty years, every "tag" regulation in every state and Canadian province has declared that you tag the animal upon taking possession of the animal.

The first arrow I shot on that hunt was obviously a non-lethal shot where the arrow literally glanced off the animal's rib, as seen clearly on stop action video. The bear leapt, stopped, looked around, and slowly ambled off, confused but unhurt by the disruption. After diligent effort by my son and me, we were convinced that this bear was alive and well. We then continued our hunt and ultimately killed a beautiful black bear.

I filmed the entire hunt including the first non-lethal arrow and put it on my television program Spirit of the Wild on Outdoor Channel for tens of millions of viewers to witness. Airing the hunt on television proves beyond all doubt that I had no willful intention to violate any hunting regulation.

Was I negligent in not knowing the Alaska bear hunting rule for the specific region I hunted that year? Absolutely. For my negligence, I have been charged with a violation and I pled guilty. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only person ever charged with violating this new, unheard of law. Lifetime AK hunters, guides, outfitters, even the resident judge at my hearing were unaware of such an unprecedented regulation.

While I disagree with Alaska?s requirement that a tag is considered to be "filled" even on a non-lethal hit, that was the requirement at the time of my hunt. Had I known of that requirement, I would not have hunted that region because I fundamentally disagree with it, and I certainly would not have hunted another bear.

I have promoted the grand, honorable hunting lifestyle all of my life and will continue to do so. Hunting, fishing and trapping are the epitome of true conservation.

What I also pledge to American outdoorsmen is to work to repeal onerous, unscientific, counterproductive rules and regulations that make no sense such as the seven states where hunting is banned on Sunday, making 50% of the season illegal for the average hunting families in those states. Idiotic laws such as these are a hindrance to real conservation and the critical need for recruiting new hunters. Such arbitrary laws serve no scientific purpose that benefits the management of wildlife value whatsoever.

The outdoor lifestyle cannot be preserved for future generations of sportsmen by constructing such a labyrinth of confusing, unscientific and oftentimes counterproductive regulations and rules. Reversing this trend is my focus.

While I have never intentionally violated a hunting regulation, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and I am truly sorry, and have paid dearly. There is even less of an excuse for ignorant laws.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
>"I still believe ignorance is no
>excuse. "

Yes, but he took his medicine like a man. The point is he never would have been prosecuted if he were not Ted Nugent and an outspoken opponent of Obama and liberals. The outfitters didn't know, the other hunters didn't know, the JUDGE didn't know. Curious to know the last time this law was pulled out and used. Anyone have a way to find out?

And Alaska (known for stringent enforcement of their game protection laws) didn't go after him, the feds did.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
He took it like a man and is trying to justify his actions. You and I both know (especially living in the privatized state) that you better know the rules on a place before hunting. We have WMAs with different regs than NFs & state land & every landowner can write in their own rules. Part of hunting out of state is being sure to dot all your I(s) and cross all your T(s) because most folks already dont like you being there.

The whole, " I wouldn't have aired it" excuse doesn't hold water after Cali.
Good point txhunter58. As strict as Alaska is on their hunting and fishing, they arent even the ones attacking Ted. Weird huh?

I would take him to stand by my side in conflict or battle long before most of the folks on this site. Except maybe Zigga! He may be handy when the heat is on, huh?

Attention ethics police: I have been sent here to
destroy you!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-12 AT 08:31PM (MST)[p]
Interesting how some here talk a big game about respecting the rule of law but are quick to defend poachers and law breakers.

>AT 06:41?PM (MST)

>Interesting how some talk a big
>game about protecting the rule
>of law but are quick
>to defend poachers and law

It depends on who these people are voting for. Welcome to RWJ land.
If this were happening to Don Peay how would folks view it.


Tx_packmule used the word IF, not accusing or tying Mr. Don Peay to any game law violations nor is the post intended to make any false allegations of the sort.
That bow shot on that bear was cool, nice big bear too.If your the NUGE you should probably hire a lawyer to look at and know all the regs.Heck thats a rule I might have even broke myself in that part of Alaska.First time Ive heard of it,and Im kind of a reg buff. BH1
"Interesting how some here talk a big game about respecting the rule of law but are quick to defend poachers and law breakers"

Taking one current example, the guys who were standing in the road shooting KNEW they were breaking the law before the law showed up. I suspect you would have trusted the outfitters to know about any obscure laws you had to watch out for. I sure would have.

And again, Alaska didn't charge him with any violations. The feds charged him with bringing illegal animals across national/state lines. So Alaska let him go, but Obamas guys didn't??

Of course I always count fish that got away toward my limit.......


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>"Interesting how some here talk a
>big game about respecting the
>rule of law but are
>quick to defend poachers and
>law breakers"
>Taking one current example, the guys
>who were standing in the
>road shooting KNEW they were
>breaking the law before the
>law showed up. I
>suspect you would have trusted
>the outfitters to know about
>any obscure laws you had
>to watch out for.
>I sure would have.
>And again, Alaska didn't charge him
>with any violations. The
>feds charged him with bringing
>illegal animals across national/state lines.
>So Alaska let him go,
>but Obamas guys didn't??
>Of course I always count fish
>that got away toward my
>venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore
>I am)

Only in rwj land can we compare fishing poles with arrows that launch razor sharp broadheads traveling at 300 fps. Those damn "Obama guys" are either bustin nutjob rightwing rockers or hiring Columbian hookers.
While I genuinely like Ted, he should have known this law. I realize he likely has more on his plate than I do, but I've hunted bears in the same area, pre-2009 and knew the law. I appreciate him stepping up and acknowledging that he made a mistake, but he shouldn't have to rationalize his way out of it. This isn't a mystery law. Now, I've made mistakes too and I'm not judging him, he should just say that he messed up, didn't know the law and that's it. Not try to pin it on the judge, residents, etc - who also didn't know the law, because they likely did.

Everyone makes mistakes. I will be the first to say that I've unknowingly done a few wrong things in my life.

Ted is in the spotlight, he uses it to get the voice of conservation and hunting heard where it otherwise wouldn't. When he calms down and isn't over the top, Ted is a very knowledgeable and good presenter. We see that side of him in this interview with Glenn Beck. I hope he continues to be a positive voice.
Well said wymoose. This once again proves that all good comments come from Wyoming.

The only part I disagree with is I wish Ted would "start" being a positive voice. I think he has gone too far to the goofy side. He has become a cartoon character to gain attention. This seems to happen with many in the spotlight. In order to get media attention they have to be over the top. We need serious voices in order to get positive attention. I am afraid Ted is viewed as the crazy uncle at Thanksgiving dinner. He puts on a good show but no one takes him seriously.

Yea, uncle teds mannerisms are nutty, but not one thing he said in that segment was nutty. When were dealing with the far left nut jobs that want to take away our freedoms, anything less than straight forward talk does not seem to penatrate. He's got the right message, he just needs to work on the delivery.

A buddy of mine always says, When your out hunting it's not the lions, bears, or even the dark you need to be afraid of, it's the fish and game.I always obey the law, but every time I encounter law enforcement, I can't help but wonder if I may have inadvertently missed something.

I would agree with you 100% if Alaska had charged him instead of the Feds.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
That opens a whole different can of worms. This should be up to the state. Bear management is in the State's control. I don't believe there were any federal restrictions in place for that species in that area, so it should have been left at the state level.

If it was just him it would be one thing, but the Feds are really tightening up on things in our area and conducting their own stings & investigations. it's not a good time to do something wrong when you're away from home.
wymoose---It doesn't matter that AK didn't prosecute under their law. All it takes for the Feds to get involved under the Lacey Act is for them to be able to prove that an animal or parts of an animal taken illegaly in one state was transported across state lines. It was pretty simple to do that when the hunt up there was on Ted's show showing he hit the first bear and then killed the one he took back with a tag that was no longer valid under AK law for the unit he hunted. It sucks, but with him being so outspoken on things concerning the antis and Libs it bit him in the azz again, just like it did on those CA charges he pled down to a couple years ago.
It's hard to believe hardly anybody knew about the wound law. How many lame outfitters are in that area???? So what if some judge was unaware, judges routinely pawn off cases that come before them concerning animals, they're there to "serve the people" not animals. I bet Theodre about crapped his pants when the feds showed up. Be interesting to see what this message is going to be that he has to put in his show.

I guess I could see where someone could have never heard of Theodore, he hasn't had a good album out since free for all.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-12 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]A point of clarification:

From the original news release:

"Nugent, who signed the document April 14, also agreed to pay the state $600 for the bear that was taken illegally, according to the agreement. He would still need to enter the plea in court and have the plea be approved by a judge."

The federal case against Nugent ended with a PLEA AGREEMENT. i.e he pleaded guilty to the Lacey Act violation. Obviously if he has to do what is stated above, AK also cited him. The $600 paid to the STATE as value for the "illegal" bear was part of the federal plea agreement and takes care of the state charge against him.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
That's generally the way things work, the state isn't going to use its resources when the Feds are going to do it for them. You will rarely see the Feds not issue restitution back to the state........ you also rarely see someone who doesn't get hit with revocation of hunting privileges for 1-3 yrs. There's usually a little more leniency on maintaining hunting privileges when guides or outfitters are involved and the clients honestly don't know what they're doing is wrong (Ex: KS outfitter dropping clients off on land they have no legal right to hunt)
"The federal case against Nugent ended with a PLEA AGREEMENT. i.e he pleaded guilty to the Lacey Act violation. Obviously if he has to do what is stated above, AK also cited him. The $600 paid to the STATE as value for the "illegal" bear was part of the federal plea agreement and takes care of the state charge against him."

Tony---I'd be very careful, especially knowing that you're an accomplished outdoor writer, when you make a statement that it's obvious AK cited him and that's why he's paying that $600 restitution fee to them! FYI, the Feds can stipulate stuff like that and have it agreed to WITHOUT the state entering into it whatsover. It's bascially considered a donation to the AK F&G Dept., even though they call it restitution under the Federal agreement like they would have if AK had cited him. I dealt with State and some Federal cases for over 30 years in my career and believe you should have researched and verified what you stated before you made that post! I'm sure you're aware of libel and slander in your profession.
Look I have hunted Prince of Wales island and so has my brother and my dad.


I am not a Ted hater but in this case he is full of Chit!! There is a lot of oportunity to take a bear there because of all the access roads from foresting activity. You can't drive on them all, or many of them really, but it sure makes hiking easier in those hell-a-steep mountains and there are a lot of bears.

The law was put in place A LONG time ago, and for right reason. Know your shot. If you wanted to you could go out and kill 3 - 4 bears in a week there, especially if you don't take time to make sure of your shot. The bear will dissappear under the scrub brush very quickly if wounded, and you will not find it.
>Look I have hunted Prince of
>Wales island and so has
>my brother and my dad.
>I am not a Ted hater
>but in this case he
>is full of Chit!!
>There is a lot of
>oportunity to take a bear
>there because of all the
>access roads from foresting activity.
> You can't drive on
>them all, or many of
>them really, but it sure
>makes hiking easier in those
>hell-a-steep mountains and there are
>a lot of bears.
>The law was put in place
>A LONG time ago, and
>for right reason. Know
>your shot. If you
>wanted to you could go
>out and kill 3 -
>4 bears in a week
>there, especially if you don't
>take time to make sure
>of your shot. The
>bear will dissappear under the
>scrub brush very quickly if
>wounded, and you will not
>find it.

This gets better and better.
From Nugent himself:

"Was I negligent in not knowing the Alaska bear hunting rule for the specific region I hunted that year? Absolutely. For my negligence, I have been charged with a violation and I pled guilty. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only person ever charged with violating this new, unheard of law. Lifetime AK hunters, guides, outfitters, even the resident judge at my hearing were unaware of such an unprecedented regulation.

Note: the Lacey Act viloation was a result of "transporting the illegal kill" due to the above charge.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON May-01-12 AT 03:23PM (MST)[p]Tony---That is just the way Nugent is explaining the situation. He was only charged with and agreed to the indictment of violating the Lacey Act for bringing back the second bear that he shouldn't have shot and tagged based on AK rules for that unit. I have done a search and there have been NO charges filed against him by the State of Alaska. At the 3:30 mark in the Glenn Beck interview he actually states that the State of Alaska DID NOT go after him! The way it was done he doesn't lose his hunting rights anywhere but AK for the one year agreed to in the Federal case because the Wildlife Violator Compact does not come into play under his plea bargain with the Feds. I'm pretty sure that if it couldn't have been worked out the way they did it that Nugent would have probably done more to fight it, rather than just agreeing to paying the $10K to the Feds and $600 through the Feds to AK. If you can find anything that says different, please do so to prove me incorrect, but I don't think you will. Thanks!
All that is fine accept for the fact that Ted and the boys hunted there in 2001, 2005, and 2009. Guess it is their little 4 year tradtion.

All the people in Craig, population 500 or so, KNOW when he is in town. My knowledge of the law cam from the 3 different taxidermists who have to tag your bear out with a transportation tag so you can send it.

Again, Ted is lying through his teeth, cause those taxi's all make sure you know where to find them, and they make sure you know about that law!!
Clean up your act Ted, for all of our sake.

Ted has backed off of his comments in the Glen Beck TV interview referencing the "fine print" and a law no one has heard of. The law is highlighted in the Alaska fine print there. All of the guides and most everyone who hunts knows that rule.

That TV thing was just a bunch of whining and he needs to clean up his act if he is going to represent sportsmen. Ted has pushed it, does whatever the heck he wants and counts on his celebrity status to bail him out.

He has to understand that his huge ego and outspoken comments put a huge bullseye on his back. It will be interesting to see if he lets his ego wreck him. He is playing politics now and thats one heck of a dirty business.

Even knowing more than what the papers say, I'm still a bit of a fan but thats how it goes with Ted.
Actually Brian he has done a lot of hunts with kids who have life threatening illnesses. Not every one who does that throws it out there as a badge of honor but you can't fault him too much for that. A lot of other things, maybe, but not that...... Terry
Ive been lurking in this forum for over a year,never in that time have I seen a more disturbing thing.You so called sportsmen that are standing up for this tool ought to be ashamed,its like the pitbull debate,the proof is out there,if you choose not to believe it you just as big a tool as nugent....
> Clean up your act
>Ted, for all of our
>Ted has backed off of his
>comments in the Glen Beck
>TV interview referencing the "fine
>print" and a law no
>one has heard of. The
>law is highlighted in the
>Alaska fine print there.
>All of the guides and
>most everyone who hunts knows
>that rule.
> That TV thing was just
>a bunch of whining and
>he needs to clean up
>his act if he is
>going to represent sportsmen. Ted
>has pushed it, does whatever
>the heck he wants and
>counts on his celebrity status
>to bail him out.
>He has to understand that his
>huge ego and outspoken comments
>put a huge bullseye on
>his back. It will be
>interesting to see if he
>lets his ego wreck him.
>He is playing politics now
>and thats one heck of
>a dirty business.
>Even knowing more than what the
>papers say, I'm still a
>bit of a fan but
>thats how it goes with

A statement like this is not worth anything without a reputable sourse.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
You can verify with any reputable source you choose...

Hows this photo of the AK hunting regs as a source- doesn't look like fine print to me.
> You can verify with any
>reputable source you choose...
>Hows this photo of the AK
>hunting regs as a source-
>doesn't look like fine print
>to me.

Photo not posting from my computer but you can see it here

>Actually Brian he has done a
>lot of hunts with kids
>who have life threatening illnesses.
>Not every one who does
>that throws it out there
>as a badge of honor
>but you can't fault him
>too much for that. A
>lot of other things, maybe,
>but not that...... Terry

You can't always assume people are doing things like that out of the kindness of their hearts; it's one heckuva tax write-off for someone needing to get rid of some money and improve their image. Of course I would hope that wouldn't be the sole purpose for anyone with a soul.
LAST EDITED ON May-04-12 AT 06:43PM (MST)[p]Thanks for posting. Sure doesn't look like fine print to me.

Also, can someone tell me if the video of the bear being shot in that interview is the bear that got away? They never said which bear that was. In my mind that makes a difference too. It was obvious that the bear was hit with a lethal arrow and the ethical thing to do would have been to count that as your quota even if it wasn't in the regs, assuming that is the bear that "got away".


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
txhunter58---If you had watched the show of his a couple years ago you would know that the bear in the Beck interview was the bear he centerpunched and tagged. It was taken off the show he did on the Outdoor Channel. If you stop the video, you can see the arrow on the ground as the bear turns to go left out of the range of the camera. The first bear he shot at was barely nicked across the top if it's back and that's why he kept hunting and took the bear on the video back across state lines and got nailed since technically the tag he used was no longer valid in that unit. I have no idea if what he stated about not knowing the rule was true or a lie, but as 264 mag stated, he pled guilty, paid his fine, and the case is closed!
I wish more americans were as proud of what they believed in and willing to stand up for it like uncle Ted! I may not always agree 100 percent with Ted but I think his heart is in the right place...

Also you wear a bullseye on your back as big as uncle Ted's and go hunting in as many states as Ted with the camera on 24/7 I bet most of you would trip up somewhere too. As many rules and regulations as we have today in hunting... getting off the couch is a violation in some people's eye's.
+1 wolfhunter! Ted is brash, but I've said many times I still want him on my side, although I wish he would tone it down a little. The CBS video didn't help him when he went bananas.
LAST EDITED ON May-04-12 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]You have to admire what Ted has accomplished in his life. There are some who would blindly follow a celebrity with strong personality like Ted. And some would be just plain jealous.

I think what bothers me most is that, it wasn't over. He didn't take his medicine. Instead he whined to sympathetic ears sort of making up excuses as he went along.

Teds TV interview reminds me of a girl I went to high school with. She was in 3 car accidents in 4 months and went around saying she was a good driver since none of the accidents was ruled her fault.

Ted displays the same pattern. He does whatever the heck he wants cuz, "GD it, I'm Ted Nugent!" and when his mistakes start piling up the excuses come out.

Big time celebrities get away with so much more than the avg guy- thats a given. But if Ted wants to go around proclaiming himself -insert proclamation here, too many to mention-he puts the spotlight on himself- screw ups and all.

This is a make or break for him. He has a golden opportunity here to reign in his ego. All of us can only shoot one bear/deer/ whatever and be happy, why can't Ted?

Call this post an intervention- meant to help a man who- I truly believe, has a heart of gold. I hope he finds his inner calm. Its there if he stops to listen- but you cannot hear it if you are always talking, cannot appreciate wildlife if you are always shooting. You CAN'T just go around doing whatever the heck you want- but thats OK, find the peace in that. Best wishes to you Ted.
I justed watched the other link Brian posted and I actualy laughted. That's who he is and he connects to a lot of people for being this way & showing up as himself 100% of the time.. I fully accept Ted for being Ted and will take his strengths on the battle field againt the anti groups or in hunting camp any day.

Justin Richins
R&K Hunting Company Inc.
"I fully accept Ted for being Ted and will take his strengths on the battle field againt the anti groups or in hunting camp any day."

You can have him. Can I get you some duct tape and an old sock??
>"I fully accept Ted for being
>Ted and will take his
>strengths on the battle field
>againt the anti groups or
>in hunting camp any day."
>You can have him. Can
>I get you some duct
>tape and an old sock??
Zigzag you got Pelosi and Barney Frank,I'll take Ted
The guy was just convicted of his second poaching charge in a couple years and your willing to make excuses for him?He makes all gun owners look like raving maniacs and you back him up?Goes to show that many of todays "hunters" and gun owners really are a bunch of morons and an internet forum is the perfect place for them to gather and make the rest of us look bad....
I guess that's why where in the mess we are today because a lot of people can't think for themselves.
halibut---You may want to take 264 mag's advice and start thinking for yourself! Ted has never been charged with poaching. The California charge he pled to, I believe, was not properly signing his license/tag. He originally was charged with hunting over bait and shooting an illegal spike, both I believe, were dropped for lack of enough evidence or some such thing. This latest charge was not a felony, so he can still possess firearms.
The fact that he was allowed to plead to lesser charges is his right under the law, but the fact still remains that he poached a spike over bait in CA and took a 2nd bear illegally in AK. That's not the kind of spokesman you want to have on behalf of hunters and wildlife.

Halibut said, "The guy was just convicted of his second poaching charge in a couple years and your willing to make excuses for him?He makes all gun owners look like raving maniacs and you back him up?Goes to show that many of todays "hunters" and gun owners really are a bunch of morons and an internet forum is the perfect place for them to gather and make the rest of us look bad...."

I believe there is a lot of truth in what he says here!

I'm your average redneck gun toting country boy from way back, never been accused of being perfect in my hunting ethics, and years ago, may even have broken a law or two while in pursuit of a special buck. I grew up though. long ago I realized that the laws are in place to protect the wildlife that is vanishing as i type this. I'm still not perfect but i respect the game laws in the states that i hunt!

Ted came to Cali, shot three deer over bait on one TV show and one of them was clearly a spike. I read later where he accused the Cali Regs, that he eventually plead down on, of being stupid and trivial. Well, we have to follow those laws and so should he.

Ted lost me as a fan and i'd as soon see somebody else be the mouth piece in trying to protect our heritage. Ted has his right to speak and say as he pleases. I to have a right to not follow blindly or even listen to a thing this ego inflated Poacher has to say.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
sage---Just asking this of you and I don't want to get into a big argument. Why, if all the law enforcement epeople are out to get Ted, did they not bust him on all the stuff you mention he allegedly did in CA, when they let him plead to not signing his tag properly, which I believe was the final charge. I will say he's getting way too much for me, but I'm still finding it hard to drop him completely because at least he's in favor of our rights instead of being an anti!
>Halibut said, "The guy was just
>convicted of his second poaching
>charge in a couple years
>and your willing to make
>excuses for him?He makes all
>gun owners look like raving
>maniacs and you back him
>up?Goes to show that many
>of todays "hunters" and gun
>owners really are a bunch
>of morons and an internet
>forum is the perfect place
>for them to gather and
>make the rest of us
>look bad...."
>I believe there is a lot
>of truth in what he
>says here!
>I'm your average redneck gun toting
>country boy from way back,
>never been accused of being
>perfect in my hunting ethics,
>and years ago, may even
>have broken a law or
>two while in pursuit of
>a special buck. I grew
>up though. long ago I
>realized that the laws are
>in place to protect the
>wildlife that is vanishing as
>i type this. I'm still
>not perfect but i respect
>the game laws in the
>states that i hunt!
>Ted came to Cali, shot three
>deer over bait on one
>TV show and one of
>them was clearly a spike.
>I read later where he
>accused the Cali Regs, that
>he eventually plead down on,
>of being stupid and trivial.
>Well, we have to follow
>those laws and so should
>Ted lost me as a fan
>and i'd as soon see
>somebody else be the mouth
>piece in trying to protect
>our heritage. Ted has his
>right to speak and say
>as he pleases. I to
>have a right to not
>follow blindly or even listen
>to a thing this ego
>inflated Poacher has to say.
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"
Sage ever hear of Daryl Steinberg?if their was ever a person to damage our hunting in Califoniia it will be done in 2 week's from monay when they vote to ban dogs from chasing bobcat's and so on to bird hunting soon.their taking more of our gun right's every month.These clueless clowns at the state Capitol are being payed by you and me to ruin and take our freedom!
>>"I fully accept Ted for being
>>Ted and will take his
>>strengths on the battle field
>>againt the anti groups or
>>in hunting camp any day."
>>You can have him. Can
>>I get you some duct
>>tape and an old sock??
> Zigzag you
>got Pelosi and Barney Frank,I'll
>take Ted

Are Pelosi and Barney Frank attempting to speak on my behalf for gun rights and hunting???

> Sage
>ever hear of Daryl Steinberg?if
>their was ever a person
>to damage our hunting in
>Califoniia it will be done
>in 2 week's from monay
>when they vote to ban
>dogs from chasing bobcat's and
>so on to bird hunting
>soon.their taking more of our
>gun right's every month.These clueless
>clowns at the state Capitol
>are being payed by you
>and me to ruin and
>take our freedom!

So this makes things all better with Ted?

okey dokey
LAST EDITED ON May-05-12 AT 04:18PM (MST)[p]TopG, I read several articles, my understanding was that he was charged after the fact. They pretty much charged him from what was plainly aired on his TV show. He did eventually plead to using Bait too/also. The law enforcement officers, and no i don't believe for one moment that they are all out to "GET HIM", didn't have the spikes rack in hand or full evidence required for full prosecution under the law, thus the plea arrangement. The TV show itself though, Was very damaging.

TG< You had to see the show!! It was a extremely terrible example of sportsmanship, marksmanship, all gut shots at near point blank range, and ethics.

264mag, I mostly agree with your post. It's been getting worse and worse and it plainly sucks. But do you really believe guys like Uncle Ted are going to convince anybody to believe any different than they already do?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>Jesus Christ,birds of a feather do
>flock together!You guys defending the
>tool should just turn over
>your guns and hunting rights
>now.The guy is one of
>the worst thing that ever
>happened to hunting in the
>public eye.90% of people dont
>really have an opinion about
>hunting or gun ownership but
>idiotic blather mouths like him
>will push them to the
>other side,the side that wants
>take them bolth away!TOPGUN you
>are obviosly the village idiot
>who will agrue about anything,probably
>a liberal anti in disguise,not
>going to waste my time
>responding to any of your
>crap.We didnt elect this guy
>to represent us but he
>elected himself and the media
>folowed suit,that 90% that dont
>know any better see this
>turd as the poster child
>for hunters and gun owners,they
>think he embodies the typical
>american who hunts and enjoys
>guns.Hes dragging us down in
>the worst way and you
>sorry saps who defend him
>are no better.If you are
>ignorant enough to be defending
>this guy Im sure you
>are beyond listening to reason
>and giving up your idol
>worship status for this guy,but
>remove yourself from your skewed
>reality for a moment and
>think about him from the
>stand point of that 90%
>that vote and decide our
>future. If we dont find
>some level headed sportsman to
>represent our hunting/gun ownership heritage
>in the media we are
>going to have a difficult
>future ahead of us,ted has
>done more damage in the
>public opinion than any anti
>movement ever will.Forget about the
>outspoken POACHER,look into the future
>and try to support the
>people are more concerned about
>the future of our sport
>than their RocknRoll BS.


Could NOT have said it better. The anti's only need to walk and talk like Ted to beat hunter's and gun owner's into oblivion. Brilliant strategy.
LAST EDITED ON May-05-12 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the post for clearing things up sage. No, I didn't see the show regarding CA, as I have gotten away from watching him much any more because of exactly what everyone is saying about him. I just read a little bit about the CA incident, so I obviously misspoke and apologize. I have said more than a few times that I think he needs to tone it way down and I guess halibut missed all of those sentences in order to condemn me. I'm the last thing from what he's saying and probably do a lot more for the hunting rights and shooting sports than he will ever know, but he can go ahead and spout off all he wants. It's real easy when you're on the net and not face to face to call people names like that and charge someone they know nothing about with BS stuff like he has. If Ted keeps up the way he has been the last couple years, I do agree that he is becoming more of a detriment that a positive force and I guess I'll give him one more chance and then it's three strikes and he's out!
Well put Joey. That's exactly how I feel. Over the years I've always wished Ted would grow up a little, but it doesn't look like that will happen any time soon.:)

I grew up reading Fred Bear and his hunting adventures, just like Ted did. I guess Ted knew Fred Bear personally. I bet Fred would be disappointed too.

>Well put Joey. That's exactly how
>I feel. Over the years
>I've always wished Ted would
>grow up a little, but
>it doesn't look like that
>will happen any time soon.:)
>I grew up reading Fred Bear
>and his hunting adventures, just
>like Ted did. I guess
>Ted knew Fred Bear personally.
>I bet Fred would be
>disappointed too.
I bet Fred would be a little disappointed of our goverment too.

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