Shocking the TDS crowd is now silent?


Long Time Member
New evidence may destroy Biden's defense in his classified ... - The Hill

Now, I e been told by @wetmule, @grizzly, @Oneye, @CenterFire, @bullskin and a bunch others that they are only interested in the law by golly, yet, when pressed, they are sure great at attacking us extremists, maganuts, Trump lovers, or whatever they see as an insult.

So imagine my shock and surprise, to learn this morning, that in fact, the very chit Trump is now charged with in Florida, was happening in Delaware, BEFORE TRUMP.


Even more shocking that not one of those mentioned above, nor the others I missed, has a damn thing to say.

Why it's almost as if, they are full of crap.

Everytime they go after Trump, it's amazing to see it's on things they are doing before him.

The "only one standard" line Garland stated under oath is sure gonna come back to bite hard now.

TDS, like CWD for the left.
Nice try, but you certainly won't hear me complain if Biden gets nailed. There is no excuse for anyone to be careless with top secret documents, and on this count Biden is as incompetent as Trump and equally unfit to serve as president. I have never distinguished between Biden or Trump in this regard. The one thing that I have always stated, and which you repeatedly ignore, is that I expect to see all politicians respect the law and be held accountable when they are not. Now its your turn. If you believe that careless disregard for national secrets makes Biden unfit for office, then perhaps you will concede that it does the same for Trump. If you cannot, then you may understand why I come after those with Deranged Trump Syndrome. If you can excuse it for Trump, then Biden is similarly free and clear. Will you stand on principle, or do you have an excuse for your boy Trump?
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Bullskin if my memory is correct, Trump had his documents in a office that was inspected by a Federal agency, I forget which agency, and they requested that he put a lock on the storage area besides the office having a lock on the door. He complied with the request.
Biden on the other hand had documents sitting loose in his home garage that many other persons had access to and they not having security clearance to review some of the classified documents. A very big difference there between the security of those documents.
...a little rough on wetmule there......and don't forget NMFROM81....
Don’t think I’ve defended Biden on anything. Please do prove me wrong Homer, you can’t.

If Biden retained classified documents willingly AND refused to return them after being asked for months to do so, then bring it on…..However, I doubt his case of retaining classified docs is nearly as brazen as Trumps. Doesn’t make it acceptable at all. Absolutely, it should be investigated.

My case against Trump is he’s full of s*** (not entirely unique in politics), people are tired of it, AND, most importantly….there’s other Republicans that have a better chance to win the general. Winning a primary, to move on and lose the general, doesn’t do s***.
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Nice try, but you certainly won't hear me complain if Biden gets nailed. There is no excuse for anyone to be careless with top secret documents, and on this count Biden is as incompetent as Trump and equally unfit to serve as president. I have never distinguished between Biden or Trump in this regard. The one thing that I have always stated, and which you repeatedly ignore, is that I expect to see all politicians respect the law and be held accountable when they are not. Now its your turn. If you believe that careless disregard for national secrets makes Biden unfit for office, then perhaps you will concede that it does the same for Trump. If you cannot, then you may understand why I come after those with Deranged Trump Syndrome. If you can excuse it for Trump, then Biden is similarly free and clear. Will you stand on principle, or do you have an excuse for your boy Trump?

Principle means right after you op on trump overestimates, you then hit Biden for his crap.

Otherwise your just another TDS sufferer. I'd go search, but why waste time, we both know your op's go only one way
Don’t think I’ve defended Biden on anything. Please do prove me wrong Homer, you can’t.

If Biden retained classified documents willingly AND refused to return them after being asked for months to do so, then bring it on…..However, I doubt his case of retaining classified docs is nearly as brazen as Trumps. Doesn’t make it acceptable at all. Absolutely, it should be investigated.

My case against Trump is he’s full of s*** (not entirely unique in politics), people are tired of it, AND, most importantly….there’s other Republicans that have a better chance to win the general. Winning a primary, to move on and lose the general, doesn’t do s***.

You don't think a senator keeping docs is as brazen as an ex President? Can't wait to hear this one
You don't think a senator keeping docs is as brazen as an ex President? Can't wait to hear this one
Yes, it’s not even close.

The effort taken to avoid returning them, not listening to advise given by his OWN lawyers to return them, claiming they were returned in full when they weren’t, bragging about retaining them, discussing info in them with others, and then, OF COURSE acting surprised when he got raided?

Yes, the brazenness is not comparable. I think the legal term for it is obstruction.

Yes, it’s not even close.

The effort taken to avoid returning them, not listening to advise given by his OWN lawyers to return them, claiming they were returned in full when they weren’t, bragging about retaining them, discussing info in them with others, and then, OF COURSE acting surprised when he got raided?

Yes, the brazenness is not comparable. I think the legal term for it is obstruction.

Might want to actually read the report on Biden?
To my knowledge that is the first article to suggest obstruction on Biden’s end. If accurate, obviously it pokes a gaping hole in his defense and makes the comparison between the 2 cases worthy.

Doesn’t change my opinion that Trumps an idiot and there’s better Republican candidates to beat Biden in a general.
To my knowledge that is the first article to suggest obstruction on Biden’s end. If accurate, obviously it pokes a gaping hole in his defense and makes the comparison between the 2 cases worthy.

Doesn’t change my opinion that Trumps an idiot and there’s better Republican candidates to beat Biden in a general.

Stop while your ahead.

"I'm not about principle" is the sentence your looking for.

"Trumps an idiot", isn't principle, it's your opinion, based not at all on principe.

Do you need a Googler mechanic? The best of your knowledge seems pretty limited, there's dozens of articles about Biden moving classified starting on 2017.
"Trumps an idiot", isn't principle, it's your opinion, based not at all on principe.
No s*** it’s my opinion. Read what I said. It was exactly that.

Don’t think I need a lecture on principles from the guy that just recently claimed in another thread that everyone in business cheats, so it’s OK.
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Bullskin if my memory is correct, Trump had his documents in a office that was inspected by a Federal agency, I forget which agency, and they requested that he put a lock on the storage area besides the office having a lock on the door. He complied with the request.
Biden on the other hand had documents sitting loose in his home garage that many other persons had access to and they not having security clearance to review some of the classified documents. A very big difference there between the security of those documents.
And the excuses begin. You and I both understand that the inspecting agency was trying to protect these docs while Trump was refusing to return them. They had already asked for their return and he refused. His trial will present the facts to a jury and they will decide whether or not you are comparing apples to apples. Why can't you simply agree that they are both stupid as hell, broke the law, and deserve whatever consequences they receive?
Hoss - I've never wavered from my view that Trumps legal woes are just a continuation of the Russia nonsense. Until they prove differently I'm not changing my mind. They don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Even Bill Barr & numerous other former federal prosecutors (no Trump fans) have said the N.Y. & possibly the Georgia cases are either complete garbage or suspect. They have repeatedly said the best case against him is the Docs case in FLA. I'm not in that camp, still think it's a continuation of the Russia style targeting crap. That said why he didn't return the docs & use the legal mechanism to get them returned is just another Trump stepping on a rake he's so good at.

My beef with Trump as of late is pointing out that I don't think he can win the general. We can do better. Crapping the bed during Covid & making Fauci the "de facto" president and trotting him out to the podium every day to lie to the American people is a deal breaker. Locking down the country/economy is a deal breaker. God awful staffing & never holding himself accountable is a deal breaker. He hired Wray & thinks the jury is still out on him. Hopefully you're not a concerned parent at a school board meeting.

Backing crappy candidates is a deal breaker. Lake is a crappy candidate that voted for Obama 2x and also Hillary in '16 but now she's a far right maga? Trump just gave her the kiss of death by backing her again for Senate. I live in AZ, she's toxic here and will keep AZ blue and Sinema will get another term. Backing television personality buddy Oz over real conservative David McCormack was brilliant. We now have a brain dead hoodie Frankenstein bum in the U.S. Senate. Taking all the credit when things are good and none of the blame when they go bad is a deal breaker. The guy flip flops more than a short order cook at Ihop. He could have pardoned anyone involved in J-6 or at least helped fund their legal defense. Jimmy Carter blanket pardoned all draft dodgers, Trump could have done the same to J-6ers. He could have declared a national state of emergency as Tom Cotton suggested when the summer of love, peaceful protests broke out. He could have not listened to Kim Kardashian & passed the 1st Step Act releasing thousands criminals on the streets. Etc. etc.

I think we need to win in '24 or the Republic is done. There is a candidate that is the most successful, constitutional conservative, chief executive assassin I've ever seen and certainly the most since Regan or Eisenhower. Hated by the left... check. Hated by the establishment... check. Hated by the media... check. Remind you of anyone from a few decades ago?

This is how I view the GOP candidates:

Haley: Neocon Establishment First, Corporations First, War First

Pence: Neocon Establishment First but weirder, Corporations First but weirder, War first but weirder, Holier than thou bloviator first. Trump made him VP

Christie: Neocon Golden Corral first

Scott: Neocon Nice guy first... Who?

Trump: Trump first

Ramaswamy: Trump first, but could change his mind at any given point and often does.

DeSantis: America First
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The bottom line as far as I am concerned. Who ever is the GOP candidate is the one I am going to vote for over any candidate put forward by the Democrats.
As I have said before, I will not and have not voted for any Democrat for over 25 years after watching how that liberal socialist party ran down my state California.
You can not trust even a "moderate" Democrat due to his party making him toe the party platform or forget funding-support at his/her re-election time. Just ask that female member of Congress from Miss. how her party threw her to the wolves because she dared to confront Obama over stopping the oil pipeline to her state.
Principle means right after you op on trump overestimates, you then hit Biden for his crap.

Otherwise your just another TDS sufferer. I'd go search, but why waste time, we both know your op's go only one way

You just heard my opinion on Biden's failure when it comes to national security. You have heard my opinion that he does not have the mental acuity to function as President. I have criticized his failure with regard to border security more than once. I have yet to hear you criticize Trump. For anything. And you cannot even bring yourself to do so today. That is what Trump Derangement Syndrome does to a guy--and at this point I cannot tell if he is your boy, or you are his.
Let us face it, Trump has his faults, but they are not of the caliber that Biden's faults are or any candidate that the Democrats will put forward in 2024. The average American was better off with Trump in office then they are today with sleepy Joe at the helm.
Between sleepy Joe and Gavin Newsome, CA. has 6-7 dollar per gal. gas bill and do not even ask about the higher cost of food. I feel sorry for seniors that are living on social security because they have to be hurting. Same for the single mother trying to raise her kids making a low salary.
Let us face it, Trump has his faults, but they are not of the caliber that Biden's faults are or any candidate that the Democrats will put forward in 2024. The average American was better off with Trump in office then they are today with sleepy Joe at the helm.
Between sleepy Joe and Gavin Newsome, CA. has 6-7 dollar per gal. gas bill and do not even ask about the higher cost of food. I feel sorry for seniors that are living on social security because they have to be hurting. Same for the single mother trying to raise her kids making a low salary.
I agree with you on many points, but not when it comes to America being better off with Trump. I remember the conversation we all had regarding Trump's faults in '19, and I said then that I believed it would cost Republicans the election. The very same MMers who complained about dishonest politicians shrugged it off, suggesting that integrity is impossible to find. One actually offered the observation that "he is just my President, not my pastor"!!! That absolutely destroyed my faith in those whom I had always assumed were patriots. Others suggested that it was too late to find another candidate and we had no choice then but to chose between the lesser of two evils. Yet now, with more than a year before the election (and for the past three years), I see no interest by these same people when it comes to replacing Trump with someone we can be proud of. I have finally accepted that Trump is the only one who appeals to those who never really respected American institutions. Their primary interest was in breaking the system--including the law. And yet they call themselves "patriots". I believe 2024 will go badly for conservatives, and mostly because we are saddled with unprincipled Trump-at-all-cost primary voters.
You just heard my opinion on Biden's failure when it comes to national security. You have heard my opinion that he does not have the mental acuity to function as President. I have criticized his failure with regard to border security more than once. I have yet to hear you criticize Trump. For anything. And you cannot even bring yourself to do so today. That is what Trump Derangement Syndrome does to a guy--and at this point I cannot tell if he is your boy, or you are his.

Yeah? My second post on your overestimates thread:

Trump didn't stop spending. He allowed Fauci to run the gov because he's a germaphobe. He didn't lock up Hillary(he should of started the trend of lawfare). Those were his 3 biggest ,"lies".

But, he's too old. So I agree, shouldn't be president.
Nobody could beat Biden anyway. He's doing what the majority of the people want. I think his people are doing an admirable job behind the scenes. At the very least we're making a dent in climate change. John Kerry has the right idea. Let's hope it catches on.

Screenshot (2).png

This chart shows how CO2 has risen along side all the international Climate Agreements.

Long term history will show that one of the most tragic events in American history happened when John Kerry survived the Vietnam War.
New evidence may destroy Biden's defense in his classified ... - The Hill

Now, I e been told by @wetmule, @grizzly, @Oneye, @CenterFire, @bullskin and a bunch others that they are only interested in the law by golly, yet, when pressed, they are sure great at attacking us extremists, maganuts, Trump lovers, or whatever they see as an insult.

So imagine my shock and surprise, to learn this morning, that in fact, the very chit Trump is now charged with in Florida, was happening in Delaware, BEFORE TRUMP.


Even more shocking that not one of those mentioned above, nor the others I missed, has a damn thing to say.

Why it's almost as if, they are full of crap.

Everytime they go after Trump, it's amazing to see it's on things they are doing before him.

The "only one standard" line Garland stated under oath is sure gonna come back to bite hard now.

TDS, like CWD for the left.
Not sure what your point is here. I have no issue if both Trump and Biden spend the rest of their lives in jail. They both deserve it. I don’t want either of them as the Presidential nominees, I wish Democrats would have dumped Joe for someone who could easily beat Trump like M.Obama a long time ago. Democrats are making a stupid mistake not throwing him over-board for a decent candidate. Republicans are doing the same thing with Trump. Nikki Hailey could win the general election easily but both parties are hell bent on nominating the biggest morons they’ve got. I wish this would sink Biden. I don’t want him as the Democratic nominee.

Meanwhile Hoss, your party can’t keep or choose a speaker and has let extremists make the GOP look like a disorganized nut job party. Republicans get the House and what do they do? Fight over picking their own speaker to begin the conference and are now doing it again. All those purple district R’s in NY are about to lose their seats and the House next November. Have fun.
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Not sure what your point is here. I have no issue if both Trump and Biden spend the rest of their lives in jail. They both deserve it. I don’t want either of them as the Presidential nominees, I wish Democrats would have dumped Joe for someone who could easily beat Trump like M.Obama a long time ago. Democrats are making a stupid mistake not throwing him over-board for a decent candidate. Republicans are doing the same thing with Trump. Nikki Hailey could win the general election easily but both parties are hell bent on nominating the biggest morons they’ve got. I wish this would sink Biden. I don’t want him as the Democratic nominee.

Meanwhile Hoss, your party can’t keep or choose a speaker and has let extremists make the GOP look like a disorganized nut job party. Republicans get the House and what do they do? Fight over picking their own speaker to begin the conference and are now doing it again. All those purple district R’s in NY are about to lose their seats and the House next November. Have fun.

So a handful of liberal Republicans, along with 5-6 who got there feelers hurt over committee assignments, are to dictate to 200 that didn't?

I realize it was smooth when Ryan and Boehner ran things. We got all sorts of liberal wish list items, Obama care being #1
So a handful of liberal Republicans, along with 5-6 who got there feelers hurt over committee assignments, are to dictate to 200 that didn't?

I realize it was smooth when Ryan and Boehner ran things. We got all sorts of liberal wish list items, Obama care being #1
The uniparty. Rinos and Libtards.
So a handful of liberal Republicans, along with 5-6 who got there feelers hurt over committee assignments, are to dictate to 200 that didn't?

I realize it was smooth when Ryan and Boehner ran things. We got all sorts of liberal wish list items, Obama care being #1
It’s hilarious how you think it’s the liberal Republicans lol. It’s actually your moron freedom caucus who don’t get most Americans think they’re nuts. Matt Gaetz can win his race with an R next to his name in his district. Those purple district R’s who you’re dependent on to hold the House can’t nominate people like the moron Jordan without losing their seat. Guess what Hoss? Most of America doesn’t like your ideological notions. You can’t win the House without those “liberal R’s” It just turns to Democrats. No one like stringent Republicans anymore. Promise.
It’s hilarious how you think it’s the liberal Republicans lol. It’s actually your moron freedom caucus who don’t get most Americans think they’re nuts. Matt Gaetz can win his race with an R next to his name in his district. Those purple district R’s who you’re dependent on to hold the House can’t nominate people like the moron Jordan without losing their seat. Guess what Hoss? Most of America doesn’t like your ideological notions. You can’t win the House without those “liberal R’s” It just turns to Democrats. No one like stringent Republicans anymore. Promise.
It is almost funny you think most of the country wants California's politics. Most of America does not like Nasty Pelosi's gender fluid ideoligy. Boys in girls sports and bathrooms. Do you like what Maxine Waters has to offer? Is Eric "yum yum" Swallow well an upstanding representative?

California politics is what we will get if ya all keep voting for the big D.

Runaway inflation. Higher gas & food prices. Higher interest rates. All a stright up tax on the poor and middleclass. But a $20 minimum wage for fastfood workers in Claifornia. It won't pay the rent. Much less allow for home ownership. Healthcare benefits for illegal imagrants.

D's have declared war and are eliminitating the middleclass.
It's the economy stupid.
It’s hilarious how you think it’s the liberal Republicans lol. It’s actually your moron freedom caucus who don’t get most Americans think they’re nuts. Matt Gaetz can win his race with an R next to his name in his district. Those purple district R’s who you’re dependent on to hold the House can’t nominate people like the moron Jordan without losing their seat. Guess what Hoss? Most of America doesn’t like your ideological notions. You can’t win the House without those “liberal R’s” It just turns to Democrats. No one like stringent Republicans anymore. Promise.

"Most Republicans are really Democrats. No Democrat is ever a Republican"


They nominated Scalise first.

Reality is the reality. If holding the house means cutting a deal with Jefferies to get a speaker, what is the gain, exactly?
If we just do CR then why even bother? CR, continue Pelosi spending rates and priority.
Enjoy losing election. Not enough Americans like your backwards way of thinking to vote for you enough to have power. Enjoy losing.

Winning isn't being a democrat who talks about marginal tax rates.

Winning isn't signing in to record spending, a wide open border, gun control, 2 foreign wars.

If wining is just being an R in name only, then we already lost.

The R party of Romney and Ryan, WITH a R President gave us open borders(the only gain made was Trump circumventing them), record spending, Obamacare.

Not exactly highlights of conservatism
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It is almost funny you think most of the country wants California's politics. Most of America does not like Nasty Pelosi's gender fluid ideoligy. Boys in girls sports and bathrooms. Do you like what Maxine Waters has to offer? Is Eric "yum yum" Swallow well an upstanding representative?

California politics is what we will get if ya all keep voting for the big D.
I didn't say most of the country wants California politics, but they certainly don't want Utah or hard conservative politics either. Notice how abortion is doing on referendums even in red states? Extreme conservativism is every bit as toxic and unpopular as extreme leftism.
Runaway inflation. Higher gas & food prices. Higher interest rates. All a stright up tax on the poor and middleclass. But a $20 minimum wage for fastfood workers in Claifornia. It won't pay the rent. Much less allow for home ownership. Healthcare benefits for illegal imagrants.

D's have declared war and are eliminitating the middleclass.
It's the economy stupid.
And yet....Republican's keep making Democrats look sane. You lost in 2020. You lost in 2022 when there was supposed to be some "red wave" and with very similar inflation and gas prices. What you don't get is, sure Democrats may not be popular, but when the suburban families in purple, blue, and swing states and districts sit back and look at both parties and fill out their ballot, they feel more comfortable with the party that may cost them a little more, than the party in disarray to pick it's own speaker and still running off "the 2020 election was stolen and Trump is God" platform. Republicans look like the party of craziness these days and that well...that's saying something.
"Most Republicans are really Democrats. No Democrat is ever a Republican"
You can try and deny the reality you need those moderate R's to hold the House. Call them Democrats if you want but they either vote moderately or lose their seat entirely. True conservatives CANNOT get elected in many GOP purple districts, and you're smart enough to know that. Matt Gaetz wins because of an R next to his name in his district. There's lots of Republicans from swing districts who either vote against Jim Jordan types for speaker or lose their seat to a Democrat. You're smart enough to understand this so stop playing dumb.

They nominated Scalise first.

Reality is the reality. If holding the house means cutting a deal with Jefferies to get a speaker, what is the gain, exactly?
If we just do CR then why even bother? CR, continue Pelosi spending rates and priority.
So enjoy losing elections. As I've made the point, your policy preferences CANNOT win in purple districts hoss, and they're the only way R's can gain the House, Senate, or Presidency. When it comes down to issue by issue, you lose. Democrats might cost people a little more money, but you know who doesn't care all that much? The swing voters living good lives in the suburbs who are in the end the ones who decide elections, and they've said over and over to the GOP "we aren't voting for you until you can grow up and also get over your Trumpism fetish". 2022 had every advantage in Republicans pockets, and they largely under-performed, their policies lost on ballot measures, and the slim majority in the House they got has been nothing but a mess that's accomplished nothing and can't even accomplish electing a speaker when we have war in multiple places. Right now polls for Senate and the House are showing a trend towards Democrats. Do you know how bad of a party you have to be to lose those with a President as unpopular as Joe? Yet Republican's find a way to look batshit every time.
Winning isn't being a democrat who talks about marginal tax rates.
Then you can't win. Because at the end of the day your policies can win in rural Utah, but they can't win a swing House District in New York. And guess what? Your party has to have both to do anything at all.
Winning isn't signing in to record spending, a wide open border, gun control, 2 foreign wars.
Then you can't win. Because at the end of the day your policies can win in rural Utah, but they can't win a swing House District in New York. And guess what? Your party has to have both to do anything at all.
If wining is just being an R in name only, then we already lost.

The R party of Romney and Ryan, WITH a R President gave us open borders(the only gain made was Trump circumventing them), record spending, Obamacare.

Not exactly highlights of conservatism
Then you can't win. Because at the end of the day your policies can win in rural Utah, but they can't win a swing House District in New York. And guess what? Your party has to have both to do anything at all.

Getting away from Trumpism would help your party. But they just can't do it. And you know who loves GOP voters obsession with the dude the most? Democrats who have eaten Republican's lunch in general elections from 2018 on.

You can hate Democrats policies and governing strategy, but you know what happened when Nancy Pelosi told her slim majority to get in line? They got in line. She didn't allow ideological extremists to sink the party or votes to pass legislation. Republicans have bowed way to far to the freedom caucus and extremists within the party to a point they can't even function.
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Then you can't win. Because at the end of the day your policies can win in rural Utah, but they can't win a swing House District in New York. And guess what? Your party has to have both to do anything at all.

Then you can't win. Because at the end of the day your policies can win in rural Utah, but they can't win a swing House District in New York. And guess what? Your party has to have both to do anything at all.

Then you can't win. Because at the end of the day your policies can win in rural Utah, but they can't win a swing House District in New York. And guess what? Your party has to have both to do anything at all.

Getting away from Trumpism would help your party. But they just can't do it. And you know who loves GOP voters obsession with the dude the most? Democrats who have eaten Republican's lunch in general elections from 2018 on.

You can hate Democrats policies and governing strategy, but you know what happened when Nancy Pelosi told her slim majority to get in line? They got in line. She didn't allow ideological extremists to sink the party or votes to pass legislation. Republicans have bowed way to far to the freedom caucus and extremists within the party to a point they can't even function.

Your right. It's extremely hard to compete with Santa Claus. And it's a sad statement that in order to buy favor, the lib mantra is selling off your children's future. Every drug dealer alive understands the "give em a little taste for free" buisness model. None of them deal with the long term effects,. That's liberalism.

We did the "moderate" thing. We all held our noses and voted McCain, Romney, Bush.

We got 2 losses, The Patriot Act, Obamacare.

Being Pelosi lite, isn't conservative. Isn't what R were elected to be. If I wanted a democrat, I'd vote for one. The reason the R struggle, is because they offer little difference. A little less spending, a little less than 7 million illegals, a little less crime.

That's like buying Shasta because coke is bad for you.

Btw, and you know it, we held both houses and the Presidency with Trump. And he spent more time fighting his own party to simply do what they campaign on, than he did the democrats. So, we gained nothing.

Crime will keep getting worse. Inflation will get worse. We will have boots on the ground(we already do) in both Ukraine and Israel. China will take Taiwan.

At some point, the religion of liberals will end. The only question is how bad does it have to get.

It's not there yet. Liberalism is a religion and a mental disease.
Your right. It's extremely hard to compete with Santa Claus. And it's a sad statement that in order to buy favor, the lib mantra is selling off your children's future. Every drug dealer alive understands the "give em a little taste for free" buisness model. None of them deal with the long term effects,. That's liberalism.

We did the "moderate" thing. We all held our noses and voted McCain, Romney, Bush.
The difference here is Obama was probably the most popular politician that has ever lived. Anyone would have lost to him quite frankly. Republican's took the wrong message in 2016, and have repeatedly got clocked at the polls because they don't get the turn towards Trumpism and ultra right conservatism has made it so they can't even beat an 80 year old guy who can't speak straight who is overseeing horrible inflation and gas prices. Your party is so much worse off than it was electorally speaking than it was in 2012. The swing voters would vote for Romney in a scenario like this. It's why someone like Nikki Haley is ahead of Biden in every swing state poll and by around 7 points nationally while Trump is neck and neck with him. When it comes down to it, you and I both know, those swing voters ain't voting for orange man, even if their pocket book hurts a little. They proved that in 2022. Nominate a Romney or a Nikki Haley and I'll vote for them. Nominate nut cases and I and most swing voters won't. Pretty simple.
We got 2 losses, The Patriot Act, Obamacare.

Being Pelosi lite, isn't conservative. Isn't what R were elected to be. If I wanted a democrat, I'd vote for one. The reason the R struggle, is because they offer little difference. A little less spending, a little less than 7 million illegals, a little less crime.
Problem for you is, as I said, you need Republican's in purple districts, and their voters DO NOT want your brand of conservatism. They DO want Democrat lite, or yes they will just vote for a Democrat if their Republican starts voting for Jim Jordan to lead their caucus. You are denying reality. To control the House you have to have Republicans who are Democrat-lite or guess what? They lose their Democrats. No hard line Republicans are winning in most of those purple districts ever. BTW the GOP has lost multiple gerrymandering cases in places like Alabama which will also flip seats to "safe blue". They'll probably lose plenty of seats in NY that are purple-red after the House chaos. Like I said, you can live in reality and win by little bits, or just lose outright, and the GOP seems hell bent on losing losing losing.
That's like buying Shasta because coke is bad for you.
It's like buying Shasta because you can't afford coke. You're denying the reality of the makeup of the country and the districts you have to win to control the branches of government. You can't be Jim Jordan, he'd lose in most districts across the country.
Btw, and you know it, we held both houses and the Presidency with Trump. And he spent more time fighting his own party to simply do what they campaign on, than he did the democrats. So, we gained nothing.
I agree Trump is a cancer to your party, but for some reason he has full control of the base. He's a problem, especially electorally, but that's Republican's problem and they keep shooting themselves in the foot.
Crime will keep getting worse. Inflation will get worse. We will have boots on the ground(we already do) in both Ukraine and Israel. China will take Taiwan.

At some point, the religion of liberals will end. The only question is how bad does it have to get.

It's not there yet. Liberalism is a religion and a mental disease.
Conservatism is it's own religion and mental disease itself. I know you can only see through one narrow view, but the ideology of conservatism isn't perfect or great itself. I would agree with you if you replace "liberalism" with "leftism". I think they're quite different. I think someone like Bill Mahr or myself is liberal, I do think leftists are terrible and delusional people, but liberal and leftist are different and you're seeing the difference in pretty big ways at this very moment.
It's not a hard concept. The Trump base, is just the Tea party folks that watched the Mitch McConnell and John McCain crew spend more money and time squashing them, then doing anything conservative.

They are the poor folks who disproportionately watched their kids get carved up enriching the military complex.

And they are the dudes who watched the "fair trade" Republicans sell their jobs to China.

It's also folks who are sick of the finger wagging from the "elite" class.

It's not some shock that the guy that the libs, and police state crucify then becomes a martyr, because they too are abused by those groups.

Losing nicely is still losing. Watching the Mitt Romneys of the party apologize for being associated with those dirty conservatives is noticed.
Oneye you should love Trump since he backed & endorsed Romney, Haley, McConnell & several other "Rhinos" that you purport to love. He either employed them or helped them get elected. For the same but opposite reason Hoss should hate Trump for endorsing those very same candidates. So confusing. :unsure:
Oneye you should love Trump since he backed & endorsed Romney, Haley, McConnell & several other "Rhinos" that you purport to love. He either employed them or helped them get elected. For the same but opposite reason Hoss should hate Trump for endorsing those very same candidates. So confusing. :unsure:

I could care less about trump.

If he died tomorrow, Oneye would come in the next and lay out how Nikki Hayley or DeSantis is the devil

The police state would begin "wiretapping" them, the media would make up stories, etc.
Oneye you should love Trump since he backed & endorsed Romney, Haley, McConnell & several other "Rhinos" that you purport to love. He either employed them or helped them get elected. For the same but opposite reason Hoss should hate Trump for endorsing those very same candidates. So confusing. :unsure:
Ummm...Mitt won his primary with over 60% of the vote in 2018. Notice Mitt never once endorsed Trump? Who's the real idiot there? Hes the reason you've lost every election since 2016. Enjoy continued losses. Your party has earned it.
Ummm...Mitt won his primary with over 60% of the vote in 2018. Notice Mitt never once endorsed Trump? Who's the real idiot there? Hes the reason you've lost every election since 2016. Enjoy continued losses. Your party has earned it.

Always know liberals have your best interests in mind if your a conservative ?
I could care less about trump.
I know you could care less, but the GOP has sold its soul to him. It doesn't matter if you could care less. It's the Trumpism party at this point not the party of conservatism.
If he died tomorrow, Oneye would come in the next and lay out how Nikki Hayley or DeSantis is the devil
I wouldn't vote for DeSantis, I would vote for Nikki if she's the GOP's nominee. 100%.
The police state would begin "wiretapping" them, the media would make up stories, etc.
The difference is Mitt was never what they said, McCain was never what they said. Trump actually is many of the things they say but they cried wolf too many times. I would gladly vote for Nikki.
Always know liberals have your best interests in mind if your a conservative ?
Well....conservatives certainly don't have their own best interests at heart. They wanna choose a perennial loser to be their party leader and nominee again.

2022 with record inflation and high gas prices-Loss

And yet somehow that guy is the God of the GOP.

Oh wait wait wait....he won all those elections I forgot......keep telling yourselves that, it'll continue resulting in L's across the board.

PS Hoss, the media and liberals want nothing more than to run against that guy again. It's so easy. I think it's time for a sea change, I'd vote for Nikki, I will never vote for the orange lying idiot.
Never forget, John McCain cast the vote that DIDNT end Obamacare, AFTER campaigning and fundraising the opposite.

He was EXACTLY what people said.
Never forget, John McCain cast the vote that DIDNT end Obamacare, AFTER campaigning and fundraising the opposite.

He was EXACTLY what people said.
You've seen Arizona is a purple state right? I think he represented his state just fine. Just because you don't like that. Oh well. He wasn't your representative.
Ummm...Mitt won his primary with over 60% of the vote in 2018. Notice Mitt never once endorsed Trump? Who's the real idiot there? Hes the reason you've lost every election since 2016. Enjoy continued losses. Your party has earned it.
Trump backed Romney. Trump's endorsement helped Romney get elected. You love Romney. Why so much Trump hate, shouldn't you be thanking him? You're too dumb to have a conversation with.
He asked for conservative votes for Pres.
And? His constituency is winning the moderate voters who decide elections, not people like you who's minds are made up. Middle of the road voters are who decide elections, not people who have their mind made up always that they won't vote a Republican or won't vote for a Democrat. You aren't the people who decide outcomes. It's why you feel like you never feel like you get your way. The voters who matter and who politicans need are voters who WILL change their mind election cycle to election cycle, not the ones who never will.
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Trump backed Romney. Trump's endorsement helped Romney get elected. You love Romney. Why so much Trump hate, shouldn't you be thanking him? You're too dumb to have a conversation with.
Romney wins that primary pretty much no matter what my guy, and we both know it. He literally won 72% of the vote that primary and won every single county in Utah (including SLCo) except Piute county. You really think that was Trumps endorsement? Delusional. Yes wetmule I'm sure the guy who won 72% of the Republican primary vote was in big trouble without that endorsement. It's laughable. What it actually proves is how big of a moron Trump is. Dude endorsed the guy who has never said one good thing about him.

And? His constituency is winning the moderate voters who decide elections, not people like you who's minds are made up. Middle of the road voters are who decide elections, not people who have their mind made up always that they won't vote a Republican or won't vote for a Democrat. You aren't the people who decide outcomes. It's why you feel like you never feel like you get your way. The voters who matter and who politicans need are voters who WILL change their mind election cycle to election cycle, not the ones who never will.

So we ran McCain because *he could get moderates", and he didn't get moderates.?

Well hell, let's try that again
Romney wins that primary pretty much no matter what my guy, and we both know it. He literally won 72% of the vote that primary and won every single county in Utah (including SLCo) except Piute county. You really think that was Trumps endorsement? Delusional. Yes wetmule I'm sure the guy who won 72% of the Republican primary vote was in big trouble without that endorsement. It's laughable. What it actually proves is how big of a moron Trump is. Dude endorsed the guy who has never said one good thing about him.

So when he lobbied for Trumps Sec of State, was he pro trump or anti? Which principle stand was he taking?
I don't know. The TDS crowd has started chirping a lot more on this site. cold the be realizing the mistake in letting Brandon and Dr. "Jill" Pepper occupy the whitehouse? :unsure:
I didn't say most of the country wants California politics, but they certainly don't want Utah or hard conservative politics either. Notice how abortion is doing on referendums even in red states? Extreme conservativism is every bit as toxic and unpopular as extreme leftism.

And yet....Republican's keep making Democrats look sane. You lost in 2020. You lost in 2022 when there was supposed to be some "red wave" and with very similar inflation and gas prices. What you don't get is, sure Democrats may not be popular, but when the suburban families in purple, blue, and swing states and districts sit back and look at both parties and fill out their ballot, they feel more comfortable with the party that may cost them a little more, than the party in disarray to pick it's own speaker and still running off "the 2020 election was stolen and Trump is God" platform. Republicans look like the party of craziness these days and that well...that's saying something.
Ok, so you did'nt say you want CA politics. But that is what you are going to get. When the Democrat nominie becomes Nasty Pelosi's godson, Gavin Newsom. What do you expect?
Married man who cheated with his best friends wife.
Locked down the state for COVID .
Filled skateboard parks with sand.
Banned surfing.

Supports boys in girls bathrooms. Boys in girls sports.
Offfers to pay for out of state residents to come to CA for abortions.
Out of control fentanyl and homelessnes.
Healthcare benifits welfare, driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
Automatic regitration to vote when applying fora driver's license. :unsure:.

No doubt Roe v Wade being overturned by the SC suppressed the Red wave in 2022. Increased Dem. turnout at the MAILBOX. In reality all the SC decision did was make individual states responsible for deciding what is leagal. The Dem's had their State sponsered media run with the "abortion will be illegal" the narrative. Not an honest explanation of the decision.

The 2020 election was stolen. Voting rules were drastically changed, manipulated. The Dem's are better, at cheating. The legacy media, that is basically state sponsered similar to China & Russia was complicant in the stealing. No fair reporting on the Hunter Biden Laptop. The deepstate influencing social media, Twitter etc. Facebook's meddling in the election, spending $400 Million in Democrat run cities.

Biden has not performed on the econmy. Inflation. High Food & Gas prices are a tax on low income and middleclass families.

Biden is stoking the flames of WWIII on two fronts. He is a bafoon. To a level beyond the pale.
Biden has serious coruption issues. With his brother Joe, son Hunter and all the mebers of the Biden crime family.

The witch hunt on Trump is a faliure. The main purpose is to distract from Quid Pro Joe. Sleepy Joe's quid pro quo in Ukraine is obvious. He admitted to it on vide. As basically reported by CSPAN. Plain and simple corupt banana republic tactics. Using government agencies, DOJ, etc. to go after a political opponent. Once again the legacy, state sponsered media goes along with it. Lock, stock and barrel. Like a good comrade.
Biden is suffering from dementia. It is apparent to anyone paying attention.

It's the economy Oneye

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