Sons hunt- Book Cliffs 2017


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-18 AT 10:21PM (MST)[p]I do not post on this site like I did in the past. However, being as I had received some great advice from members here, I felt that I owed a hunt report to my sons hunt.

In 2016, I had enough points to draw this tag (bear spring). I drew the tag and mistakenly thought I would get a bear without a guide. I hunted hard; we tried calling, glassing, everything that we could think of- nothing. During the hunt, I was contacted by Elite Outfitters and offered a guide to help me out. The offer was a great deal and I was too bull headed to do it. Ultimately, I did not see a bear and although I had a great time, no bear!

I really appreciated the guides communication and professionalism. Even though I did not book with him, he wished me luck and sent me pic's of their success. I told him that if one of my family members ever drew in the future, I would contact him.

I never expected a family member to draw again and to our surprise, my son drew this year with 3 points. I was smart this time and called Steve from Elite and booked the hunt. He said that he had a local guide that was highly recommended.

We made this a family hunt that included my wife, son, and my son that would be hunting. We arrived in Vernal late that night and stayed at a local hotel. We were up early the next morning and met up with our guide. We spent the next few hours driving roads. This was my second hunt with a pack of dogs and I had no idea that they would be so good. I found it hard to believe that they could pick up scent from the back of a truck!

Fast forward about 4-6 hours, later that afternoon and the dogs were on a bear. I thought I was in decent shape but the guide had me and my son beat. We were moving fast trying to catch up to the dogs.

We finally arrived and the dogs had the bear bayed inside a cave. The cave had a small, and I mean a small opening that I have n idea how that bear squeezed into it. Some of the dogs were in the cave and fighting with the bear. I heard a dog yelp and figured that it must of taken a swat. I was on top (above) the cave wondering what we were going to do, how we were going to get it out of there.

I had never seen a cave like this and I am sure no human being had ever seen this one. It was in some of the most steep, rock country I had ever been in. The guide called us down and said that he had stuck his head in the opening and was sure that it was a boar, and that it was a good one. We were hoping for a boar and we said we would take it, if he thought it was good.

The guide told my son that he would have to crawl partially thought the opening of the cave and shoot it. I wasn't too sure about this and my son wasn't either. I guess my stupidity knows no bounds and I encouraged him to do it. Yeah, I know, probably not the smartest decision. There was only one way out for the bear and that was through the one opening. He took my .32 special and could see the bear about 10-15 yards at the back of the cave. Me and the guide told him to not shoot until he had a perfect broadside shot. Me and the guide stood behind him, waiting to pull him out if the bear tried to come out. Yes, he was wedged in pretty good!.

He finally shot; It was a perfect shot and fortunately there was no rodeo. We dug the bear out after waiting a few minutes and we also had my son but two more insurance shots into the bear just to be sure.

When we finally got the bear out, we were more than happy. It was 6', no rub marks and a boar! My son was still in shock I think and told me it was the most adrenaline that he had ever felt.

Our guide skinned and caped it. My youngest took turns with the guides son packing it out. I do not know how they did it, but they beat us out and I will say it again that it was tough, steep, rocky country. My wife said that she would not be bear hunting in the future!

I can't say enough good about my guide. It was worth every cent and I realize (more that before) how much effort, time, money and work they put into training their dogs. The dogs and guides the ones who should be congratulated!

It was a great experience with my family and one that we will always remember.




LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-18 AT 02:23PM (MST)[p]Hawkeye:

You are right. The guides deserve all the credit!

I went with Elite Outfitters. He worked with another local outfitter in Vernal (Brad). I feel bad that I cannot remember the name of the Company. Steve Mahler at Elite would know.

Both guides/Outfitters were are top notch! I hope to have the opportunity to use them again!

Brad brought his family along and it was great. Great kids and a good guy. Top notch dogs and he knows the area well!
Brad Evans. Corner stone outfitters. Great guy. Great family. Best dogs you can hunt behind. I've spent many many days hunting with him. One of the best hounds men you could ever be with.
>Brad Evans. Corner stone outfitters. Great
>guy. Great family. Best dogs
>you can hunt behind. I've
>spent many many days hunting
>with him. One of the
>best hounds men you could
>ever be with.

Yes! Thank you

It was only my second hunt ever with dogs. I (we) have been fortunate on both hunts. Can say enough good about the Outfitter and guide. Surely worth every penny!

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