Skull Mount


Long Time Member
I shot this pig about 3 months ago and it had pretty nice tusks. I don't have a pig skull mount so I thought I'd have one done. I have never seen this kind of mount in person and I really didn't think much of it. When I got it back today, I was a little disappointed. The skull is ugly as sin. It almost looks like some sort of prehistoric bird or something. Lesson learned....before you spend the money to mount something, make sure you know what the finished product will look like. My point is that this mount seems a little boring is all. Let me know what you think. Thanks.




i don't think it looks bad at all Wiz. Not exactly the typical mount we're used to seeing but it is what it is. I'll bet it grows on ya!

Might look even better with a the field pic you posted here, framed and hung below the skull mount. Just a thought!

There's an idea, Joey. Maybe I'll do that. I feel really dumb for not knowing what it would look like. Looking back I should have not done a mount at all or spent another $200 for a shoulder mount. Live and learn I guess. Thanks Joey.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-09 AT 09:42PM (MST)[p]Looks cool from the front. . . .

What's the story on the stag to the left of the pig skull in the bottom pic?
That cactus buck was taken in Wyoming in Region J just east of Glenrock a few years ago. My Dad and I were hunting a little ranch that had very few deer on it. I was walking down this draw through the rolling hills and I looked up a little coulee and this guy was bedded under a bush. I saw him, he saw me and I was going to put him down no matter what he was. I didn't have enough time to get a good look at him in the scope. He was about to crest the next hilltop and he stopped and looked at me broadside. I was prone with my bipod down and ready. Still not knowing what he was, I settled the crosshairs behind his shoulder and sqeezed the trigger. Down he went. I was pretty stoked when I walked up on him. I took him to a local taxidermist there and had them preserve the velvet. He's the only cactus buck I've seen in the wild.

He's got 15" bases!! HaHa..J/K

That thing is sweet. I bet you were dang suprised to walk up on that freak
I think its kinda cool! if it were me i would take it off the Plaque and set it on a desk or dresser. I think it looks way good from the front
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-09 AT 02:16PM (MST)[p]That doesn't look too bad Steve - but there is a definite reason why the word "PIG" has so many derrogatory connotations. Take it for what it is - it is a Pig - but a big one with really long tusks! Besides with a little creativity it can become one of your prize posessions.

Here are some suggestions -

Put it in the same room that your Mother-in-law sleeps in when she comes over. Install some lights behind the eyes that glow in the dark. You can say that it is like a night lite that helps her get to sleep and that you did it especially for her because you care about her so much.

Spruce it up at Halloween time - rig up some orange and black lights and make the kids reach in the mouth to grab the candy.

Take it to work and put a plaque on it that says "My Last Boss" - I'll bet your current boss will get a real kick out of it.

Mount it up above the fridge and put an electronic squealer in it, that way every time the fridge door opens, it squeals!

Put it in the bathroon - open up the jaws and use the tusks to hold the TP.

Put it on the dining room table, invite some folks over that you don't really like, place it near you and pet it during dinner, referring to it as precious. Everyonce in a while, bend down and kiss it's nose and say in baby talk "Ohhh you taste soo good, yes you do... ahhh yes you doooo!!"

Just a couple of ideas to kick around.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
hey wiz i think it looks good. i got a nice hog back in december and boiled the head. it came out nice but i still need to bleach it.
Thanks guys for the nice comments.

Roy- You have entirely too much time on your hands to think of ways to use a skull mount of a pig!! Thanks for the suggestions. I like the mother-in-law idea the best!!


I don't have digital pictures of the cactus buck. I didn't even have a digital camera until 3 or 4 years ago. I think I'll be able to scan the pictures that I have onto my computer though. I won't be back down to the office until Monday. I'll give it a shot then.
Seriously though - it is pretty cool - I think it looks pretty good from the front. It definitely is unique!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Steve That skull looks ok!! I think you should put a field pic with it and that would make it look a lot better. What you been up to lately?? Shooting the bow yet?? I just took mine out and tuned it up. Gonna start shooting a bit soon I hope.
HEHEEEHE...+2 on Roys post----Looks pretty neat Wiz...Them pig's have a pile of teeth!!!!

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