Sasquatch Encounters

  • Thread starter Mike Awkismaul (Guest)
  • Start date

Mike Awkismaul (Guest)

I read a post on the Elk forum that I found very intriguing to say the least. Have any other MM Members or visitors besides me ever had an encounter with BigFoot?
Yeah I have, right after I shot my 8x8 bull that dry scored 614. I was gutting him out, he probably field dressed 1200 pounds easily. I looked up and there he was, Bigfoot himself! I could not believe it. I grabbed my gun and he just waved at me and then he yelled, 'Don't shoot, I'm waiting for my friends.' Then a UFO came and beamed him up. I definitely believe in Bigfoot now! I was starting to wonder.
Size 14 here! ha! I wish. But hey gals, I might not have big feet but I can lick my eyebrows!
Bigfoot huh? I don't know, I'm one that has to see it to believe I guess!
I believe, I seen the same beast in the Tanzilla Pub.
There is also a large population of them Quebec.
Hey Mike, don't be an idiot!!!! If there really was such a thing, don't you think that there would be some kind of scientific proof? How about a dead 'Bigfoot'? How about a skeleton?

Get real idiot!!!!

Hey biggie, is this proof enough? Haahaaaaa...



Life long "vagitarian"
Holy crap Polarbear! Do you realize what you have here? That picture has to be worth tons of money! I'm sure that there are scientists all over the northwest that would love to get their hands on that proof!

Count me in as a believer!!!!! ;-)


HEY! Thats the same herd I took my 8x8 out of! Polarbear, you were there too? Did you see the UFO also?
croc man would messmerize him by danglin' his kid in front of him whilest he applied the duct tape. and you guys git it right, it ain't scientist, that would imply education, the term is UFOologist(if ya remove the "U" and the "ogist" ya have "FOol"). see the thread on the elk site. where the dude from arkansas saw hillary with no clothes on.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-04 AT 01:34PM (MST)[p]Hillary with no clothes on? You're killing me Lark! LOL!!

Apologies for loosely using the term scientist. No offense intended to those who truly put the time & brains (and COMMON SENSE!!!!) into their education!

Oh, and Mike; If you like (and believe) that pic above, then I've got a great one of Britney nude that I can sell you! (Along with some beach-front property ;-) )

Good day all! Happy Bigfoot hunting!


Some of these scientists that are conducting these investigations and gathering data on this animal are extremely intelligent and have left very high paying jobs to uncover what is undoubtedly the most elusive creature on earth. BTW they do have stool samples of Sasquatch as well as hair samples to prove that he is out there.

So I would think twice about making fun of the scientists. Because they will be the ones getting the last laugh. I know. I have seen him! And I will be right there marching through the forest with them on their upcoming search, and then marching right to the bank once we find him.
Believe me all you non-believers. Don't shoot other peoples ideas down so fast. I was a non-believer until I actually witnessed Big Foot in my camp one night. I woke up to go to the john and hehold Big Foot was in my camp and was going through my kitchen area. I can't explain it to someone that didn't witness him, but it's a true as the day is long. Please read into this is the real place for the believers. We are totally inclined for more guest to join. Call us whacky, but until the day you see him for your own eyes, don't cast a stone at my glass house.

Keith Keplin
Those pictures are totally fake. You got them from And they were even free. You can get the real picture on since Last Of The Mohicans posted the website.

Fredrickson Anellisello
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-04 AT 10:02PM (MST)[p]Well duh! Of course I got them from hunt101, after all I am the one who made them and posted them there you doofus! Haahaaaa... If you really believe what you are saying, you are goofy as a sh!thouse rat like all of those other sasquatch believing hippies! huuuaaahaaaaa.....

Life long "vagitarian"
Uh duh chubby Polar Bear. I can see you are a non believer, but don't trash people who love to save the earth. Earthfirst and many others are great ways for our society to balance out problems in our world. Go back to your ice den you little freak.

Lets see. Intelligent scientists leave high paying jobs to search for a half man, half ape humanoid of sorts. Tell me these guys weren't smoking crack. There is no scientific proof that these creatures exist and what little information is available is nothing more than a hypothesis.
Before you start going off of the deep end with the earthfirst and save a tree campaign, you might want to look at the other "Bigfoot" type beings such as the yeti and the abomnible snowman. There is no proof that these things ever existed either.
Put down your crackpipe.............

RE: Sasquatch Encounters (Of the RETARDED kind)

Hey Cooter
These mongoloid tree huggers dont care about scientific facts unless it pertains to growing better weed. If we use hippie logic then the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Leprachauns, Loch Nessie, J.C., Ogo Pogo and all of the other fictitious creatures out there surely must exist. They must be real because someone saw em' once, or thought they did. I wish that one of these tree hugging bastards would chain themselves to one of my trees! I will show em' bigfoot, my big foot right up their granola eating a$$!


RE: Sasquatch Encounters (Of the RETARDED kind)

Bi-Polar Bear,
Nice art work. Do you live in Santa Fe, NM with the rest of the artists or do you have Hunt101 do it for you? I have a sense of urgency that tells me your foot is a size 8 in mens (that sounds pretty big to me). That's not big enough to affect me nor the belief I've got in Big Foot. I sort of feel the same about you and your road hunting. My guess you will never see a monster muley if you ride around all camo'd out on your quad all season sipping back on some of grandpas old cough medicine. I guess we now have something in common now, don't we? I will never be believed about what I saw and neither will you.

Big Foot EnCounter
Courearelli - 3
Bi-Polar Bear - 0

Later on Little Foot
RE: Cou"rear"elli- Queen of Tards!!!

Thanks for proving once again the moronic mentality of yourself and those like you. At least I am man enough to register and not hide behind the anonimity of being a guest. I am done wasting my time with your sorry pot smoking,dirt loving, chemically imballanced a$$.

Bigfoot encounters:
Cou"rear"elli - 3
Cou"rear"elli while actually sober and on its anti-depressants - 0
Polarbear - 0 (you cant encounter what dosent exist! Get it through your sh!t filled head!)

RE: Cou"rear"elli- Queen of Tards!!!

Hey Hey Hey,

This post was meant to get everyone to step back and dream a little bit that there may be a big hairy creature in the woods creeping around us while we are hunting. Not a testesterone filled banter. I know what I saw and accept that there are going to be critics. Bigfoot does not discriminate, and therefor neither should you! It might just be you next time that sees him when you are riding your quad up that steep dense mountain when no one or no road is around.

But when you do see him, please do not harm him. He means no harm to you bi-polar bear.

Happy Sasquach Sightings :)
RE: Cou"rear"elli- Queen of Tards!!!

man, i leave for a few days and look what happens. like i said. torch an abandoned building.............. ya know, i don't worry about whether or not there is a bigfoot. what i do worry about is that most of these wierdos are in the woods at some time or another. eeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!
RE: Cou"rear"elli- Queen of Tards!!!

I know that most here don't believe in big foot. I personally have never seen him, but do know reliable sources that say they have. I believe everything that they are saying because these are people of integrity. I hope that I will someday see him and will not harm him if I do.
two things are gonna happen if I see this thing in my hills..... #1 I'm shootin his ass, Dead
#2 I'm gettin rich ridin this moneymakin dead fur-ball right into my bank account
I have been wanting to see if my new Knight would wax a yetti. Where are they all hiding? unless their horns are stuck together then I would just let them die. Do they have horns?
I would not shoot a Yetti if I were you littledoe. There could be some stiff federal fines attached if you get caught.

How can you get "fined" for shooting something that's not even known to exist, let alone not even on the endangered or threatened list? How in the hell could someone get fined for shooting a big a$$ed, 7 foot monkey. You're letting your emotions and bigfoot mojo play into this.

I don't believe in all of this x-files talk, bigfoots, sassquatches and lockless monsters. What kind of idiot, with all due respect, would attempt to equate firearms utilized for sporting purposes and Bigfoots? Our founding fathers had no question whatsoever that we had the right to get food. So they didn't even include that in the documents. Certainly they were concerned about self-defense. And I know a bunch of guys in South Central Los Angeles that if it were not for semi-automatic weapons, which are exactly like these semi-automatic uzis and AK's that you're talking about, their establishments would have been burned down. And they could have been killed.

Long live Ponch and John
you're takin' this too serious and makin' yerself look iggernut too here, willy. it's the "loch ness monster", not "lockless". "loch" is scottish fer lake. "loch ness" is a big deep lake in scotland that is sposeta have a big dinosaur in it. unnerstand? lockless, sheesh. what a maroon. and if we wanna shoot bigfoot, so what? wonder if them utard game wardens will come up with a bigfoot dummy to catch poachers with? if they did they'd get the head on backward.
I'm in support of the common sense that sometimes firepower is needed for certain specific duties. And Bigfoot hunting and defense of property and self have no relationship whatsoever
RLH or should I say Mr. Spellcheck. You talk about William Roberts taking things too serious, but look at you. By the way, if you don't believe in the mysterious maybe you should quit dreaming about that monster buck that doesn't exist. Take it easy Oxford Dictionary.
RE: Cou"rear"elli- Queen of Tards!!!

I saw a big hairy monster in the woods once, so I immediately zipped up my pants and it was gone!

Come on guys, just because there is a website with supposedly 'accountable pictures' do you still believe everything you read and hear?
wrong there jeffy boy. i take very little serious. 'specially the "lockless" monster. and why would they have a dictionary just fer shoes?
Hey look guys, all I'm saying is keep an open mind when you are out there prancing around in the forest. You never know what is behind the next tree and if it does turn out to be your turn for a sasquach encounter, the big guy upstairs is watching, and to kill something for money and fame would not be good in his eyes

Mike arent u the same guy who said that u shouldnt cut the elks horn off; let nature take its course on living creatures??/
There is a direct correlation between the number of bigfoot sightings and the THC content of that wad of hippie lettuce glowing in the bowl you have been burning!
Bigfoot,The tooth fairy,Santa Clause,Bla,Bla,Bla!
What a bunch of idiots. Put a bullet in the damn thing, haul him to the game and fish, and put the myth to rest. Otherwise shut-up and talk about something serious. I gotta place to put a big foot!
I think Im going to get rid of my lab's and a get a few chesapeakes. I think they would stand a better chance fighting off a yetti spageti monster if jumps out and wants to kiss me in the woods. Do you think he looks like that big monky on star wars?
Thanks Stanley..I really didn't know. I guess HarryHunter would know more about that than me.
i imagine if mike is seein' bigfoots (or is it bigfeet?) on a regular basis he's usin' somethin' a little more hallucinogenic than weed. probably mushrooms or lsd. were there any fairies or tree nymphs around too? maybe some butterflies? oh, oh, and unicorns, wuz there any unicorns?? i'd love to have a unicorn shoulder mount. put it by my jackalope.
Listen, here. Just because I spelled a few words incorrectly doesn't mean that i am not inteligent. Even if Bigfoot existed, I belive in the hunters code and would not shott the poor varmint.
On another topic, I would like to know in general what animals you would think are
responsibly viable to take with a 40cal handgun. Im not sure if it would
be any use for anything other than varment but i would apreciate your
input. My first handgun is a beautiful 96fs stainless Beretta 40 cal. I
keep my Ninja sword by my bed for self defence and my gun locked in a
cabinet and I would like to use it for more than target practice. I live
in Iowa. One more thing, I cant say how impressed I am everytime I hear you guys
about hunters rights and the second amendment. You seem to bring out so
many points that others seem to miss that are very important to proving
the God given rights that we enjoy. We are America, lets keep the land
and the people as one and free till the end of time. and Shoobah Doobah
You know what really ticks me off? I have seen the infamous Sasquatch, heard his squeeling and physically seen his foot prints and nobody on MM is man enough to admit that it exists. I know exactly how Mike Awkismaul feels and know that he has posted documented sightings too. He's proven master in the Sasquatch studies. Don't knock us believers until you have walked a mile in our shoes. My guess is that you all are road hunters who never take a minute step off.

just because someone does not believe in something and doesn't admit to something existing does not make them a lesser of a man so quit crying about it. It is just like UFO abductions, with it happening so much and so many people seeing these things I have but one question.

RE: Sasquatch is gay!

Here is more proof. My buddies and I were elk hunting and decided to light a little fire to see if we could smoke out a Sasquatch. It worked and when he got to the edge of the river I shot him right in the noggin with my 375 H&H. He fell like a sack of sh!t! We tried to haul him out of the river but it was getting to be lunch time so we had to run into town for beer and hamburgers. When we got back he was floating down stream with a bunch of ravens and magpies tearing it appart. Well, at least I got a picture.


I have stool and hair samples that are being examined for authenticity.

If so many people have seen this "thing" why has nobody shot him. That would be the proof everyone needs. Then we could take off the mask and reveale the moron.
Leave it to Polarbear to come up with something totally off the wall in response to some stupid post. What in Hells half acre is a master is sasquatch studies? Really? Is this some kind of on-line certification or home study course on bigfoot? Someones lacing your herbal tea with lysergic acid.
Hey polarbear, your pictures friggin' rule! Keep doing that thing you do so well my friend.
We were hiking the north side of Glacier National Park.
This took place in the july of 1972, we were in route around the back side for a 7 day hiking and fishing trip.
you know, strip down run around naked, who carred.
we were coming up from logging mt cutting over the pass at trappers heading to Mt. cleaveland. you guys know there is a book there on each peak you can sign in on.
As we headed down this little drainage, thinks its called waterdog, nope just looked it up it was Waterton.
there clarly with its back to us sat this thing.
we scrambled to get our packs off and locate or camara.
pictures wern't first priorty, think sex on the soft green moss was the ticket that week.
anyway after locating the camara we crept closer and closer.
we stripped down, to nothing but skin. just incase we had to run, there wouldn't be any extra weight.
we pilled all our stuff under a large rock out crop
easy to find. and down to investigate we went. closer and closer, we had a huge pile of logs and rocks obscurring our veiw for a time this made our skin fell goose bumpy,
what if as we rounded this pile it was there, just there, stairing at us ready to give chase.
kill us and devower us who would know.
we stoppedglaired into each others eyes.
we know we had to continue on but we also knew it could be the last thing we do,
I spotted a large blanket of thick green moss,
We did it. Hopefully it didn't wind us.
Then we were bank on the stock.
It wasa nice to see my wifes breasts get so perky and her fanny such a rosey red, green cool moss will do that to you you know.
then there it was still crouched down by the creek, seaming to be washing something off. you could see the long grayish brown hair moving with the brease, what the h is it as we crept closer, if we could just get to that large tree and use it as our block we could sneek right up to with in 15 feet.
but damn its a huge creature, sue started wimpering about that it might have been the last piece of a#@ i was to get.
Thats when it hit home. not that i'm chickenshit, no the number one thing was to protect sue.
Maybe instead of getting right up there in its face, just chuck a rock at it an see what it does.

The only way i would shoot a bigfoot is in self defense after all i only have a 30-30 Winchester which i don't think are going to take down a bigfoot in one shoot thats why i have 6. If i were to hunt a bigfoot i would bring a .375 holland, holland magnum and a bow. Enough power to take down an elephant. I hope bigfoot doesn't run into my grandfather because he would have about 350 30-06 and .357 magnum holes in him..... I'd like to hear your comments ....( My grandfathers a scardy cat)
Why don't you concentrate on fair game? I dunno maybe
Elk, Moose, Magpie?
RE: Sasquatch is a imaginary fairy

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-04 AT 00:07AM (MST)[p]Thanks guys!
Hey W-R, dont you mean concentrate on "real game"? In all actuality, Bigfoot is fair game! Just like the Easter Bunny, Ogo Pogo, Loch Nessie, Leprachauns, and all of the other imaginary faries. There are no legal restrictions on the harvesting of these so called critters. Now if you actually shoot a Sasquatch, you will go to prison for the murder of some other drunk dude in an ape outfit. Come to think about it, maybe Bigfoot is real and we are being taken over! Will we soon be living on a planet where apes evolved from men!!!!! You maniacs!!!!! Damn you, awwww.... damn you all to he!!..............



RE: Sasquatch is a imaginary fairy

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-04 AT 10:24AM (MST)[p]I wonder if all this yetti stuff has something to do with that last ape moive that came out? or maybe they are real? Im getting so mixed up inside. All of these pic's are starting to convince me. Is there a address that I can start send all the stool samples to when I find them? My Retriever likes to eat the stuff so I figure I will pack a bag around. Then when my dog goes to eat one I will have him drop it in the bag. This could be the new craze I had better keep it to my self. I could write a book. " train your retriever to retrieve yetti crap in 3 min. a day" Its a booooorrrrrinnng day. polarbear find somemore yetti pic's there great.
I had a really terrifying and painfull experience with a female bigfoot a few years ago. As a result, I lost an arm. I chewed it off so as not to wake her. STAY AWAY FROM TEQILLA!!!
what i wanna know is what states do jeff tomlinson and mike askemall live in? if it's Az., i'm leavin'. you guys are nuts, stupid, crazy, dumb, retarded, etc. stool samples? idiot, you just have to taste a stool sample to see if it's authentic. next time you find a big foot turd, take a big bite out of it, chew it well, and swallow. then describe it to us on this site. i'll tell ya if it was real big foot crap. deal?
RE: Sasquatch is a imaginary fairy

I just read in the world news publication that the second Sasquatch was just shot and killed by police. Reportedly it was carrying its baby around; so, you see, it is true after all.
Hey just because you guys have never had an experience like this one doesent mean it isant real. In 2000 on the manti unit in utah I killed a spike opening day. It took all day to get him back to camp and i was beat. When everyone else got back we ate and thn went to bed. Just before i got to sleep i could hear something coming up out of the steep pine canyon near our tent. It then proceded to walk around the tent. When it breathed it made a raspy deep kind of sound. Then it went over and picked up a half of an elk and threw it into the tent. It stayed around all night. The horses were going crazy all night and we didnt dare shoot it because we thought it might be a person dressed up. Every night that week whatever this thing was would come out of the canyon and keep us awake all night. Pretty sure it wasent a bear or a lion mabey you guys could tell me what could pick up 300 pounds of elk and throw it 30 feet into my tent.
Who the he11 is Jim Beam? We were in left hand fork in huntington canyon and there were 5 other people there with me but i quess since you werent there it couldnt have happened.
threelemonbob, don't let these insecure idiots iritate you. They are just jealous that they haven't seen him yet and we have.

Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

Yeti - A.K.A. Sasquatch alive and well.

Myself and my buddies finally witnessed what we thought was fake too and are firm believers now.

We were hunting in the wilds of British Columbia. It was late at night and the fire was going well. The sky was clear. The billy can filled with fresh coffee filled the air with a rich aroma !!! Next thing we knew there were twigs snapping and a grunt from the nearby stream.

Next thing we know this big hairy thing about 7 feet tall ambled out of the bushes into the light of the fire .... it appeared to be sniffing the coffee aroma. We were totally unsure of what to do. Next thing we know .... the big brute ... stink and all grunted and we jumped and he came and plunked his hairy butt down among us around the fire and grabbed my buddies coffee mug with a grunt ..... grunted again and had a sip.

Dangest thing I ever saw !!!!!!!! Soon we were downing Jack Daniels with this friendly bloke and by morning he was gone and never to be seen again.

Its true .... it really happened.

Mike Awkinsmawl ..... We're buds man. You and I ... we're buddies man.

I'll see yah in Section 8 when you get here buddy.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

hey threelemonbob, half a spike elk weighed 300 lbs? damn , that's a hell of a spike. seein' as how spikes seldom dress out at more than 250 or so total. or are you one o' them guys that like to wait a couple days to skin em? did you taste one o' the turds like i told ya? man, the world is full o' wierdos.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

RLH - don't you know anything? It is well documented that animals living in Yeti infested regions have grown bigger, it's natures way of enhancing survival. Aside from a local family of Sasquatch I frequently see in MY area, there are several 500+ B&C bulls running around. The birds eye view was amazing when the aliens abducted me.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

Your right that spikes @ss end probably didnt weigh 300 lbs but i would be willing to bet money that it weighed 200 with the bones and everything still in it. I would also be willing to bet money that you couldnt pick up half an elk and throw it 30 feet (thats 10 yards; I know its tough but stay with me) into a tent. Mabey you guys are right that sasquach isant real but whatever it was it was big.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

You are just damn lucky that big hairy guy didn't come into your tent and squeeze those lemons into lemonade!
Them sasquatches can work up a helluva thirst wrasslin elk quarters!
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

You know your probably right the 3 .300 winchester mags and the two 7mm rem mags and the 270 probably didnt scare him at all and to tell the truth he probably didnt like the smell of urine cause im pretty sure a couple of the guys other than me pissed their pants to.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

hey lemonhead, maybe you oughta tell your pals to use the "scent lock" brand of adult diapers. that is if the smell of piss is leakin' outta their drawers. most spike elk will dress out 180 to 220 lbs. hanging weight. no guts, no skin, or head or lower legs (the part with no meat on it. being real specific hear, seein' as im' dealin' with a guy that sees things that ain't really there). i know of what i speak. occasionally a spike will go 250 hanging. so we'll say this one you got was a real trophy. 300 lbs. front quarters would be about 175 and the hinds would be about 125. seein' as the fronts are much larger. at least on the couple hundred elk i've dealt with they were. why am i even doin' this?!? i'm tryin' to talk to a f'in' retard. look how low i've sunk. somebody shoot me. you didn't see bigfoot you dum@$$!!! maybe it was a bear or you were drunk. or maybe it was a drunk bear. and i don't know if i could chunk an elk's butt 10 yards (30 feet), because i never tried and never had a reason too. i prefer to hang em awhile and rest after i get done. crap i need to start drinkin' again
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

RLH, I think we need to tap into some strong halucinogens (acid)
just to keep up with these guys!
Was this critter all sorta tie-dye colors?
Was he singing any Grateful Dead tunes?
Musky smell of refer in the air?
Was he barefoot or was he sportin' birkenstocks?
Hell,I'll buy the first round!
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!


I think you just wanted to say you've "dealt with 200 elk or so".

What a stud!

RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

whatever askemalldumbassquestions. go ahead and be a "believer". i'll just hunt. and if one o' them hairy bastards comes into my camp and starts chunkin' around elk quarters i'm gonna shoot him. after i whup his butt and make him do the dishes.......
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

Now I would think there is a better chance that RLH has seen 200 elk dead on the ground than 1 bigfoot!
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!


Big Bulls
Mike Awkismaul - 3
RLH - 0

Cows and Spikes
Mike Awkismaul - 0
RLH - 200

Sasquatch Encounters
Mike Awkismaul - 1
RLH - 0
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

Once, while on walk-about, down on the bad lands of So.Utah,
I too saw that hairsuit & ubiquitous creature known as squawsnatch......
In that brief glimps, I could swear it winked at me.
Unlike Polarbear, I have no visible proof, however intuition tells me that she exists
HarryHunter, I know you are soon to see her as well.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-04 AT 10:55PM (MST)[p]This thread is such .......

RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

3 big bulls? that's all? any over 375? i've shot 3 big bulls in one year. i mean big bulls too. oh well, i refer to what we're dealing with here. now did you really shoot these, or were they "imaginary" ones like ol' bigfoot? this ain't like women, just thinkin' about it ain't the same as doin' it. man this askemall dude is tiring. whadda you think Harry? think he "really" saw bigfoot?
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

I'm just messing with you boys. I haven't gotten anything larger than a 5 point, up in 6A. But, I'm definitely not too sure about this bigfoot thing. I might have to see or hear about a little more proof I consider believing. I do think Mike Awkismaul is nut-case. Go back to the hole that you came from.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

ok, who's the moron mis-usin' my good name? and i never hunt 6a. it's reserved for flatlanders. and bigfoot.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

I've said it before and ill say it again...I'm in support of the common sense that sometimes firepower is needed for certain specific duties, that be taking down big mules. Bigfoot hunting and defense of property and self have no relationship whatsoever
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

If you aren't a flatlander, then why do you live in Phoenix? Doy Doy Doy

RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

i tried to stay out of this, but i can't take it anymore. all you non-believers take note. i was on a summer camping with my family near flagstaff, arizona. it was about 10 at night and we were sitting around the fire when not one, but three bigfoots (bigfeet?) came strolling into camp. appeared to be a family group and not very threatening. huge creatures, though. largest one must've weighed close to 20 pounds. i think they're maybe an arizona sub-species as they weren't the typical brown, but were black and gray with a striped tail and face that almost looked as if it had a mask covering the eyes. fortunately they left plenty of physical evidence before my little brother shooed them away with his red ryder bb gun.

stool and hair samples are currently at the lab.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

maybe it's just me, but if something spent all night in my camp throwing spike elk halves into my tent, making my friends piss themselves and generally being a nuisance, i'm inclined to think i'd at least shoot at it. but hey, that's just me.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!

scrooyoo coozerelli. i may live here now, but i've spent my life in the mountains. i'm the best woodsman i know. that's a fact. spent more time in rough country than anyone i know. never seen a bigfoot either. it's like Del Gue told Jeremiah Johnson, "i come here to be a mountain man, and by hell, i are one!" flatlander is a state o' mind. and .264 mag, i think i've seen that same family a couple times. i also have a .264. nope, no matter how long i live the "valley" i'll still be a mountain man. and askemall'll still be a dummy.
RE: Hey boys and gals ... read this !!


The last name is Awkismaul. As much as you think that a state of mind makes you escape from reality, the reality is..............YOU ARE A FLATLANDER! Heck, this isn't fantasy land where you can just make stuff up. I have to admit though that your comment is pretty cute.

Just remember, it is OK to be like the rest of the 2 million people that live around you.


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