San Juan Elk LE late season


Active Member
My father in law drew the San Juan late elk hunt. We know that unit well, but haven't hunted anything that late on the unit. Do the elk move off the top in November? PM me if you have any suggestions or helpful info.
Tough hunt. Elk will be off the top. Some good bulls can be had, but in my experience, success on this hunt is more luck than skill.
Thanks for the info hunt30. I will send you a picture of his elk once he gets one. Size isn't the most important thing to him. He just likes to get out and hunt with the family. I know the unit very well, but have never hunted it that late in the year. He's retired, so we will be there the entire season if needed.
Limited-entry Bull Elk
Hunt Choice 1
EB3067 - San Juan Bull Elk
Successful - EB3067 - San Juan Bull Elk
Weapon Type
Season Dates
Nov 9 - Nov 17, 2024
Permit Fee
I’ve spent a lot of time on that unit. I helped on that hunt last year. While we were unsuccessful, we did see bulls. If you want to shoot me a message, I’d be happy to give what info I can.
Thanks Duck I've been off grid backpacking in the Uintas. I will have a few questions when I get a chance.

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