Snake Safety

LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-10 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]Lynn,

Wow, what an experience to endure. I'm an Occupational therapist with 21 yrs of experience in hand rehab. You had a very good result from what happened. Glad your back enjoying the outdoors. Congrats on all the hard work. Very few people will ever know what you went through.
Two years ago I had a rattle snake crawl in with me in my make shift ground blind. That was scary as hell and I couldn't run out of there fast enough. I left my bow, pack and everything behind too. I finally got the nerve up to smash him with a rock and pull him out. Do be careful out there in the dessert this time of year guys!


I hunted rattle Snakes with a friend. Tissue paper is stronger than a rattlers skull. Tap his head with a stick and he's done.
So how do you guy?s feel about spiders, LOL I had this guy crawl up on my boot while I was glassing. I didn't notice him at first then thought I felt something and about $hit my pants!


Bessy put his "snake killer" to good use on the Dutton last fall, that .357 pops their heads right off![/IMG]
You chitbirds have gone too far!!!!!

I can handle the snakes, but that spider stuff is WRONG!!!!

The snakes will fuss a little, unless you actually step on one, but you get NO warning from spiders and scorpions.....and they are active at night when you cannot see them!
I'm fine with snakes if I know they are there.. If they scare me I will kill them! Spiders and scorpions can all die as far as I'm concerned!

My assistant foreman had a bad experience with a scorpion a couple years ago while we were working on a oil well.. We had a leak under the treater and he crawled under the stairs to try to fix it and while he was under there he started screaming in agony. He couldnt get out from under it so I grabbed his foot and pulled him out not knowing wth was going on! He jumped up and ran to the other side of his truck and dropped his pants. A scorpion crawled up his pant leg and stung him on the end of his penis... Ya he went home for the day.. Looking back its hard not to laugh but I feel pretty bad for him! He still doesnt think its funny..

spiders creep me out!! i would have sh@@ down both legs if that happened to me!! i can tolerate snakes, but spiders, especially hairy ones i cringe at the thought of them on me! sick!!

"Shoot Strait"
Justr_86- The same fricken thing happened to me too, except it was a medium size tarantula. He made it up to an inch above my knee and bit the end of my penis. Bout put me in the hospital.

Thx for the reminder why I wear boxer briefs now.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-10 AT 08:25PM (MST)[p]and then I woke up from my pseudo nightmare, some parts good some parts bad you know how it goes...


Reminds me of the time a spider crawled up my back and bit the end of my Penis. That was the last time I slung it over my shoulder.
BLooDTRaCKeR now that is some funny stuff right there!!!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
What I wanna know is hows come he aint dead?!!?? That one appears very much alive and just CREEPS me out! LMAO!!

I used to kill the **** out of them.
I once had a mayonaise jar filled up with rattles.
If they are out in the hills away from my house just doing their thing, I let them slide.
My kid was bit once by one that was in his sandbox, but thankfully it was a dry bite.
They are really not very aggressive if you don't mess with them.
I would hate to step on one in the dark though.
Some years ago, I was stung on theinside of my upper thigh by a scorpion. NOT close to MY "junk".

We were 100 miles from a decent clinic, chasing havelina in Arizona. The thing crawled into my sleeping bag.

It hit a vein and I am going to tell you that the pain was incredible! I would chew my foot off before going thru that again. I got VERY sick! I understand that different areas have more or less poisonous ones that others.

I've also been bit twice by black widows, once on top of my foot and once in my armpit. Those bites are painful also, but nothing like that scorp!

I actually shot a scorpion, on the floor in my house, with a 12 ga, 00buck. That episode cost me $1200 in home well spent and I would do it again right now!

And, just so it's clear, that tarantula would get shot off my leg, regardless of "collateral damage".......

We have 3 cats....not much gets away by crawling around my house now.
nickman, I know how Scorpion stings feel. I was stung 4 times in two days, my wife was stung a few days before that and it put her in the hospital and she had to take experimental scorpion anti-venom that they made me sign a waiver for. It was scary and I have never seen the pain or a person?s eyes do what hers did. She is allergic, I am not but the stings hurt like hell. By the way, there is only two hospitals in Arizona with this anti-venom. Arizona has the worst ?poison wise? scorpions in the world. They are called Bark Scorpions. For those of us not allergic the sting is twice that of a wasp and then as the poison creeps it can go from your toes to your head. I got stung on the foot (big toe) and it traveled up my leg across my hips and down the other leg. It feels like when your foot falls deep asleep and starts to come back. Pins and needles feeling and it hurts. The spider (tarantula) scared me, but I hunt scorpion with a vengeance which is how I got stung. I have learned to be much more careful and on my acre I killed 33 of the little ba$tards one night and another 22 the following week. I now have them controlled and only see about 4 or 5 after dark, usually around the block fence and kill them as I go. By the way spraying and diatomaceous earth does NOT work! Cant spray a whole acre anyway. I got a visual of holes blasted in my block walls every few feet if you would have come over, ha ha ha LOL!!

GBA, I think if I were you I would build a moat around my house, with only a row boat to cross. lol

Magicman....Here's a Big Ol' Boy I caught this spring in Southern New Mexico... and NO these pics are not doctored in any way! Haven't unthawed it yet to see how long he is but I know he is well over 6ft..



Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
Ol' Buzztail...
A few years ago my local taxidermist caught a big rattler but couldn't figure out how to kill it without harming the skin. He decided to just put it in his freezer and freeze it to death. You guessed it, when that thing thawed out, it wasn't dead. Still very much alive !!!

Before you die.....Take time to live
WTF olbuzztail ,you don't catch snakes with grabby thingies you catch snakes with birdshot, UGHH!! that is just creeeeepyy!!

That would not be a good lesson magicman!

If that snake survived -20 in a freezer that freezes water into hard ice cubes, it must not have been sundown, for rattlers don't die until undown :)!
Scary post; hate those slithery beasts. Just be thankful that rattlers usually give some kind of warning. I spent a few years in the Midwest and suffice it to say that copperheads and cottonmouths aren't so conscientious as to give warnings. Bought me some snakeboots after the first run-in, which ended up saving me a lot of misery.
In July I had my first experience with a Pygmy Rattler. The five rattles were less than 1/4 inch long. The snake was about 18" long.



Before you die.....Take time to live
Who's got a picture of an elevator not going to the top floor so we can add it to buzztails signature? Do you have no other hobby that you have to go looking for those monsters?!:eek:

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