The Goracle


Long Time Member

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
"Future generations may well have occasion to ask themselves, "What were our parents thinking? Why didn't they wake up when they had a chance?" We have to hear that question from them, now." Al Gore 'An Inconvenient Truth'

Al Gore, the 'face' of liberalism. Damn I am glad I am NOT a liberal! The only inconvenient truth Al knows is the one he has never spoken!

and just to balance things out.....

"This guy is so far out in the environmental extreme, we'll be up to our neck in owls and outta work for every American. He is way out, far out, man." George H.W. Bush 'An Inconvenient Truth'

That's some funny stuff, I love SNL.

It's funny how many people love to downplay Gore, without thinking about their own hero. I wonder how many awards Bush will win after he leaves office? special olympics awards maybe.
That is funny dude. The difference between libs and conservs is libs give awards to themselves, conservs don't. The Nobel folks are as liberal as they come, to deny that is to deny the sun is hot. Oh wait, libs think the earth is warm because of Halliburton, what was I thinking?

So what you're saying is conservatives award themselves under the table and nobody sees it? I see why Halliburton came to mind for you.

These awards are the most prestigious awards in the world, I'm not sure how much importance they have to me, but the world does pay atttention to them. maybe the conservatives need to come up with something of importance for themselves? or they can just downplay the worlds recognition awards and say they got cheated, that works to.
What conservative feels 'cheated' out of not being given an award by a bunch of socialists? Are you defending a group that gave Yaser Arafat an award for peace? WOW! I had no idea the PLO was a peace org., thanks for the 'education'.

Halliburton was given contracts during LBJ's term in office, I wonder how he got away with it, maybe it was because he was NOT a conservative!

Let's see, when Clinton ran for President his net worth was what, compared to now? Ya, it is the conservatives who 'reward' themselves under the table. Al Gore is making millions off of this global warming nonsense, while he flys around in a private jet and lives in a mansion that consumes more energy in a month than my house does in two years. Oh wait, he has bought carbon credits, that is how he has helped stop global warming.

So if Bush or Cheney won the awards Gore has they wouldn't accept them? yeah right , they'ld pee their pants.

So Gore is a hypocrite, the main thing is he's famous and making money. this is America, he's acting like an American and you hold it against him. if his global warming stuff turns out to be true he'll be a rich hero, if it's crap he'll be rich, he's no dumby. bet you wish you could say that about Bush.
We all know that the more World and Holly wood awards a person has, the better they are. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that all Hollywood types are a-1 American citizens.....
" So Gore is a hypocrite, the main thing is he's famous and making money. this is America, he's acting like an American and you hold it against him. if his global warming stuff turns out to be true he'll be a rich hero, if it's crap he'll be rich, he's no dumby. bet you wish you could say that about Bush."

What you said here is all true. However the problem lies in the fact that the man is a scocialist. That is where conservatives and most Americans have or should have a problem with him. Do you really want the Government to have even more control over your life Dude? If you do then you are a scocialist too. I and many other red blooded Americans want the Government out of our lives. Gores ideas and Euro think is bad for our country and bad for you and me.
Yes we know you hate Bush. You have made it perfectly clear. Yet this thread has nothing to do with Bush yet you always find a way to get your diggs in. Unreal hatred Dude. The only place I have ever heard of anything that eaquals your hatred for Bush is Air America and I do have to give you credit are consistant with your hatred.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
So Gore is fair game but Bush is off limits? as I remember Gore was VP for 8 years and won the popular vote for president in 2000. he was more popular than Bush then and much more popular today. if he were to run he'ld be your next president,if he doesn't it will be Hillary. shame on you, I'll remind you not to talk bad about your beloved president when she's in office if this is how we play the game.

If I had as much hatred for Bush or anyone else as you do for any dem or the dreaded "liberal" I don't think I'd be giving any ettiquite speeches. unlike you I don't hate much of anyone, but I can disapprove, and from Bush's approval ratings I'm not alone.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-07 AT 04:55PM (MST)[p] Maybe it's because I get the same old crap over and over? just admit I'm right and I won't have anyone to agrue with.

By the way the new Reuters poll out today says Bush set a record low approval rating of 24%, see that's new information last time it was 28%. broken record huh?

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