Sasquatch Encounters

  • Thread starter Mike Awkismaul (Guest)
  • Start date
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

ok askemall, whatever you say. it's your stupid assed name. why don't ya sign up as a non-"guest". ya sceered folks'll figger out who ya are? but remember this, game runs the other way like their is a wildfire behind em when they hear that i'm in the woods. i've killed more elk than bovine tuberculosis. i can out run, out jump, out fight, out shoot and out lie any man. and wimmin folk swoon when i'm around. ya know, i just figgerd out why i ain't never seen a bigfoot. they're scared o' me.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

I can't be persecuted for my passion of the elusive bigfoot. I don't persecute you and your wild claims of trapping, and mountaineering and galavaning all over the forest. All I said is that you are a flatlander. Facts are facts. If you don't want to be one, then move away to an isolated cabin somewhere in woods.

Otherwise, don't waste my time.

RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

waste your time? hell, you're probly doin' all this on a computer in a prison somewhere anyway.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

Hey Mike,
Check out my Javalina SRC="">
See ya at the VFW
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!


It didn't come through. Can you try to post it again?

RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

Now you really sound like a mountainman/hick who lives in the city. Go back to Aintre and if you don't know where that's at watch Diliverance. It's imposible to be a successful hunter unless you move away from the cities. I know because you aren't in any of the official books.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

RLH, You most likely run and jump like ferry. I can't believe that you think you are so big, bad and tough. I'm sure you drive a big truck to compensate, act like a know it all which we all can read by your wacky responses. I bet you also tend to lose every battle that comes your way. I might have to read that book again that you mentioned, "Things that losers say."

Good luck city boy or should I say Fancy Lad?
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

hey paydaughter and coozfagerelli. sign on so you can send me an email and i'll send ya my adress and you can come and say it to my face. pretty sure guys are local boys, so it won't be much of a drive for ya. all you need to do is decide on an epitaph.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

""RLH, You most likely run and jump like ferry. I can't believe that you think you are so big, bad and tough""

Obviously your aren't posting as a guest! What are you hiding for or from?
i'll cover all bets. and i get to make the rules. maybe they oughta start a bigfoot site on MM.
Hey guys, long time no talk! I've been in the hospital after getting hurt on one of our weekend quad rides. Man it is good to be back. As a matter of fact, the Red Rocket Riders are having another outing in Colorado this weekend. Anyone is welcome.

I couldn't help but notice this post and some of the bad vibes floating around about Bigfoot. Believe it or not I have seen what I believe to be a Sasquatch. It was in Oregon on an event we had 2 years ago.

RLH, you need help my good man. Take it easy on these guys.
i need help? you're off runnin' around wearing diapers and doin' who knows what with your weird buddys and seein' bigfoots, and "I" need help?!?! dang. the world is fulla morons.
Hey Mike,
Finaly got my computer workin
Check out the Javalina. Busted him up down near Aho.

See ya
Hey Billy,

That is a nice one for that area. With the low water densities they usually don't get that big over there. Looks like a female too.

What kind of gun is that? Looks like a a nice one.


You bigfoot believers are something else.( falling out of my chair laughing ) SHOW me PROOF!!! Damn it thats all i want! When you give me some REAL proof, give me a REAL hair sample too! So i can train 50 bloodhounds to track one down so I can put a bullet in his head and watch my bank account grow bigger, Bigger, and BIGGER! I bet all of you bigfoot scientists ( treehungers ) were lined up in San Fransico trying to get your marrage license the other day also, b/c i know no guy could pick up a chick after he told them he works for a mad scientist trying to find bigfoot. If it is true and you have stool samples PROVE TO ME that it had came from bigfoot!! You cant do it, I already know. Until you have REAL PROOF shut the heck up!! I must admitt you guys gave me a good laugh..

The only person wondering, what the hel! is wrong with people now-a-days?

Ok guys, this is a good one!! hahahaha The question asked was why hasnt a hunter killed a bigfoot yet? The short anwer is simply b/c they dont hunt for them. You know how many hunters crawl the woods all year round? Do you know how many would sling lead into ole'bigfoot??? About 99.8 percent. Hunters access the most remote isloated areas in this country in search of throphy animals. I'm sure if bigfoot was real there would be some brought in dead, killed by a hunters gun. Once again thanks for the laugh, I hate to shoot down yur belief but i'm trying to help you out a little bit.

so askemall, seesm like you're a real javelina pro too. does this mean you live in Az.? please,please,please, say no. man, i don't wanna hafta move from my ancestral home. somethin' has got to makin' you goofy and i don't wanna take any chances of gettin' exposed to it.
don't be so sure one time is was taking a pee and i unbottoned my pants and i saw a big hairy monster
I second what Ruthless posted, PROVE IT!!! Do I think it is impossible for bigfoot to exist, no but PROVE IT!!! And don't try to pass off some crazy stool sample idea either.
I have seen the road hunter comment pass through a few times and for the life of me I can't make the connection between non-believer and road hunter. Some of you nut cases need to clarify things a little. Correct me here if I'm wrong but, if I don't believe in bigfoot then by nature I never step off my 4wheeler????? RLH, up until the halfway point of this thread I figured you had some logic or sense to ya. After your last handful of posts I'm starting to think your losing any you may have had. Don't drop to those wacks level. Even if you live in Phoenix, that's a lot more forgivable than most the things those two have said
I do live in AZ! You can find me down at the Kona Grill every Friday. I'm not ashamed to say I live in the city!

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