Swinging for the Fences


Long Time Member
Will be an interesting coming year for hunting. Struck out in AZ already, and points in other states are either low or none. Moved 300 miles across the state to a new area that I know nothing about, and 10X more people. Looks like OIL's, long shots, or raffles this year. I see a big gas bill trying to learn new areas!!! At least I'll have plenty of time to cook. :)
Please Ms Tag Fairy, please. I've been really good, and would love to have a nice tag or two this year. I even got the wife onboard for an improvement on the hunting camp!! Just picked this baby up today, at a great discounted price. Like the Post man, neither rain, snow, sleet, or hail shall keep me inside this year!! :)


The bass fishing stayed good down in Havasu, but once the temps get up into the upper 90's it's time for this boy to get back to Idaho. The new camping trailer towed great all the way home, and stored perfectly in the garage. Now to go exploring and find some new hunting spots!!!

Struck out in New Mexico for the first draws of the year. BOO!!



It would appear that my fences are getting further and further away! No luck in AZ for the elk/antelope, nothing in NM, and now my own state of Idaho hated my sheep app. The good news is the wife decided that she had so much fun on her late cow hunt last year that she wanted to try for a late buck or bull this winter. I was able to try for an extra WT doe or cow elk to go along with her. Now to just cross our fingers a little tighter. Probably no luck in Nevada or Utah, and even with 25 points in AZ for sheep, that is not realistic. Maybe I'll just load up the Jeep and go for a Spring drive.
The wife was free of appointments and asked to go for a big exploring trip here in our new area. Loaded up the Jeep and took off from Boise into the mountains in search of adventure. A couple hundred miles later, we poked back out above Fairfield and had finished all the adventure we wanted, and headed home. Ran into a bunch of antelope, deer, even a moose. Temps around 80 degrees, and garter snakes all over the roads in the sunshine. Hound hunters were prolific down low, but are still locked out of the high country around Prairie, Pine, and Featherville by a heavy snow pack. A lot of roads are closed, and it may be weeks before they open. The South Fork of the Boise is roaring right now, and there's a LOT of snow left to melt. Should keep the lakes full all summer!!!


A couple more UN's from other states (Nev and Kansas), and we are really starting to sweat getting any tags at all this year. Fingers crossed so hard, I'm starting to get cramps!!

To enjoy the nice weekend, we loaded up about 4 families and all went to the Baumgartner Campground up by Featherville. What a lovely spot! Paved loops, small and well spaced, new equipment[ment and tables. Perfect for our little Casita Dulce. The hot pool was open and very well used.

Saw a muley buck bedded on the hill above us when we set up; little did we know they were gonna be our pets for the next 5 days. Came down to water and feed in our meadow every morning and evening. Had a comfort zone of about 50 feet, and even the presence of dogs on leashes didn't seem to bother them.



WooHoo, it's about time that I was lucky in a draw somewhere. No luck again in AZ, but got a Nov whitetail tag back in my favorite unit in Wyoming (128). Got a couple new friends to help out with their trophy hunts, and will be doing some scouting for the wife. Now if Idaho will just give us a meat hunt or two, we will be all set!
Living over here in Nampa now, and decided I should learn how to terrorize the local fish populations also. Big enough to take the wife or family, even on the calm stretches of river, and still small enough to capably handle by myself if I just wanted to go for a couple hours. Jeez, I really don't need many more projects!!!



Small adventures are better than none. Idaho finally completed the draw and posting. I tried to log on immediately when I got the email, and there was already 10K people ahead of me. Finally got into the actual accounts. The wife and I got a couple extra WT doe tags, and two late winter cow elk tags. Should have fun anyway, and fill the freezer back up!!! :)
With no great tags to look forward to this year, it seemed to take forever for any kind of hunting season to get here. Managed to take the boat to C J Strike for a camping/fishing trip and enjoyed the first year with the great-grandson. Managed to get my 1957 Austin Healey re-wired and reassembled in time for the Southwest Idaho British Car Show. I did have some people from MM reach out for help and info on moose, so that was something. Did pretty well on a couple nice bulls also. General deer and elk was pretty uneventful back in the Idaho Falls area. 80 degrees and dusty as heck. When it is so hot, sitting around in shorts and drinking G&T's is the best you can do. The one place we are always successful on elk was on fire this year, so had to write that off!!

Gonna take a three week vacation to go down to Lake Havasu; do a little bass fishing, and enjoy some friends. When I get back, there will be a WY 128 trip for whitetails and the annual mule deer photos. Hope to find some good ones.


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