Sometimes life gives you Lemons


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Let’s not forget about the innocent victims in Wades poaching after math, the anguish must be unfathomable, hopefully their able to gather the pieces and move on with their lives.



Im glad he finally got more than just a slap. There should be more than just a one year ban on federal land, jerk his forest permits too. When will the state case start?
His prison sentence is a slap. Hatch isn’t allowed to be in a hunting camp for years. Why is Wade not treated the same. Is the Lacey act not the Lacey act both offenders are guilty of it. Hatch and Hamberlain didn’t surround the mule deer with dogs or temporary fencing so why is his Lacey act violation more severe. I think multiple years not in a hunting camp is harder on an outfitter than a tiny prison sentence and small piece of restitution. What it boils down to is at least Ryan Hatch had the balls to tell the DNR how piss poor they manage mule deer. While Wade played their game of let’s sell the kings deer, cats, bears, and elk at auction and I’ll bring the sniper, dogs and chopper.
Do you think the federal court judge looked up Ryan Hatch and his record and compared them and gave Lemon a lighter sentence? The two have nothing tangible between them and the judge has no idea who Hatch is.
Do you not think a federal judge looked at a deer killed with a strip tag on the pauns with a high profile client? I’ll bet the client lemon had is worth far more than Hamberlain. But in my opinion neither client should be hammered only the outfitter that pushes to commit the crime. I’ll bet Heaton get’s off with 2 months community service being on the inside. I’ll bet he’s got some skeletons in the DNR closet that they wouldn’t want to have light shined on. Bottom line; Hatch, Lemon and Heaton are all cheating bastards on their methods of take with clients. All 3 should never hunt again because they are repeat offenders of multiple hunting violations with paying clients. Heaton will lose his upland game privileges and no fishing license for 6 months at best.

I find it very difficult to "stain" someone I know with a news article and some internet posts from people that at best I don't know and at worst I don't respect.
I tried asking you a legit question and you know damn well I didn't ask you to "stain" him. Dude got convicted.

Nonetheless, with that answer, I know where this is going. I'll just save my time and move on.
I tried asking you a legit question and you know damn well I didn't ask you to "stain" him. Dude got convicted.

Nonetheless, with that answer, I know where this is going. I'll just save my time and move on.

You asked a legit question. I gave you a very straight and legit answer. I am unsure why this upsets you.
Time for Wade to get some of that sick cell block 6 Ink and get MS 13 alliances on the inside by raffling off a few freebie High fence chum hunts for the loco vatos doing time in Gunny. @Rancho ElChapperal
Might be high time to call that DNR janitor in Cedar City.

View attachment 152001

Boom, out of nowhere smokepole shows up and reminds the MM of what true genius looks like
My question is why people keep hunting with outfits who have bad reputations, or worse, convictions for wildlife violations..? Maybe something like this will finally get their operation blacklisted.??
My question is why people keep hunting with outfits who have bad reputations, or worse, convictions for wildlife violations..? Maybe something like this will finally get their operation blacklisted.??
Surprising number of people don't know. Even more surprising number do not care as long as the price is right, trophy is big enough and they can get it done as quickly as possible.
My question is why people keep hunting with outfits who have bad reputations, or worse, convictions for wildlife violations..? Maybe something like this will finally get their operation blacklisted.??

They don't care.

No one buys Trump Jr shows up to see a burn scar under a tree, smoke in the air and "doesn't know" what's up.

Waldrips kept using him even after they poached a sheep. Most likely because they knew he was bullet proof with the dwr
Hey Hossy?

If You Had Called The Janitor You're Telling Me You Wouldn't Have Done The Same Thing?:D

I Know!

I Know!

Wade Knew Where They Shoulda Been Hunting!

I've Been Looking For The Janitors Phone Number But Nobody Will Give It To Me!

They don't care.

No one buys Trump Jr shows up to see a burn scar under a tree, smoke in the air and "doesn't know" what's up.

Waldrips kept using him even after they poached a sheep. Most likely because they knew he was bullet proof with the dwr
Hey Hossy?

If You Had Called The Janitor You're Telling Me You Wouldn't Have Done The Same Thing?:D

I Know!

I Know!

Wade Knew Where They Shoulda Been Hunting!

I've Been Looking For The Janitors Phone Number But Nobody Will Give It To Me!

He was the fisheries biologist in Price. I don't remember his name, I talked to him at the time

I find it very difficult to "stain" someone I know with a news article and some internet posts from people that at best I don't know and at worst I don't respect.


I find it very difficult to "stain" someone I know with a news article and some internet posts from people that at best I don't know and at worst I don't respect.
Wade is a stain. The same kind of stain that Monica Lewinsky couldn’t get off her blue dress only bigger. I could tell you some stories that couldn’t be published in any news article.

Like my ole’ Granny used to say “When life gives you Lemmons you’ll get ten points for every one you bean that F’n Texan in the head with”.😆
So, I'm a little late getting here with this but I will throw it out anyway


So, Tri-fecta-sex, you don't see how this guy's actions "stain" us all? Few things put us hunters more in the negative spotlight than violations concerning with predator, and specifically, feline hunting. And yet you just go along hero worshiping people like this. You're no sportsman. You're guilty by association.
You're a moron
I've been in the hunting industry for 32 years. Do you know how many times I have seen an anti-hunter or politician use an illegal act to influence an anti-hunting bill????????

Never. Not once. Not one single time. That's not the tactics they use.

How about non-hunters?????? They don't do it either because it's stupid. Somehow they all know this but you don't.
I've been in the hunting industry for 32 years. Do you know how many times I have seen an anti-hunter or politician use an illegal act to influence an anti-hunting bill????????

Never. Not once. Not one single time. That's not the tactics they use.

How about non-hunters?????? They don't do it either because it's stupid. Somehow they all know this but you don't.
After "Cecil the Lion"

A United States House of Representatives subcommittee approved language that would prohibit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from issuing import permits for lion and elephant trophies from Tanzania, Zimbabwe, or Zambia.

You'd think as a "professional in the industry" you'd know that.
After "Cecil the Lion"

A United States House of Representatives subcommittee approved language that would prohibit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from issuing import permits for lion and elephant trophies from Tanzania, Zimbabwe, or Zambia.

You'd think as a "professional in the industry" you'd know that.
Cecil the lion wasn't killed illegally and no laws were broken in the hunt. The hunter was never even charged with anything.

I am a professional and I do know that.

Your problem is you actually don't know how to comprehend what you read.
Cecil the lion wasn't killed illegally and no laws were broken in the hunt. The hunter was never even charged with anything.

I am a professional and I do know that.

Your problem is you actually don't know how to comprehend what you read. In

The closure of the hunt was not done because of a conservation concern, the document said. “Rather it was largely a reflection of many British Columbians' ethical or moral opposition towards grizzly bear hunting.
group in Colorado is seeking to ban mountain lion hunting in the state through a ballot measure on the November 2024 ballot. The initiative states that trophy hunting of mountain lions is inhumane, doesn't serve a socially acceptable or ecological purpose, and doesn't improve public safety. The
group in Colorado is seeking to ban mountain lion hunting in the state through a ballot measure on the November 2024 ballot. The initiative states that trophy hunting of mountain lions is inhumane, doesn't serve a socially acceptable or ecological purpose, and doesn't improve public safety. The
Again, no law breaking here as their argument.

Again, you need to learn how to read.
You really don't know what anti-hunting legislation is do you. You posted an article where they are talking about strengthening laws on keeping live wolves.

Like I said, you have a reading g problem.

"Strengthening laws"?

It wasn't illegal.


Why is that happening? Dude took a wolf by legal means.
Still not anti-hunters pushing agendas because of illegal hunting.

Do you read anything you post?
I've been in the hunting industry for 32 years. Do you know how many times I have seen an anti-hunter or politician use an illegal act to influence an anti-hunting bill????????

Never. Not once. Not one single time. That's not the tactics they use.

How about non-hunters?????? They don't do it either because it's stupid. Somehow they all know this but you don't.
The tactics utilized by all the anti-hunting groups pushing anti-cat-hunting (and wolf reintroduction and wolf management) legislation in the western states include use of pretty much any and every poaching case they can get their hands on. Sometimes they will even call on authorities to investigate cases of legally harvested animals to see if there is even an ounce of poaching or illegality involved. Fighting it every day out here in Colorado...

Also, lots of convicted criminals are referred to as a 'great guy'. In fact, many criminals are very good at what they do and treat most people very well. But, they're still convicted criminals.

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