
Long Time Member
I'd Guess She Ain't done alot of Shootin or Huntin?

And don't you Think You might wanna shut the Engine off for the Back-up Missed Shot?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
A pair of T!TS or a fire bull flat brim and you're an insta hero...

That's all it takes...
>A pair of T!TS or a
>fire bull flat brim and
>you're an insta hero...
>That's all it takes...

Here's another I can't decide moment.

I can't decide who's more pathetic, all these social media hunters or the losers who worship these social media jackasses and buy their crap?
I didn't watch the entire video before I commented first... That is a sorry mess of video that should not be shown on youtube or any where...But like I said in my first post a pair shown off and no matter what you hunting style is like, you can make a living...

pretty sad..
Flat brim Insta hero hunters. The hunting community is full of them now and everything they do is "awesome".
Her PH's are idiots.
She's got the barrel lying on her rest instead of the stock for her second shot and they didn't say a word.
I have zero doubt they were watching her b00b reaction to the recoil!??
>Her PH's are idiots.
>She's got the barrel lying on
>her rest instead of the
>stock for her second shot
>and they didn't say a
>I have zero doubt they were
>watching her b00b reaction to
>the recoil!??


You see the Way She Holds that Pole?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
sweet jeezus......that is pathetic.

just do nudes and stfu.....


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
That was fuggin rough to watch, what a delicious looking bimbo though mmmm mmmm!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
>A pair of T!TS or a
>fire bull flat brim and
>you're an insta hero...
>That's all it takes...

Not true. There is a growing market it seems for the Asian requirement.

>Her PH's are idiots.
>She's got the barrel lying on
>her rest instead of the
>stock for her second shot
>and they didn't say a
>I have zero doubt they were
>watching her b00b reaction to
>the recoil!??

The barrel on the rest was the least of her worries.

When i see flat brimmed hats on hunters...i think dussche bag. If you are one of those guys..sorry, pretty boy dusche bag.

>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...

LMAO... thanks homer... ?
I'd be a little Nervous around Her when She's got a Gun in Her hands!

Looks Like She can Run a Hook a little Safer!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Sure she should be hunting. The more people we have hunting the better. Especially woman. Even stupid ones.
This is the kind of stuff that the non hunting people love to get their hands on. Great Bikini I would rather see her on a beach somewhere than here.
She's on the right track, but she'll never be taken seriously until she wears a KUIU or Sitka bikini. :D
Only thing that pro hunter is an expert at is having her ##### out. Who TF thinks this ##### needs to be on outdoor tv? This kinda stuff is retarded. I'm all for pretty girls hunting and being involved in the outdoors but this is getting ridiculous. ?How come I can't see through the scope?? ...holy #####.
>Only thing that pro hunter is
>an expert at is having
>her ##### out. Who TF
>thinks this ##### needs to
>be on outdoor tv? This
>kinda stuff is retarded. I'm
>all for pretty girls hunting
>and being involved in the
>outdoors but this is getting
>ridiculous. ?How come I can't
>see through the scope?? ...holy

My thoughts exactly!! As soon as she said that I turned it off.
>She's on the right track, but
>she'll never be taken seriously
>until she wears a KUIU
>or Sitka bikini. :D

I concur!!???
>I only got through 30 secs
>of video.

You Guys Are Lying!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I'd been much more impressed if she was the first one in a bikini to shoot a whitetail in northern Alberta, in late November.

>I'd been much more impressed if
>she was the first one
>in a bikini to shoot
>a whitetail in northern Alberta,
>in late November.

I bet you would...
Forget going to the same old boring job every day.

I'm gonna throw on a man bikini, hit you tube and start making the easy cash!!!

My dad bod can fit into a bikini of some size!

Gonna try it, see if I can get 50,000 views in the first day!

I got another year before my Bologna Boobs start to really sag!

Who's in?!
>Forget going to the same old
>boring job every day.
>I'm gonna throw on a man
>bikini, hit you tube and
>start making the easy cash!!!
>My dad bod can fit into
>a bikini of some size!
>Gonna try it, see if I
>can get 50,000 views in
>the first day!
>I got another year before my
>Bologna Boobs start to really
>Who's in?!

Hey BloodTracker!

Don't Make Me PUKE!

I'll just keep watching the Gal with the Tiny Hiny that can't Shoot for Shhiitt!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
The only thing nice in that stupid video was her boobs and that must have been the only reason it was made and put out on the net!
Always wondered what an outdoor stripclub would look like??‍♂️ Gotta say it's one of those things way better in your imagination!??‍♂️
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-18 AT 10:39AM (MST)[p]Hey Bobcat! She does have a pretty interesting way of holding a fishing rod! :D Maybe she's trying to feel the action.:D
>AT 10:39?AM (MST)

>Hey Bobcat! She does have a
>pretty interesting way of holding
>a fishing rod! :D Maybe
>she's trying to feel the

You Crack Me Up Eel!

At Least You're Young enough to Notice it!

Ms Eel wasn't peaking over your Shoulder on that one was she?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-18
>>AT 10:39?AM (MST)

>>Hey Bobcat! She does have a
>>pretty interesting way of holding
>>a fishing rod! :D Maybe
>>she's trying to feel the
>You Crack Me Up Eel!
>At Least You're Young enough to
>Notice it!
>Ms Eel wasn't peaking over your
>Shoulder on that one was
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Nah, she doesn't have the same interest in fishing that I do. I notice all the little details. :D
No Camo LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
What a joke, just like all the poster boys running around the west. She might be nice to meet in a brothal after the hunt.
>Looks like in South Africa they
>use down range spotters just
>like they do out in
>the Basin.

Easy There Towelie!

I Will Not Allow a Down Range Spotter anytime,anywhere!

But the One Guy Involved in the Accident Lives a 1/4 Mile away from Me!

He's Screwed Up for Life because of it!

And I Wouldn't Wish it upon anybody!

The Way This Gal Is Handling a Gun Is Flat Out Scary!

It's a Good thing She's got a Feel for Handling a Fishing Rod!

"A 3 Hold Pole Grip"!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>The Way This Gal Is Handling
>a Gun Is Flat Out
>It's a Good thing She's got
>a Feel for Handling a
>Fishing Rod!
>"A 3 Hold Pole Grip"!

I was thinking I wouldn't have minded being the handle of that pole, LOL!
Slightly off topic, but is all hunting in Africa like this? Basically driving around until you see your quarry grazing calmly at 200 yards, and then picking the one you want? I mean, the antelope (whatever they were) just grazed at 40 yards while they drove by. I guess they weren't on the menu?

Oh, and more on topic, how in the he!! are they going to shoot 13 minutes of video and show zero footage of the "huntress" driving on a bumpy road. Poor, poor filmmaking in my humble opinion...

>Slightly off topic, but is all
>hunting in Africa like this?
>Basically driving around until you
>see your quarry grazing calmly
>at 200 yards, and then
>picking the one you want?
>I mean, the antelope (whatever
>they were) just grazed at
>40 yards while they drove
>by. I guess they weren't
>on the menu?

Pretty gay huh?

and it only cost around $20k.
No. Not all hunting in Africa is like this. Most of Africa is still unfenced. Some of the best hunters I have ever seen are Africans. Much game is hunted on track and killed in very close quarters in thick bush. Hunting in Africa is very different than hunting here. Much hunting begins at water resources. How game is managed is very different than here. Not better or worse, just different.

If you ever have a chance to go hunt on track in Africa especially dangerous game I suggest you do it. More than likely it will be one of the greatest experiences of your life.
>No. Not all hunting in
>Africa is like this.
>Most of Africa is still
>unfenced. Some of the
>best hunters I have ever
>seen are Africans. Much
>game is hunted on track
>and killed in very close
>quarters in thick bush.
>Hunting in Africa is very
>different than hunting here.
>Much hunting begins at water
>resources. How game is
>managed is very different than
>here. Not better or
>worse, just different.
>If you ever have a chance
>to go hunt on track
>in Africa especially dangerous game
>I suggest you do it.
> More than likely it
>will be one of the
>greatest experiences of your life.

especialy if she is there as a camp pleaser......


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
Half of you clowns are punching the clown to someone younger than your kids. I guess that's what dreams are made of.
>No. Not all hunting in
>Africa is like this.
>Most of Africa is still
>unfenced. Some of the
>best hunters I have ever
>seen are Africans. Much
>game is hunted on track
>and killed in very close
>quarters in thick bush.
>Hunting in Africa is very
>different than hunting here.
>Much hunting begins at water
>resources. How game is
>managed is very different than
>here. Not better or
>worse, just different.
>If you ever have a chance
>to go hunt on track
>in Africa especially dangerous game
>I suggest you do it.
> More than likely it
>will be one of the
>greatest experiences of your life.

If she proved anything, hunting in Africa ain?t for the faint of heart and requires serious dedication.


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