Tea Party.... yea or nay?



I don't want to start a political debate. Just campfire curious. I'd have to check the nay box.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
They are a little on the extreme side for my liking

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Principals are sound but some of them get WAY carried away..........sure beats our current "leader"!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I am a republican but even they have a few nutjobs in their ranks. So I am about 50/50 on this one.
Somebody better drink some Tea!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
No tea stains on my teeth. Although I'm very conservative this county needs to accept middle ground. If a tea party extremist gets the nod for the republicans' presidential candidate, say hello to four more years of Obama.
You guys calling them "Extreme" been talking to that dildo Chuck Schumer?

I think the Tea party is doing a lot to keep these politicians honest- and thats a good thing!

When you have politicos like our president that devotes exactly 3 minutes to the house speaker over our critical budget because he has to go to dinner with Al Sharpton....

When you have the whole Japan and Libya thing going on and our president goes to Brazil to hand out more $$ and tell them we will be their best customers for oil....I like that the Tea Party is shouting out to him, "Why not stay home and take care of the business of America, create jobs, wean us off of imported oil..."

We are giving away manufacturing jobs and technology daily all the while we are creating a huge hole of debt that will put us more over a barrel than ever without anything to show for it. Yeah the Tea party is belligerent....I think if people understood how badly the gov is reaching into their pockets right now- everyone would join.

If I was a young man I would move to Australia- still might!
I like the tea party. They rock the boat...I think we got in this whole mess we are in, because nobody is willing to stand and fight anymore. Its to the point of do or die in my opinion. They are no more exteme then their liberal counterparts. For once we just have a group that is actually standing and fighting and making a fuss like the liberals have been doing for years...the republican party has lost their balls if you ask me, and the tea party found them.
I think the Tea Party is one of the best things to happen to American politics in our generation. Extreme? Not nearly like they're portrayed to be. Their main themes are that we are Taxed Enough Already, spend too much and need to return to constitutional government, and constitutional government only. I don't think that is so extreme. The Tea Party is staying out of social issues, and anything not in line with the principals outlined above.

When one considers the Tea Party compared to the Republicans and Democrats, I don't know how you can feel bad about them at all. Even if they were as 'out there' as the Democrats and mainstream media like to portray them as being, they'd have to go a very long way to even scratch the surface of causin as much damage to our country as the group before the last election has done.
You might want to remember the fact that in 1775 or so, EVERY man that signed the Declaration of Independence, was pretty much considered a "radical nut job" by the populace of the day.

I believe the Tea Party, then as now, serves a necessary balance in their respective political climates.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
the tea party is a good start. They however lean to far to the left for my liking....

Well, if we keep spending like we are it won't matter what we think. We are in serious trouble until politicians start acting responsibly. P.S. Slick....politics got moved to the basement.
Do you realize how much we would save if we left NATO and the UN? Not to mention all the $$$ we throw away under the guise of Foreign Aid?
Yup, to the basement with the political forumn
What I like about the Tea Party: First group I am aware of putting enough pressure on politicians to make them consider real spending cuts to a bloated government.

What I don't like about Tea Party:Too often uses fear-mongering and demagougery to promote its agenda. This will obscure the message and demote them to the fringes if it keeps up.

Case-in-point: The "foreign aid" boogeyman mentioned just above. Foreign aid is a tiny,tiny fraction of the government budget yet is VERY useful in certain cases to achieve results in foreign policy. Much cheaper than sending troops.

I am a fan of cutting spending but feel strongly we don't need to distort the truth to do it. Why do that when the truth is bad enough?

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