They're Baaack !


Long Time Member
The con man is putting pre-existing conditions back into Trumpcare 2.0 .

It's like watching a monkey stick his hand in jars and find if he gets a shock or a treat.

I wonder if he's too dumb to know dropping pre-existing conditions is how he picked up the far right. and dropping the pre-existing conditions is how he lost the moderates. so now he's right back to where he failed the first time and he acts like he fixed it! what a deal maker this guy is.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I never once heard Trump say that pre existing conditions would be excluded...not once. You must have.
Sure it is:

Gone is money for President Donald Trump?s border wall or efforts to deny Obamacare subsidies. There?s billions more for non-defense spending, and no changes to President Barack Obama?s Cuba policy.

?It's no different than if Hillary was elected; it's a huge loss, and I'm livid. Paul Ryan?s House is a not conservative House,? said tea party Republican Art Halvorson, who nearly defeated Rep. Bill Shuster, R-Pa., in the 2016 primary with 49.4 percent of the vote.

Conservative groups are watching their members, too. Dozens are expected to vote no, meaning GOP leaders will need Democratic votes to pass the budget. Heritage Action, a leading conservative group, will likely make opposing the budget vote a key vote in its scorecard of votes to watch.

Ryan now faces the same challenge from the right as his embattled predecessor, John Boehner, R-Ohio. Boehner left the office in 2015 after conservatives grew increasingly disgusted with his leadership. They were upset over how time after time he made similar deals with Democrats to get fiscal matters resolved.

Read more here:
Actually Paul Ryan tried to force it through once it went to hell in a handbasket dad had to get the belt out and paddle some A55es again because Ryan can't deliver.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-17 AT 03:40PM (MST)[p]

Is the healthcare vote going to be schedule this week like your Dad said?

If Trump is using the belt he must be flogging Preibus and Cohn instead of the House members. Still no vote scheduled this week on the House Calendar.

President Donald Trump, at an event for the Air Force Academy football team, said Tuesday "I think it's time now" for a vote on the bill.

But at least 22 Republicans plan to oppose the current bill, according to ongoing whip count. Influential Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, a former chairman of the House panel that oversees health care issues, said Tuesday he is against the measure.

Sources said House leaders are working with members one-by-one to get the votes they need to get to 216. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price is going through the fine print of the latest version of the bill with undecided members to try to assuage their concerns on specific items.

"The President can't do this," a Republican close to the talks said. "This is fine print time."
Looks like yet another loss for dear leader.

After the first time they gave up Trump said Obamacare will stay the law of the land until he was ready to do something about it , maybe as early as this fall . he wants to make that another lie but he doesn't have even enough clout with his own party to make it so.

Pretty pathetic.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Not sure call your representatives they could give you a timeline. I'm at work so I haven't got around to it today mouth.

your internet connection works both on and at the You won't burn the fries if you look at the House Schedule.

....if you say you are going to the lake to catch lake trout....and you only catch walleye and pike....did you tell a lie or just fail????
I lied The lakers weren't biting. Maybe next time they will be. Water is only 45 degrees still
Macks Attack at 45 F'N Degrees!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
Well , just a word to the anti - Trump group. We are only 1/16 the of the way through this presidency , ( maybe 1/32). Lots and lots still to be determined . He can wisely use the bully pulpit and call out Democratic Senators and promote Primary challengers against Rhino Reps to get it moving to preserve Conservative principals . MAGA #
> Macks Attack at 45 F'N
>[Font][Font color = ]I Changed My
>Signature Just for NVB!
>Like 6 Damn Times Now!

Not on Fort Peck. Historically it is when the water gets to 50 degrees that that Laker bite turns on. The walleye are starting to bite and northerns are always on the bite but lakers have not turned on yet.

Saturday was a northern kind of day. I will let you know after Thursday, looks promising for a great after work day of fishing.


>Well , just a word to
>the anti - Trump group.
> We are only 1/16
>the of the way through
>this presidency , ( maybe
>1/32). Lots and lots
>still to be determined .
> He can wisely use
>the bully pulpit and call
>out Democratic Senators and promote
>Primary challengers against Rhino Reps
>to get it moving to
>preserve Conservative principals .

When did America stop being great? Trump and the word Wisely are almost mutually exclusive.

What makes you believe the country wants to move further right? What good are Republican majorities if they cannot govern or even deliver a Republican President signature campaign promises? How will more hard liners in congress move the country forward?

You can pretend Trump has the magic but he may get a shellacking in the House. Hard to see the Dems picking up 8 seats in the Senate to make a filibuster proof majority. Any idiot who supports going to simple majority for everything in the Senate like Trump wants doesn't believe in the Tyranny of the Majority.

LAST EDITED ON May-03-17 AT 04:39PM (MST)[p]>> Macks Attack at 45 F'N
>>[Font][Font color = ]I Changed My
>>Signature Just for NVB!
>>Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>Not on Fort Peck. Historically
>it is when the water
>gets to 50 degrees that
>that Laker bite turns on.
> The walleye are starting
>to bite and northerns are
>always on the bite but
>lakers have not turned on
>Saturday was a northern kind of
>day. I will let
>you know after Thursday, looks
>promising for a great after
>work day of fishing.


You're Not eatin them Nasty Bastards(Northerns!) are you?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
If I filleted the Y Bones out and cooked the northern next to the walleye you would not be able to tell the difference.
Only Tried Northern Once!

It Was Nasty!

We Were Catching Macks Here when there was still a little Ice still on the Lake!

Don't know what makes em Tick!

The Switch is Either On!

Or Off!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
Now Them Walleye!

That be a Different Damn Story!

Best Fish I've ever Ate!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>>Well , just a word to
>>the anti - Trump group.
>> We are only 1/16
>>the of the way through
>>this presidency , ( maybe
>>1/32). Lots and lots
>>still to be determined .
>> He can wisely use
>>the bully pulpit and call
>>out Democratic Senators and promote
>>Primary challengers against Rhino Reps
>>to get it moving to
>>preserve Conservative principals .
>>MAGA #
>When did America stop being great?
> Trump and the
>word Wisely are almost mutually
**** agree, America is without a doubt the Greatest nation the world has ever known . We fight for the values of freedom and the God given rights given by our creator .. MAGA reflects the slide our nation had experienced over the past 50 yrs that have pulled us away from the success in our founding principals and documents . For goodness sake the liberals that have taken over the education system teach revised history and civics is not taught at all. Libs WON in their quest to indoctrinate our children ... The only kids in our nation that know the truth about the founding of our nation are either in private schools or homeschooled. That's Aweful N!!!!!! *****

>What makes you believe the country
>wants to move further right?
> What good are Republican
>majorities if they cannot govern
>or even deliver a Republican
>President signature campaign promises?
> How will more hard
>liners in congress move the
>country forward?
***** Well 2/3's of our 50 states are controlled by GOP gov's and legislature . That number is on the rise and if Trump handles his legislative agenda properly that will increase not decrease. What you call hard liners I call patriots my Freind. The international policy / moral depravity / internal social nanny state policies that are on display by the DNC is doing tremendous damage and the large majority of Americans are wising up to it . Doesn't that a Rhodes scholar to watch the left and their anarchy at most of our college campus's . This nation must move away from the crazed Left . *****

>You can pretend Trump has the
>magic but he may get
>a shellacking in the House.
> Hard to see the
>Dems picking up 8 seats
>in the Senate to make
>a filibuster proof majority.
>Any idiot who supports going
>to simple majority for everything
>in the Senate like Trump
>wants doesn't believe in the
>Tyranny of the Majority.
****** Agree N, I would hate changing rules that prevent filabusters .. Sadly the Dems are not willing to accept the voice of the people in our last election. Elections do have consequences , I clearly remember BHO stating that Republicans are welcome but they have to sit at the back of the bus.. Guess what, Dems ....take your turn at the back of the bus *****
>**** agree, America is without a
>doubt the Greatest nation the
>world has ever known .
> We fight for the
>values of freedom and the
>God given rights given by
>our creator ..
>MAGA reflects the slide our
>nation had experienced over the
>past 50 yrs that have
>pulled us away from the
>success in our founding principals
>and documents . For goodness
>sake the liberals that have
>taken over the education system
>teach revised history and civics
>is not taught at all.
>Libs WON in their quest
>to indoctrinate our children ...
> The only kids in
>our nation that know the
>truth about the founding of
>our nation are either in
>private schools or homeschooled.
>That's Aweful N!!!!!! *****

Totally made up BS right there. Republicans lost the education battle because they don't want anyone to get decent public education. The same guys who whine about the kids being indoctrinated are the same guys who want to defund public education or make teacher take a vow of poverty.

> ***** Well 2/3's of our
>50 states are controlled by
>GOP gov's and legislature .
>That number is on the
>rise and if Trump handles
>his legislative agenda properly that
>will increase not decrease. What
>you call hard liners I
>call patriots my Freind. The
>international policy / moral depravity
>/ internal social nanny state
>policies that are on display
>by the DNC is doing
>tremendous damage and the large
>majority of Americans are wising
>up to it .
>Doesn't that a Rhodes scholar
>to watch the left and
>their anarchy at most of
>our college campus's .
> This nation must move
>away from the crazed Left
>. *****

How long to you think this move in the State will last when they don't have Obama in the White House to blame everything on. Now it will be Trump's turn and the pendulum will swing back. Then you will be whining about the left indoctrinating your kids again. The people predicting the death of the left will be as wrong as the people who predicted the death of the right.

>****** Agree N, I would hate
>changing rules that prevent filabusters
>.. Sadly the Dems
>are not willing to accept
>the voice of the people
>in our last election.
>Elections do have consequences ,
>I clearly remember BHO stating
>that Republicans are welcome but
>they have to sit at
>the back of the bus..
>Guess what, Dems ....take your
>turn at the back of
>the bus *****

Where were you when the party of No was in in power under Obama? Or do you forget when I tell that what ever you let your party get away with will be used against. The Dems learned from ole Mitch that not cooperating is a winning strategy for politics, it sucks for the country but Mitch showed that he didn't really give a ##### about the country just like Schumer doing now. For a Trumpteer to complain about obstructionist is the height of Hypocrisy.

Now the ground work is laid for when the Dems win back the power we will get whack job justices on a simple majority vote and the minority has no rights. Just wait for when the do that with legislation. You will get your head handed to you on a silver platter when the pendulum swings back, like it always had through out the history of this country. Once the voters figure out the Republicans cannot govern either, they will punish them like they did the Dems.

> The con man is putting
>pre-existing conditions back into Trumpcare
>2.0 .
> It's like watching a monkey
>stick his hand in jars
>and find if he gets
>a shock or a treat.
> I wonder if he's too
>dumb to know dropping pre-existing
>conditions is how he picked
>up the far right. and
>dropping the pre-existing conditions is
>how he lost the moderates.
> so now he's right
>back to where he failed
>the first time and he
>acts like he fixed it!
> what a deal maker
>this guy is.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

soooo ur sayin g obama-care is better...?

If the republicans ever manage to get anything done on health care it will make Obamacare even more popular.

I think we'll have a single payer system in the next 5-10 years and we'll be able to thank republicans for it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Even the GOP rags
>are sniveling. it didn't
>screw the poor over good
>enough .
>You can't win can you?
>hold on until the election
>and you'll conform that.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Which DEMO DipChit You Voting For next time?

You Still Plan On Hosein Hillary?

Or Who?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
The sole purpose of Obamacare was to give "poor" people a shot of heroin, knowing full well it would become a "must have". Any attempt to place personal responsibility to provide for yourself is gone forever.
Easy to say for a guy on public funded health care.

So answer this good christians. let's say we have a guy who's worked his whole life at the feed store, or in your area let's say a taco stand. he does his best to pay his bills and raise his kids but he simply cannot afford health insurance. no way.

The ACA gave him the means to afford insurance . if he had pre-existing conditions he could still get insurance . so he could stay healthy and pay his bills , maybe it will even save him from losing his modest home if he falls ill.

WTF is wrong with that ? you say phuk him, I say phuk you. no matter what congress does you now own our health care mess. the voters will shove it up your azz and I'm going to laugh the whole time.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Easy to say for a guy
>on public funded health care.
>So answer this good christians.
>let's say we have a
>guy who's worked his whole
>life at the feed store,
> or in your area
>let's say a taco
>stand. he does his
>best to pay his bills
>and raise his kids but
>he simply cannot afford health
>insurance. no way.
>The ACA gave him the means
>to afford insurance .
>if he had pre-existing conditions
>he could still get insurance
>. so he could
>stay healthy and pay
>his bills , maybe
>it will even save him
>from losing his modest home
>if he falls ill.
>WTF is wrong with that ?
> you say
>phuk him, I say phuk
>you. no matter what
>congress does you now own
>our health care mess.
>the voters will shove it
>up your azz and I'm
>going to laugh the whole
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
oh sweet jesus lol.
LAST EDITED ON May-06-17 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]Your examples exist tog. I was working in a subdivision awhile ago with starting prices at a quarter million. Every morning and evening two grubby guys wood walk through where we working smokein a joint. We saw that they lived in one of the homes in the subdivision. We went to town one day for lunch, half mile or so, and there these same two guys were on the corner holding up a sign "homeless anything will help". Now several of us in the subdivision we're hiring so it wasn't like they couldn't get a job. They just wanted to smoke their dope and beg for money. I can only assume they had subsidized housing food stamps subsidized Health Care and all the other government handouts. The problem is for every one of your examples there's 50 of mine which causes us to be just a little bit cynical about the whole thing.
LAST EDITED ON May-06-17 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]It's so sad 6pack, your post indicates you want us to believe you've got this huge heart for the poor....but in the next breathe you state you'll be laughing your Butt off when it fails as its all about politics to you. Such a hypocrite . Truth is said feed store employee most likely has an policy with a 5K deductible that is for the most part Useless. Why is it not better for said employee to be able to have an affordable catospicatastopic plan at a price he and the family CAN afford. Conservative ( especially Christian) don't want to see anyone willing to be responsible be crushed by the UN- affordable care act. The use of HSA's where said employee can pump a few hundred each month to cover routine medical expenses. Here's believe in the nanny state. A nanny state that has fostered and encouraged the example given of the two dope smoking guys who don't want to work. The bible does address this in that Jesus said the poor will always be with us, and you don't don't eat. You may be a rich farmer and a good Hunter but a bit light in the wisdom dept.

I won't be laughing my butt off if the new health care system isn't successful, unlike YOU I do have a heart for the hurting. Democrates if they truely cared would be working with the majority in helping to improve things rather than licking there chops excited about the political points they desire .
N, before you jump on me , yes I do recognize that HSA' s are not in the plan YET. This is only phase 1 .
LAST EDITED ON May-06-17 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]Shut up Slurphim, you are too stupid to realize that the Senate is not even going to vote on what the House passed.

"Just phase 1", idiot. Let us all know when you can pass a basic Civics test.

DW, good to see you are falling in line with the new "Feelings" litmus test for facts.

"The problem is for every one of your examples there's 50 of mine"
LAST EDITED ON May-06-17 AT 10:40AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON May-06-17
>AT 10:07?AM (MST)


>DW, good to see you are
>falling in line with the
>new "Feelings" litmus test for
>"The problem is for every one
>of your examples there's 50
>of mine"

Figured from your posts you were a subscriber.

Some Last-Ditch Options for Cleansing Toxins Like THC Out of Your System:

Same Day
Use a fast-acting body cleanser that can help flush unwanted toxins from your system the same day.

3 ? 5 days
Use a permanent body cleanser that can help cleanse your body of unwanted toxins from your system until (or unless) they are re-introduced to your body. These cleansers comes with two home test kits so you can verify that you are cleansed.

30 ? 45 Days
Cleanse your body naturally over time through a lot of liquids, exercise and healthy eating in roughly 30 ? 45 days. Pick up a home test kit from your local drug store to verify you are cleansed.
>AT 10:07?AM (MST)

>Shut up Slurphim, you are too
>stupid to realize that the
>Senate is not even going
>to vote on what the
>House passed.
>"Just phase 1", idiot. Let us
>all know when you can
>pass a basic Civics test.
>DW, good to see you are
>falling in line with the
>new "Feelings" litmus test for
>"The problem is for every one
>of your examples there's 50
>of mine"
When they get them off illegal drugs then the pharmacies can get the money from the government,kinda like Wal Mart
Gotta love the kindness and respect exhibited from the know it all liberals on here. Let me guess degree from Berkley??? So FTW , for the record your only in support of the 1st amendment if your a liberal. America is sick for fire breathing folks like you.....hence the Trump election . You don't do your cause any good with your name calling. FYI I won't shut up and pretty sure your not enough of a man to make me Big Man on the key pad, did you wear a mask while you were protesting in Berkley?
LAST EDITED ON May-06-17 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]FW those test results are very inaccurate unless they did several things.
No prior notice to a test. Must be on a random basis.

The examiner must keep the person being tested in sight to where they can observe them peeing in the cup. It is a common practice among drug users who may be tested to bring a small bottle of clean urine with them and pour it into the test cup because the examiner allowed them to have THEIR PRIVACY.

Best way to catch the drug users is a random go by the home and request a test be completed and the examiner goes into the bathroom with them to observe. If they refuse, they loose their welfare check.

When I worked narcotics more then several drug users told me how easy it was to pass a drug urine test even with their parole or probation officer who failed to observe them peeing in the cup and hand it over to the officer.

>Easy to say for a guy
>on public funded health care.
>So answer this good christians.
>let's say we have a
>guy who's worked his whole
>life at the feed store,
> or in your area
>let's say a taco
>stand. he does his
>best to pay his bills
>and raise his kids but
>he simply cannot afford health
>insurance. no way.
>The ACA gave him the means
>to afford insurance .
>if he had pre-existing conditions
>he could still get insurance
>. so he could
>stay healthy and pay
>his bills , maybe
>it will even save him
>from losing his modest home
>if he falls ill.
>WTF is wrong with that ?
> you say
>phuk him, I say phuk
>you. no matter what
>congress does you now own
>our health care mess.
>the voters will shove it
>up your azz and I'm
>going to laugh the whole
>Stay Thirsty My Friends


You're Using the F'N F Word like it's Standard Practice!

Ms dude is gonna Wash your Mouth out if you don't Straighten your Half Breed Ass Up!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>Gotta love the kindness and respect
>exhibited from the know it
>all liberals on here. Let
>me guess degree from Berkley???
> So FTW , for
>the record your only in
>support of the 1st amendment
>if your a liberal. America
>is sick for fire breathing
>folks like you.....hence the Trump
>election . You don't
>do your cause any good
>with your name calling. FYI
>I won't shut up and
>pretty sure your not enough
>of a man to make
>me Big Man
>on the key pad, did
>you wear a mask while
>you were protesting in Berkley?
FTW, you call me an idiot, slander my name .....I respond .... But the cowardly keyboard tough guy shuts up. Typical example of the left . Actually a blessing that you recognize what foolishness you portray here. FYI I passed civics prior to the total over take of our education system by you lefties , not even taught anymore cause the left desires an illeterate band of lemmings.

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