Buzz, I knew you don’t know how to calculate bonus and cubed pts! Truth is, overall the draw odds are much better for those with high pts than with 50/50! If not, answer my post comparing the different systems!
Please show us what you got and prove to us all the difference in draw odds between 1) no pt system, 2) pref pt system, 3) bonus pt, and 4) squared bonus pts.
Since you are so great with math and stats lets see how simple or complicated this is! Either put up or shut the heck up!
Lets try a simple example and figure out what the draw % is for each of the 4 systems.
Lets make it simple. The max number of pref pts in the unit a hunter is applying for is 20. What is the draw odds if a hunter has 0 pref pts vs 10 pts vs 20 pts with each of these systems.
There are 1000 applicants for 1 tag. There were 500 applicants with 0 pts, 100 with 10 pts, and 20 with 20 pts. Prove to all of us what you know and how the draw odds work for each of these systems! What are the draw odds with the indicated pts:
1) No preference points 0-?, 10 pts ?, 20 pts?
2) Preference point system 0-?, 10 pts ?, 20 pts?
3) Bonus pt system 0-?, 10 pts ?, 20 pts?
4) Squared bonus pt system 0-?, 10 pts ?, 20 pts?