Suing for 3 Quadrillion!!!!



NEW ORLEANS ? Hurricane Katrina's victims have put a price tag on their suffering and it is staggering ? including one plaintiff seeking the unlikely sum of $3 quadrillion.

A whopping $3,014,170,389,176,410 is the dollar figure so far sought from some of the largest claims filed against the federal government over damage from the failure of levees and flood walls following the Aug. 29, 2005, hurricane.

Of roughly 489,000 total claims, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it has received 247 for at least $1 billion apiece, including the one for $3 quadrillion.

"That's the mother of all high numbers," said Loren Scott, a Baton Rouge-based economist.

For the sake of perspective: A mere $1 quadrillion would dwarf the U.S. gross domestic product, which Scott said was $13.2 trillion in 2007. A stack of one quadrillion pennies would reach Saturn.

Some residents may have grossly exaggerated their claims to send a message to the corps, which has accepted blame for poorly designing the failed levees.

"I understand the anger," Scott said. "I also understand it's a negotiating tactic: Aim high and negotiate down."

Daniel Becnel, Jr., a lawyer who said his clients have filed more than 60,000 claims, said measuring Katrina's devastation in dollars and cents is a nearly impossible task.

"There's no way on earth you can figure it out," he said. "The trauma these people have undergone is unlike anything that has occurred in the history of our country."

The corps released zip codes, but no names, for the 247 claims of at least $1 billion. The list includes a $77 billion claim by the city of New Orleans. Fourteen involve a wrongful death claim. Fifteen were filed by businesses, including several insurance companies.

Little is known about the person who claimed $3 quadrillion. It was filed in Baker, 93 miles northwest of New Orleans. Baker is far from the epicenter of Katrina's destruction, but the city has a trailer park where hundreds of evacuees have lived since the storm.

Katrina, which is blamed for more than 1,600 deaths in Louisiana and Mississippi, is considered the most destructive storm to ever hit the U.S. It caused at least $60 billion in insured losses and could cost Gulf Coast states up to $125 billion, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Most of the claims were filed before a deadline that coincided with Katrina's second anniversary, but the Corps is still receiving them ? about 100 claims have arrived over the past three weeks ? and is feeding them into a computer database.

The Corps said it isn't passing judgment on the merits of each claim. Federal courts are in charge of deciding if a claim is valid and how much compensation is warranted.

"It's important to the person who filed it, so we're taking every single claim seriously," Corps spokeswoman Amanda Jones said.
How do you count that high? I didn't know that was a real number....Quadrillion, sounds like the name of a French cathouse!

I ought to sue for a bizillion, just for having to watch all the BS that these agencies have come up with since Katrina!!!!!
Good luck trying to collect that much money from MOTHER NATURE.

What a bunch of F-ing idiots. No wonder the rest of the world hates Americans.
I am willing to bet that a very large percentage of those people are long term welfare users and if they vote, are democrats.

Sounds like the toilet bowl is getting ready to flush?
Why should they be able to sue because they chose to live there.. Hell let's sue the state of Utah because it snowed on us and we were late for work...Or sue the power company since the power went out and we had to miss "deal or no deal", or sue the satellite TV cause they took the "outdoor channel" off the air and we had to miss "uncle Ted"...
> RELH, isn't Louisiana a red

Maybe the state, but that city is definatley BLUE.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
>"There's no way on earth you
>can figure it out," he
>said. "The trauma these people
>have undergone is unlike anything
>that has occurred in the
>history of our country."

What a melodramatic Ahole. People of this country have been thru all types of trauma that would dwarf their flood. How about the South after the Civil War?

Shut the hell up and get on with your lives.
I also believe the Gov. of Louisiana is blue, blue in the face trying to justify her goofs on Katrina. And if I recall right, a certain congressman from that great state is also blue. blue in the face trying to explain his FBI investigation for taking over 80 thousand in bribe money and the FBI locating that money in his freezer on a search warrant. Old dopers never learn, the cops are fully aware they stash their money and drugs in the freezer!!! Any more comments Dude, should we get into the big hush hush that the Dems are pulling on that congressman after they circled the wagons to protect one of their own. At lease members of the GOP came out and stated that Craig should resign when he screwed up, I have not seen one Dem. demand the same from their fellow congressman.


Will never happen. Attorneys looking for their blood money. As for New Orleans, they have one of the most dense populations of 2nd. and 3rd. generation welfare freeloaders that always look for the Gov. to help them. They just love the Democrats that created their gravey train and this is the way they pay it back to the tax payers. P.S. Most of them will be voting for Obama, cause they think he will look out for his kind. Hillary will not get their vote, a con knows how to spot another con.

So the state votes republican but they're all dems, think like dems and act like dems? that's creative I'll give you that much.
I never knew Ray Nagin was a staunch conservative. Makes sense, if LA is a red state then I guess he is. Rocky Anderson must of been a conservative too because UT is also a red state.

Anyone ever notice that you never see the video clips that were seen on CNN prior to the hurricane with statements like "I'm not leaving here I'll take my chances and go down with the city if it happens while I tip back a cold one." Many of those interviewed I saw acted like it was a big joke.

Final point...tort reform.
La. is equaly divided on Senators in Washington, 1-Dem. 1-GOP.
HR is 5-GOP. 2-Dem. Their state legislation is about 61% Dem. for both houses. I have a hard time calling that a GOP state. Get more facts next time you spout off about me being creative. It seems you are again speaking out both sides of your mouth.

Dude, LA suffers from the same problems as most of the other states.

The Cities and population centers vote liberal (many are on the government nipple, unions, inoculated in city public schools) the more rural areas tend to be conservative (more independent minded, small community values in schools, often more religious).

I know i am painting with a broad brush here and my examples are biased :).

Almost all of the squealing is coming from New Orleans and the dense population centers.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-08 AT 10:51AM (MST)[p]The point is the state's electoral votes went to Bush, therfore it's classed as a red state and they got what the asked for. we could break it down by county but the state will still be red.

Lets face it, the situation in New Orleans was bungled, BAD. hospitals without power or help from the outside world for 5 days is inexcusable, the whole rescue effort was a discrace. now do I feel bad for most of those people? no, if you live below sea level getting flooded is a real posibility. what do we owe them? not much, most had nothing before the flood and they still have what they started with. I have little smypathy for the majority and this administration deserves the bad press they've gotten. like them or not these people are Americans, why can we spend over half a trillion dollars and 4000 American lives in Iraq to " make life better for the Iraqi people " but not be able to get dying Americans out of an American hospital? or get elderly people out of a flooded city? it's a pathetic situation where government bums failed to assist regular bums.
it's a
>pathetiic situation where government bums
>failed to assist regular bums.

That pretty much says it all.
I bet if you just offered them another $500 government debit card and told them they could use it for a new X Box, Strippers and beer. Most of them would drop their clam and be happy.
That would save us people that pay taxes at least a couple Quadrillion.
"but not be able to get dying Americans out of an American hospital? or get elderly people out of a flooded city? it's a pathetic situation where government bums failed to assist regular bums. "

Dude that is exactly why I fail to understand why folks are so eager for the government to be in control of their lives on any significant level. How can anyone then say the government should be in charge of things like healthcare and retirement issues? That is the level of service you can generally expect so why do we want the government to implement so many social programs?
Ok, Ill say it. I want to know how many of the claims have been generated by minorities. Go ahead, call me a rascist. Just curious.
>"but not be able to get
>dying Americans out of an
>American hospital? or get elderly
>people out of a flooded
>city? it's a pathetic situation
>where government bums failed to
>assist regular bums. "
>Dude that is exactly why I
>fail to understand why folks
>are so eager for the
>government to be in control
>of their lives on any
>significant level. How can
>anyone then say the government
>should be in charge of
>things like healthcare and retirement
>issues? That is the
>level of service you can
>generally expect so why do
>we want the government to
>implement so many social programs?

Bingo! We have a Winner!!!
Are you saying we shouldn't expext our government to get sick people out of a flooded hospital with no services in 100 degree heat? no wonder you guys are happy with Bush, you set the bar so low he can fall over it.

I don't expect much from the government but the fact is we have a segment of society who do, until you find a cure for this or start a soylent green factory you're going to have to deal with them. talk is cheap, a bunch of Bubbas can sit around and drink beer while solving the worlds problems but getting it done is a whole other story. just like feeding them some of these people need health care, I don't like it but that's the way it is and you're going to pay for it. a scocialized system would be cheaper than the way we're doing it now, don't tell me I'm a scocialist if you kids in a public school or you use public roads. until you have a solution that WILL WORK don't tell me I'm wrong.
"until you have a solution that WILL WORK don't tell me I'm wrong. "

Typical, you don't have any answers you just gripe about those who give it their best shot. most people know a lot more when you're telling them than when you're asking them, so now what's your answer to all this?
Let's wait for the elections...the day after, the stricken area will magically be transformed into the Emerald City Of Oz. It would have by now but dag nabbit all, that Bush character is preventing that from happening.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
No, it will still be a toilet bowl. Bush and his horse buddy FEMA director dropped the ball when it happened, the fix will take years no matter who gets elected though they couldn't do any worse. in my opinion the town should be moved above sea level or scrapped, but it's not my call.

You call me out on health care then run back and hide when I ask your solution to fix it, the people of New Orleans are some of the same people we're paying health care on. in a way they're like pets as bad as it is to say that, they expect and need us to provide for them but unlike my dogs and horses they offer little in return. still, we have no choice but to pony up, what's your great solution I'm not seeing?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-08 AT 07:28PM (MST)[p]Where is this right to life, liberty, government healthcare, and cheese you speak of? I must admit I'm having a hard time finding that one. I found something about life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness but not the free cheese and healthcare thing.

I certainly neglect to see where it is spelled out that I have to pay for it. My solution to a large degree is that if you let the poor starve to death there will not be any more poor. Will they starve and die? Certainly most would not. They would have to get a job, or two jobs like the rest of us.

Am I any more or less charitable in character than you? Maybe, maybe not but I consider myself to be a charitable person. Perhaps our system in terms of healthcare is not as broken as some would have us believe. I have not seen recent multitudes of people heading to Uganda for heart surgery. I would suspect of the social countries with an existing government healthcare system in place, far more people come here for treatment than leave here for treatment.

I have a difficult time charging the government with the responsiblity of my car registration. Certainly, I would prefer the emergency room to not be run with the same mentality I have to wade through when I go to the DMV.

Government assistance pretty well seems to take away ones dignity, and enslaves them to a lifetime of dependance and complacency. Is this always the case? No. Is it fairly common? Absolutely. It always boosts my confidence in the appropriation of welfare each time I'm standing in line at the super market and make the observation that person in front of me is paying with government assitance in the form of WIC, food stamps, ect. and they have a case of Duff Beer and other extras that are not requirements to sustain life. Why should I be required to pay for their requirements so they can pay for their wants?

Oh, back to the healthcare mantra of "it's so expensive and the healthcare fat cats are lining their pockets." Well hell yes it's expensive. When you go into the ER you get to pay for your treatment, 12 others who arrived before you and don't have coverage and won't pay, and 5 who will arrive after you. I should expect it because in some way I'm sure it's my fault they aren't covered. Furthermore, those who pay for services rendered also subsidize all the lawsuits drawn against the industry. The doctors pay absurd amounts of cash for malpractice insurance, and the cost gets passed on down the line.

Where do we draw the line? Do we all just celebrate a world of mediocracy where there are no incentives for being productive? Do we settle for a world where there are no defined winners or losers to promote the pursuit of excellence? Should our reward in life be the same whether we go to school for 15 years, and find a cure for cancer, or sit home, drink beer, and play halo?

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
In an over simplified would your arguement makes sense, but then we have reality. the reality is many, but not all of these people won't work and even if they did they would never be able to afford health care. you'll have to do better because survival of the fittest doesn't fly in a developed nation, it could be debated it should but then again there's reality.

I'm anything but a humanitarian because like you I'm too self centered, but I am a realist.
Well, I'd say we alot them a new Caddy Escalade every ten years because they won't/can't ever afford that either. I gotta tell ya Dude, if it wasn't for a few posts regarding wolves I'd say we are complete polar opposites. We are not entirely opposite however because I don't care for wolves and I do like a nice pre-64.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
If you can make them work there's plenty of low tech jobs only Mexicans will do today, I want to see this.

Even if you figure out how to make them work then what about health care? minimum wage isn't going to even cover their insurance premium so now what? back to we pay or find a cheaper system, like scocialized medicine for those who can't afford the Leer Jet doctor crowd and politically protected drug companies. reality, what a concept.
I agree with you that our health care system is in need of a big change. But, I firmly do not believe a " scocialized medical" system is the right answer.
At one time I felt it should be looked into after hearing the "good" points as given out by our politicians. While on a trip in Canada, I questioned many working citizens there about their "scocialized medical" coverage. I did not find one working average Joe that was for it. Main reason, about 50% of their paycheck going to taxes to pay for it. Other reasons given, extreme delays in having surgery done , over 1-2 months if the surgery is not needed for life threating procedures. Forget about going to a doctor or clinic for the flu or cut hand. Very long wait in crowded conditions, doctor will spend only about 10-12 minutes with you at best due to having to see too many patients per day.
We need improvements, but that is not the way to go for any form of quality care. I do not like the idea of spending 50% of my paycheck for piss poor care. We need a better solition, or all of us might as get in line for welfare and get it for free and not bust our butts working and give away 50% of our wages to support free loaders.

I know a few Canadians and for the most part they're happy with their system, one of thems wife has just had a successful recovery from lung cancer. they do pay some serious taxes I'll give you that.

I don't claim to have all the answers but would you rather have a government trained doctor paid government scale working on these people or a full price send us the bill doctor?
if the care they get isn't quite up to the standards of private health care you know what? I can live with that. another thing I think is for obese, druggy or people who smoke if I'm paying your medical bills your doctor will put you on a reasonable recovery or fitness plan and if you fail to meet his recomendations you're out, my obligation to you is over. I think we need ways to provide reasonable free health care for everyone, at a minimal cost . if you can afford private medical care or the insurance for it then it will always be there for you, the full price doctors aren't going away. we're paying full cost now for all these people so my idea is to save money not spend more.
Lets look at this way. Right now I am retired and my work place no longer pays a good portion of my medical insurance for me and my wife. I pay around $800.00 a month for the coverage that cost me about $200.00 a month when I was working. Of course when I get to 65 my costs will go down quite a bit on the private insurance to around $ 300.00 a month with medic care kicking in.
Now lets look at what would be the senario if we went to socilized medical benifits where we have to pay just 45% in taxes to cover all medical expenses, which is 5% cheaper then what the Canadians told me they were paying.
My yearly payout for medical coverage would be around $45,000.00 per year based on the joint income the wife and I have. The yearly outlay for now is $9,600.00. A very big difference in payout where I am paying an additional $34,400,00 for someone else per year. I do not think the average American will accept that.
Another thing, you single out anyone that is obese, smoker, or druggie for cutting them off due to health condition risks. How would you feel if we also included farmers because they have to work in dust conditions while plowing and that is adverse to their lungs. We might as well include workers in some factory jobs, painters, and the lists goes on from there.

How about the average working stiff that is trying to get by on making 35-40 thousand per year in wages and is just able to keep his head above water and enjoy a modest vacation once a year. Tell him that he will only be making 17-20 thousand a year because Uncle Sam is going to tax him at 45% to help cover his medical expenses.
I think a revolution would be in the making if this is done. I just do not see the average citizen buying such a plan if all details is made known to them. I have a neighbor, who has not worked in the last 25 years and has drawn way past any SS he has payed in to the system. He and his divorced wife live together, they divorced because both of them can draw more SS by being single. He has been so called dying for the past 5 years. For the past three years he calls a ambulance up to his house about twice a month to transport him to the hospital and get more medication at about 2 thousand dollars a trip. They also drive a SUV instead of a cheap compact.
There is your problem with our medical system, the free loaders are just plain overloading the system because they do not have to worry about paying for it. That is what needs to be corrected right off the bat.


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