Supplement to help with cramps


Active Member
Hey guys and gals, I am lookin for a supplement to take that will help me with my cramps. I always cramp in the same spot which is the inside of my legs just above the knee. Gatorade seems to help some but not enough. This only occurs after a long hike and when packin out. Please help me rid myself of this issue. Thanks
I get the same cramps
Most times the problem is one of three things for me
Improper base layer allowing me to over heat
Not enough fluids in me through out the day
Or a lack of exercise before the hunt take place
I have found electrolyte packets at health food stores, and they seem to help me.
As Eldorado said, fluids and bananas. I did a 12 miler last year with a 40lb pack, didn't have any water for the last 3+ hours, ended up cramping really badly, had some gatorade and ate 2 bananas, rested 45 miutes or so, everything was fine.

Hey Dorado, what happened to all the girl pics?
Agree on the potassium pills and also magnesium pills......wash it down with a couple gulps of Tonic water before bed and you are cramp free.

I heard from a guy who's wife is a nurse & said Mustard. By the time I tried it my cramp was gone so not sure it works but will put a couple of the small packets in my pack.
Try Trigosamine ... my 87 yr old grandpa told me about this stuff about a year ago , and I will take maybe 3 a week and i no longer get cramps or pains . Potassium helps circulate the blood which also helps .
Electrolite tablet packs from the medicine cabinet at work!! They are kick ass stuff and free :) Those with plenty of fluid and some preseason conditioning, and all is well.
The three most common causes of muscle cramps. Most common cause dehydration, number two not enough calcium, number three potassium. Drink MORE water. Take a calcium supplement that includes vitamin D and magnesium to help it absorb three times a day. Eat a banana every day. If you take calcium once a day your body will absorb what it can process right then and dump the rest, if you spread it out you will end up absorbing more.
Back when I was in High School, my football coach would always have us put some sunflower seeds in our mouth. I am not exactly sure what it does chemically but I think it has something to do with the sodium helping to retain water. It always did good for me so I try and carry seeds in my pack now just in case.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Kiwi Fruita has as much potassium as a banana. I like both. I also carry Hammer Endurolyte capsules on hikes or long bike rides. They fit in a pack better and don't get smushed.
Potassium gluconate one pill each morning and drink plenty of water. Most guys start their day with coffee. I don't. A big glass of water with breakfast to start the hydration process.
Not sure as I haven't tried it myself, but I recently heard about some football training camps using pickle juice.....

As I said haven't tried it, but they swear it works.

What are some of the stores you are getting these supplements in? Like the calcium pills with magnesium and the vitamin D and the potassium pills. Thanks for your responses.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-11 AT 08:40AM (MST)[p]The dill pickle juice suggestion does work. Sounds strange but I had heard of sports trainers using this as well to help with cramps, so I tried it and it works well. I believe it is due to the sodium content if I am not mistaken. I used to use it when I had cramps and it would take them away after a few minutes. If I knew I was in for a long hike I would drink some prior to leaving and that generally kept them from ever starting.
I work in sports medicine. Tendons and muscles are about 65% water. Keep yourself hydrated will help. Gaterade,and yes pickle juice can help.
Sports drinks are a great idea. However, for every ounce of whatever drink you choose, you need two ounces of water to go with it. It has something to do with the balance electrolytes.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-11 AT 08:42PM (MST)[p]I have suffered from cramps in my legs for 20 years. The suggestions of supplements is a good start. But weight training is what I found to work best. Weight training is a great prehab. But if you can't weight train then suppelments and lots of water is the next best thing.

Inside of the thigh cramps is usually caused by a week thigh abductor. This is where I use to have 90% of my cramps. Doing dead lifts have nearly cured me of having cramps in this area.
There's one other thing you might want to think about is lower back problems. All of the other comments are all good ideas. Drinking plenty of water eating the right foods and exercise. Avoiding certain drinks.
I really like the Clif shot bloks in margarita flavor. Loads of sodium and potassium. Have worked well for me. Plus they are light and easy to pack.

everything above works well to prevent them, but when your laying in your sleeping bag, and about half way trough the night you are woke up by the most god awful leg cramp which immediately brings you to many curse words, and trying to stretch that particular area out all while crying and screaming. I was once told to keep a salt packet or a salt shaker next to your bed (after one of those hikes we are all a custom too) and take a shot of it.. Well I tried this just two nights ago, and believe it or not it took about 15 seconds, and the cramp was gone!! I will forever have salt on all my hunts.
I take the P90X Results & Recovery formula with me when I go hunting and I know I'm going to be climbing the hills. It helps me recover from the hiking. Cuts down on the fatigue in my legs. You can get yours at Look under the Eat Smart tab and go to Supplements to get yours.
Lots of good answers. It may pay you to get a physical, or a least a blood draw. It is possible that you have blood related issues which need resolved first.

If you have an electrolyte imbalance, your muscles just won't work properly. Could be too much or too little of potassium, calcium, sodium, etc. Each electrolyte has a job to do, and if there is an imbalance in any way, the muscles aren't nearly as efficient. Most of us get a lot of sodium, so I doubt too little sodium is the culprit.

If you drink milk on a regular basis, I bet you get enough calcium. As potassium and sodium do their electrical thing and sorta swap charges, the muscle can contract and relax. My guess is that you don't have enough potassium in your diet. your muscles are told to contract, but, because the +/- electrical charges are not in proper balance, your muscle will take time to relax.

Gatorade, bananas and water should fix it....but, make sure your MD is aware of what is going on.

Here is some info on how muscles contract and relax.

>Hey guys and gals, I
>am lookin for a supplement
>to take that will help
>me with my cramps.
>I always cramp in the
>same spot which is the
>inside of my legs just
>above the knee. Gatorade
>seems to help some but
>not enough. This only
>occurs after a long hike
>and when packin out.
>Please help me rid myself
>of this issue. Thanks

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Kind of surprised nobody has suggested the Zipp Fizz electolyte packets sold at Costco. A packet of this in my water each day helps tremendously. Much better electrolyte mix than Gatorade without the sugar. Yes, you have to stay hydrated, and keeping your electrtolytes balanced along with proper hydration is the key.

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