Tired of the whining..............

Dean Parisian

Active Member
As all of you probably would agree, we are in the midst of a wildly successful recession. What we all probably disagree on is what are we going to do about it?

These days I hear so much whining. It doesn't do any good. By nature I am an optimist. I have never met a successful pessimist. I don't think there is such a being. I think the best is yet to come. I think that success has nothing to do with money and everything to do with how you feel about yourself. I think the greatest component of my net worth is my health and my ability to function. You see, the dumbest person in the room isn't the guy who didn't go on in school and get an advanced degree. The dumbest guy is the American who whines and knocks what he's got. He's got an America that is a country of unbounded beauty. Almost unlimited natural resources, A judicial system that works. Food so plentiful obesity is a major problem. A press nobody can dominate. A ballot box nobody can stuff. Churches of your choice. Plenty of jobs, remember 90 people out of 100 are still working. Freedom to go anywhere you want with planes, cars and highways. Social Security. Medicare. Emergency rooms. Unemployment insurance. Public schools. And more opportunity to become a millionaire than anywhere on earth.

That said, I think that many Americans spend their lives in search of the perfectly legitimate excuse. They see that as an acceptable replacement for success because they are pessimistic and have negative thoughts about their place in America. Negative people look for someone or something to blame. As an aside, I grew up on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota in Shannon County, the poorest county in America. The residents of Shannon County had a million excuses 40 years ago why they couldn't get a job, have great health, get a house, get a college degree, get a new car or get wealthy. Things haven't changed much since on that reservation. They won't. Until the people look in the mirror and decide they want to change nothing will happen. The hundreds of millions the United States Government has spent in that county and look where we are today. It is ugly, very ugly but the worst part of it is the loss of human capital. Go look for yourself if you don't believe me. The whining is easy to hear.

Now, so many are looking for the perfectly legitimate excuse. They place blame everywhere but where it belongs. They never grasp onto personal responsibility. The closest they come to feeling good is the placebo effect they get from hanging around like-minded people and participating in gossip and complaining sessions. Know any body like that? I bet you do.

Believe what I am going to say. Write it down. Share it.

To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done.

Understanding that can be the difference between winning and losing, between greatness and mediocrity, between whining and going to work with optimism and discipline every day. It captures the essence of great self-discipline. I admit, I don't have a clue where our economy or stock market is headed. It doesn't matter. We are Americans and we live here together. All I can do is my best, every day and believe that optimism is a force multiplier. Things are good and they will be great again. Believe it.

And don't let the whiners get you down.

Dean Parisian
Chippewa Partners
here's what we're up against....


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Chip.....ain't it so!

JB...great post/pic, thanks for sharing. that is real humor right there. Too bad it ain't a joke!

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