Time for africa is now.


Active Member
I have been hearing from more the one outfit and Ph. It looks like prices are starting to go up. The drought has made in were they have been taking extra animals off of areas. There is a shortage of some animals and they have slowed the breeding of others. It is really going to be plains game hit the hardest. I think some are just trying to up prices since covid. There is always some that charge less but a standard plains game hunt is going up. If you have been thinking of going 25 will be a great time.

I have heard numbers like 4500 just for a kudu trophy fee sable back to 5000 or more. Just your common wildbeest 1200 oryx 1400. This is mainly Sa hunts and they get greedy from time to time but learn fast once the price point is to much guys just stop shooting certain animals. I think they are miss reading the market but time will tell. Once they learn why more sable got hunted when they came down to 3500 to 4500 not the 6500 or more they use to be they will get each animal has a price limit for most guys.

All I can say if your thinking of africa sooner is better then later it seems.
Even if prices go up, it is still a bargain compared to most all guided hunts here in the states.
yes it is but for guys on a limited budget they will be getting less for what they spend. I have been going to africa for 13 years now. I have watched the ups and downs and keep track of the market there.

This is just a friendly message saying no time like now to go.

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