Saving the Cities Mule Deer



LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-12 AT 02:20PM (MST)[p]?? Saving the mule deer.
?? ? The other day there was a deer on I15, under the 215 south interchange bridge. Not less than thirty minutes later was this big buck shot dead, so that he didnt run into traffic and this isn't the first time this has happened. A couple years ago a sniper was highered in Bountiful City to go around and shoot all of the deer in the city, instead of simply transporting them to another location.?
?? Today i am working in Heber, a private community called Red Ledges that wants to get rid of all there deer, but do not want people to come in and hunt them. This situation is going to turn out like the Bountiful City sniper, when their are so many locations that could use more genes, let alone better genes in there area. All this could be possible by transporting the deer.
?? ?Many communities in the city have deer they want to get rid of because they are a newsense, if we started to transport the deer instead of killing them, we could help out other units in population therefore saving the mule deer population. How many times have you been driving down the road and seen a deer, and the next day its on the road dead? If we could call someone and get "city deer" or deer to close to the road transported to different areas we could save and start more lifes. Instead of shooting them and throwing them in the trash, this discusts me. What a waste of an animal.?
??How hard would it be to tranqillize or net, put in a trailer and let them go up in the hills? In communities, bait the deer, cage them up, trailer, and transport? Its not hard at all.. And we could help out alot of units by doing so. If your intrested please get back to me so we can talk over how to help save our mule deer population in Utah immediatly!
?? ? ?Thanks, Bryan.?
The problem with transplants are two fold. One, it is very expensive, into the $1000's for each animal. Two, the mortality rate of transplanted animals is high, somewhere between 90-95%, meaning roughly 1 in 10 animals will live to the next season. The best option is to work with the DWR for depredation permits for nuisence animals. Population wise, transplanting bucks doesn't make much sense, especially if being transplanted to an area that is already has habitat issues (just one more mouth to feed on limited habitat that won't contriute fawns in the future). Hopefully they aren't just throwing the animals in the trash and the meat is being donated to the needy. It's a tough one. I think that before development takes place in areas with these higher deer populations, cities need to ensure and have an agreement that developers and buyers accept the wildlife in the area, and adjust development, landscaping, and even speed restrictions to accomodate them.
Mule deer are a very sensitive species and have a hard time adapting to a new environment (from what I have heard and read). This could be one reason that the DWR shys away from transplanting deer. Another is obviously the cost of doing it.

My advice is: If you live on a mountain, DEAL WITH IT! You moved into the range, learn to live with the deer or move down to earth like the average Joe that doesn't have 5 million to blow on a mountain mansion.

The deer that was shot near the freeway is a tough decision. He could have very likely caused a fatal accident.

The ones roaming the nieghborhoods on the other hand in Bountiful don't do any harm. Slow down to 25mph and you shouldn't have a problem hitting a deer. I think People are just mad about them eating their flowers and leaving little piles of raisens on the lawn.
All i have to say is THE DEER WAS THERE BEFORE YOU TOOK THERE LAND AWAY. Im ready for a road trip ill take my weedeater and Roundup to help make there yards look nice.
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