San Fermin


Long Time Member
That's taking the bull by the horns :)


I know Beanman & I want to witness this some day, they are running today.
It was actually a pretty safe year. Did you see the picture going around with the bulls horn stuck in the guys shin. The horn was just under the skin from lower shin up to the knee. The bull lifted the guy up with the skin.

I have been pricing hotels and flights for next year. Anyone been there before who can offer advise.
Ive seen the shin one but prefer the horn in hole pic one dude takes it a little more than balls deep about eight feet in the air! pretty rough but funnier than hell itself

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
I did Embassy duty in Madrid..

Only advice I can offer is to run like a grizzly is about to bite you on the ***

I ran it 2 out of 3 years, I found it safer than trying to outrun those dang Black Angus Range Bulls in the Uinta's...
Witness, heck no. When I get there I intend to run. Thinking about it as a 50 year birthday present to myself in two years.

something I've always wanted to do.


I'm looking at booking rooms in a town just outside of Pamplona called Victoria or something like that (don't have the information in front of me). It is supposed to be about a 25 minute walk into the middle of Pamplona, at worst a short taxi ride. But the prices during the festival are about half, and the noise, if you want to sleep, is supposed to be managable.

Any advise?


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