
Monster Muley thanks for having these folks. They are what hunting is all about. SFW is a heads up and organization for hunters by hunters. Keep up the good work!
I like the way they are standing up against the illegal introdcution of Canadian Grey wolves into Wyoming. One of the only groups that is pro hunting and is trying to help, right-a-wrong. A few others have spoken out against the wolf program,like the NRA, MDF, a few national hunting publications, but no financial support like SFW. Wolf control is for wildlife.
SFW has done and continues to do a lot of good for hunters. They also take a lot from the common man. I salute their fight to keep wolves out of every where. I am completely opposed to them stealing tags from the public to further their cause in the name of wildlife. They along with several other organizations took 188 tags from residents and nonresidents of the state of utah to be used at their convention. The money will do a lot of good for wildlife (I hope). The only access anyone has to these tags is if the GO TO THE CONVENTION!! Go to the ELK Forum if you are not informed on this latest development. There are 2 lengthy threads about it. Go fight team! I guess I am not a good team player. When the upper 5% are the ones who see the benefits of stealing from the public.

This post isn't about SFW, It's about wolves. I'm only bringing it up in here because most are relating the Wolves to SFW.....

It's all good to give someone money "to fight wolves" But does any one know were the money goes ?!!? Anyone ? Someone tell me were all the thousands and HUNDRED's of thousands of dollars went to fight the wolves ? And if you don't think the Numbers donated are that high you're kiding yourself.

This "Give us Money We're fighting the Wolves" crap is a load of Crap.

You know were the money is Going, It's goiig to Lawyers. And reimbusing top officials to travel around to "Talk the talk".

Money to fight the Wolves... The Wolves are geting Delisted anyways people. The F&G are getting power to manage wolves. With or without any money going to the Anti Wolf coalition, SFW, and whatever Group stated.

Hog wash !!!! Pull your Heads out.

You want the Sun to Come up in the Morning, Send Moosie Money, I'll make sure it happens..... Sounds silly eh ? Why ? Because it's happening whether you send me money or not. Sit back and really think about it.

You want to Give Any group Money for Buying habitat, or habitat related projects my hats off to you!!! Give money to a group to lock land from developement or one that promotes wildlife education ? Kudos !!

Now, if you could get a Group to get "RID" of the wolves I'd send in money and probably lots of it. But it ain't gunna happen, it's a Federal thing and Local people aren't gonig to get rid of them. This, Fight the wolves crap is a Pharse, a Joke, Something to apeal to the Stupid folk.

YEP, and when the Wolves get of the list and the First tag come up for sale, BANG, several groups are taking credit. And alot of people will buy into it. But it's a Time and Numbers game.

There's my Dollar fifty.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
I disagree a bit. SFW is playing a major role in trying to keep wolves out of Utah altogether. I was one of the hundreds of SFW members who attended the wolf meetings months ago. SFW called on their members to attend, and the members came through.
Had we not been there, it would have been dozens of Pro-Wolf folks who would have dominated the meetings. And had that been the case, the division could right now be greeting wolves in Utah with open arms.

Also in our corner here in Utah is our newly elected governor. I believe SFW helped him very much in getting elected.

As far as the wolves being delisted, Pro-Wolf groups have been trying like heck to stop it. Many would like to see wolves everywhere. SFW and others put up the dollars to fight this at the political level, where it has to be fought.
Sportsmen need a force at the political level. IMO

Brian Latturner
Sounds like you disagree alot :)

I'm not argueing about SFW fighting the wolves in Utah, (I'm not familiar wit hthe Holey state, and I'm not going to disagree that sportsman in Political levels is bad either.

I'm just talking about locally around here it's a Joke. I'm going to talk to Nate Helm ("Mr Idaho" SFW) this evening, I'll give you my take when I return.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-05 AT 05:15PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-05 AT 05:13?PM (MST)

SFW gave $25,000 for the wolf lawsuit in Wyoming. Can you imagine if the 200,000 hunters in Wy would give just $5 each?

The only place any delisting has taken place is Idaho and Montana. And only if your livestock is being attacked. Not your dog or pet. And you will have to prove the attack. The lawsuit in Wy is going to court Feb. 4th. "Godspeed and God bless those that are in the fight for sportsmen in Wy." The feds lied!!!!!

I don't see any support from the RMEF or any other group! The wolf is and will be the number one factor affecting big game in the rocky mountain region in our generation!
I just got back from a Meeting with Nate, some of his Possy and The local F&G Commisioner. One thing I would like to say is I like Nate. He's a True polite-ition through and through but looking past that he's someone I'd write a Check to. I brought up the Wolf issue in Idaho and He confirmed my thinking that the Money is going to..... Well, I'm guessing other things, because it's not doing much for the wolf issue we have here. The biggest fight is to get them delisted and maintain the packs. I have personal other plans to manage them but that's a different story *WINK WINK* (And YEs, I know F&G read this and yes, that was a Joke)

I'm sticking to my origional Post about I thnik having the sportsman working for the sportsman in legislation is a Good thing. Well, It's not a bad thing wich is 2 totally different points.

I liked Nates Response when I told him at the End of the Meeting he's not the jerk I was expecting. He had good humor and responded well.

I'm sure Deer Hunters of Idaho (DHI) will funnel money to some of their projects and I'm guessing visa Versa. We already brought up several projects in the works.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
BFE, I understand you are a successfull guy, hunted Africa and done well in life, But seing some of your posts I understand sometimes I need to slow down for you...

By "THIS POST" I meant MY post. "This", meaning the one I was currently typing. IT (the post I was making) was more about wolves. People said they support SFW because they put money twards wolves. I was stating that the Wolf Issue (At least around here) was lame.

Did ya Ka-peash that :) :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
huck and ss, i dont really agree with you on rmef being pro-wolf. they have said many times they are for the de-listing and hunting of wolves in montana, idaho and wyoming.
I never said the RMEF was pro wolf. What I said was they were part of the Convention grubbing for public tags. Sorry if it seemed like I said they were pro wolf. That was not my intention. Have a great day.


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