Snow machines


Very Active Member
Anybody here ride em ? I just picked up an affordable used one for something to do in the winter.

And NO , it's not for chasing game on the winter range !
We have for about ten years. They are a blast and very addictive. It's my second favorite outdoor activity, second only to deer or big game hunting.
Me & Jr have a couple!

And NO!

We Don't use them for Chasing down Cow Elk like the JACK-ASSES were this last winter!

What Kind did you get?

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Make sure you have your ethical sled use certificate with you.
Lots of funny in the winter. Long HARD jumps will play H#ll on your back.
If you hit open water on the river ice, Jest give it a full throttle and you will just boogie across it.
If you fall off doing about 70 your snowmobile suit will melt some in certain places(shoulder,hip,knee,Ect).

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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I rode one years ago up to some cabins. Had some drinks with friends, watched a good buddy drink too much early times and caprisun then puke over a parked sled.
Either via the remodeling of the heat exchangers or Thumb heater, I think this model, The Polaris Rocky Mountain King (RMK) had the Break Light & turn Signal Fluid Reservoir Freeze causing no Turn or Break Lights.

Didn't this happen to you DW or you Elk...? Maybe it was 2lumpy, feddock or Homer...I forget.

Jagerdad :)
wasn't homer.....I avoid snow like the plague...

>wasn't homer.....I avoid snow like the


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