The Warden is looking for Elkassassin!!

Hey Eel?

We Had A Local Here That Had No Problem SPANKIN Some Ass!

After He Out Run/Out Drove A UHP!

He Thought It Was Standard Practice!

If I Remember Right They Never Got Him Pulled Over On The Roadway!

I Believe The Went To Where He Worked & Arrested Him!

He Wasn't Afraid Of a 150+ MPH!
What a bunch of cop haters. I bet they all smoke dope, and have bad arrest records. Most of them probably got rejected from a law enforcement job.


Not At All!

I posted The Facts!

I Never Said It Was The Right/Smart Thing For Him To Do!

It Happens!

I'm Surprised Somebody Didn't Call Me On It!

And That's Why I Posted The Link!

Yes He Broke The Law!

Yes They Caught Up With Him!

Yes He Will pay Some Kind Of Dues!

No,I Don't Wanna See Some Innocent Citizen Get Hurt Or Killed!


I Think If We All Wanted To Be Honest!

We Could All Admit To Doing Some STUPID Sshhittt When We Were Younger!

So To All The MM ANGELS That Have Never Done Anything STUPID BLAST-A-F'N-WAY!

Celebrating the guy for felony elude and he ended up getting arrested? What if he would have hit your family at 165, would he still be a hero?

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