Text messaging


Long Time Member
I always pictured just young school girls using text messaging but more and more people I know are starting to do it. i don't understand the appeal. Who here uses it? Why?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-08 AT 11:56AM (MST)[p]I do. Just with my wife and a friend. It's just easier/quicker than calling sometimes. Just a quick "how's it going?" usually. And it's less disruptive sometimes. It can also become a problem if it's abused at work.

I also used it for a while with a buddy of mine who is in the military. He didn't have email access but was able to use his cell at certain times. So we keot in touch that way. Now he's in the GWs sandbox in the middle east and does have limited use of email.
I bet i send 100 a day, and i'm 41 years old.

I use it because it lets me talk at my own pace with whomever i'm in contact with.

It's kinda like email to me, but faster, yet slower than an actual phone conversation.

And my buddies can send me porno pix to my camera, that's the best part!! lol

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I use it alot with the kids. They can use acronyms to the point I have no idea what they are talking about.

People think talking on a cell phone and driving is dangerous, texting and driving will get you killed!!

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
I hate talking on the phone. With text you get to the point. Like Slam dunk pointed out PORN!!!! lmao.............
I agree with Feleno. I just don't get it. If I don't answer the call, either I am busy with something else or I just don't care to speak with the caller.
Besides, there's always that silly ass voicemail available to leave the same message.
If it wasn't for texting I am not certain I would ever hear by my two teenage daughters. They check in often with me and I can text them back as well.

Other then them and a couple of colleagues I don't really text anyone else. If you had young kids you all would be texting or at least getting texts.

Slam and I text message quite a bit. I sent him quite a few from the Bookcliffs and vice-versa. I'm not in the porn loop at all (thank goodness! LOL I can't get text pics on my phone), but I text with my husband (instead of bugging him when he's busy) and with several of my friends. I find it a useful tool. I'm pretty busy and involved in tons of stuff though so I'm into everything....email, cell phones and talking on the phone. I hardly have the need for voicemail anymore.

I text quite a bit too (10-30 a day). It is surprising how many people text message now days. If I am in a meeting or something I can send a text to follow-up on something at my office without interrupting the meeting. It's surprising how many professionals in all types of business are using text messages now days.
It's surprising how
>many professionals in all types
>of business are using text
>messages now days.

I used to like to text in meetings with other people in the meeting about stupid stuff just liven it up or make them squirm or laugh. lol
Yep it's true, tripleK "text guided" us right to our buck in the book cliffs!! :)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
My niece text's me sometimes and I have a hard time figuring out what or where to find the info. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW to text and don't want too, call me and leave me a message if the phone rings and I don't answer.
D-cups the only one who calls me and rubs it in on what he has got and is headed home. Did that to me back in 2005 I think it was when I was in MT. That BUM. LOL

sometimes I use it.I have found out that I now use it more and more, and alot faster too.
careful you could get a textually transmitted disease!! Or tennis thumb!

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