Speaking of age

Many, many moons ago I was up in Reno with some of my pals inside "Dick Clark's American Bandstand" drinking on a fake ID.
At this time I was a couple months shy of my 20th birthday. I have always looked older than I was, so unfortunately for most of my early life goals, drinking in a bar was nothing new to me by this point.
I managed to get shot down by just about every lady in that place that night. On my last lap through the place before admitting defeat, I spotted a beautiful brunette girl that I hadn't already already made a pass at. I figured what the hell, and gave her my best line of BS.
Much to the amazement of my buddies, she liked me a lot and before long we were up at her room. My buddies didn't see me much for the rest of the trip, and by the time she and I parted ways on Sunday we had made plans to get together once we got back to the Bay.
Week or so later after she and I had hooked up a few more times, she asked me how old I was. I told her I was 19 and she got quiet and a little red faced. I didn't know what the deal was, and she finally told me that she had no idea I was that young and that she felt like a cradle robber!
Turned out that she was a very young looking 42 year old. And as luck would have it, she turned out to be a very young looking MARRIED 42 year old!
Soon as she let me in on the last part I was outta there. I felt sick after learning that I was shooting on some other poor bastard's pond.
Good life lesson all the way around though! Until proven otherwise, trust em as far as you can throw em!

Me personally, 22 years!
Many years ago I met a group of youngsters, all in the medical field, when I was in the Navy. I started talking with one girl and soon discovered that we were from the same home state. We talked a bit more, and then I realized I went to school (same grade) as her cousins.

A few days later I got sick with a sinus infection and took the day off. It was a Friday.

About 3pm, my doorbell rang and it was that girl, in a pretty yellow sun dress. She dug through my medical records and found my address.
I was sick, but still realized what happened.

Any way, she was pretty and very attractive and friendly. And she left after a few minutes and said that she just wanted to see how I was doing.

About a week later she called and we started talking. One thing led to another and we started dating.

I was 39 and she was 19.

My 40th birthday was pretty awesome. ;)
Many, many moons ago I was up in Reno with some of my pals inside "Dick Clark's American Bandstand" drinking on a fake ID.
At this time I was a couple months shy of my 20th birthday. I have always looked older than I was, so unfortunately for most of my early life goals, drinking in a bar was nothing new to me by this point.
I managed to get shot down by just about every lady in that place that night. On my last lap through the place before admitting defeat, I spotted a beautiful brunette girl that I hadn't already already made a pass at. I figured what the hell, and gave her my best line of BS.
Much to the amazement of my buddies, she liked me a lot and before long we were up at her room. My buddies didn't see me much for the rest of the trip, and by the time she and I parted ways on Sunday we had made plans to get together once we got back to the Bay.
Week or so later after she and I had hooked up a few more times, she asked me how old I was. I told her I was 19 and she got quiet and a little red faced. I didn't know what the deal was, and she finally told me that she had no idea I was that young and that she felt like a cradle robber!
Turned out that she was a very young looking 42 year old. And as luck would have it, she turned out to be a very young looking MARRIED 42 year old!
Soon as she let me in on the last part I was outta there. I felt sick after learning that I was shooting on some other poor bastard's pond.
Good life lesson all the way around though! Until proven otherwise, trust em as far as you can throw em!

Me personally, 22 years!
You personally, 23....

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