Russian and Chinese aircaft fly near Alaska /Canadian airspace Rssian ships in Cuba

Weekend at Bernie's Administration
Who is in charge?​

U.S. officials said that the Biden administration stated the exercises were routine and were likely to be in response to Washington's support for Ukraine in the war started by Vladimir Putin.

However, the vessels, as well as the oil tanker Pashin and the salvage tug Nikolai Chiker, passed close to Florida en route to the Cuban capital, with open satellite tracking one vessel less than 30 miles off Key Largo. It sparked speculation that it was a display of military strength by Moscow in America's backyard.
I wonder how Russia feels about American made bombs, missiles, bullets killing their folks, as American F-16 are now on their border.

They've been much more patient than we would be.
Itโ€™s happeningโ€ฆ. To our adversaries our country appears to be weak right now under this administration. It really shouldnโ€™t be a surprise to anyone that they would take this opportunity prior to our next election to ramp up โ€œtestingโ€ our response times.

Putin staged his military on the Ukraine border for months & it was clearly obvious what was about to transpire. Regardless, it was ignored & written off as a โ€œshow of forceโ€. Sound familiar? In very short order I expect we will be drawn into the next world conflict. If I was to take a guess, it will probably start with China attacking Taiwan. When that happens, ALL hell is going to break loose.
Everyone in our country should be taking this extremely serious & preparing for the worse case scenario. Itโ€™s time for Americans to pull together. Make a plan with your family & friends & prepare for the worse case scenario.
My 2 centsโ€ฆ
I wish we really knew what the Chinese balloon actually did as it went over the US.

I have a feeling it gathered more kinds of data than we are lead to believeโ€ฆjust another Biden failure to add to the extremely long list.
F#*@ing idiot!
Learn to read...that chit has been going on since the 50's.

Have you been hiding under the bed since then?

Can you point out your posts where you were concerned about this in 2021. Probably not, because faux news and newsmax didn't report it.

Like I said #nothingburger

I wish we really knew what the Chinese balloon actually did as it went over the US.

I have a feeling it gathered more kinds of data than we are lead to believeโ€ฆjust another Biden failure to add to the extremely long list.
It definitely spun up people like you and caused a run on tinfoil.
The Chinese Balloon Was Just A F'N Weather Balloon!


The Second That MF'ER Entered Our Airspace That F'ER Woulda Came Down!

Perty Bad People On The Ground Noticed Them Before Our Military Did Anything!

Then BIDEN Had The Nerve To Say The Chinese Didn't Get Anything Because We Shot It Down!

He's a F'N LIAR!

That Was A Satellite Underneath That Balloon & Everything Was Sent Back To China Before We Took It Down!

The Chinese Balloon Was Just A F'N Weather Balloon!


The Second That MF'ER Entered Our Airspace That F'ER Woulda Came Down!

Perty Bad People On The Ground Noticed Them Before Our Military Did Anything!

Then BIDEN Had The Nerve To Say The Chinese Didn't Get Anything Because We Shot It Down!

He's a F'N LIAR!

That Was A Satellite Underneath That Balloon & Everything Was Sent Back To China Before We Took It Down!

Did you think to call crime stoppers?
Ain't no one paranoid. Just concerned. Especially after seeing how this administration showed weakness in the way it handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan. After that Russia invades Ukraine and China is gearing up for Taiwan. Flexing their military muscle in our air and sea space.
This is what happens when you have weak and incompetent people running our country. Not that Trump is the "save all", but even democrats admit this crap would not be going on if he was president.
Ain't no one paranoid. Just concerned. Especially after seeing how this administration showed weakness in the way it handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan. After that Russia invades Ukraine and China is gearing up for Taiwan. Flexing their military muscle in our air and sea space.
This is what happens when you have weak and incompetent people running our country. Not that Trump is the "save all", but even democrats admit this crap would not be going on if he was president.

Make no mistake, it's pure paranoia and faux outrage.

Just another conspiracy of the day.
I am confused. Exactly what is the faux outrage and conspiracy you speak of?
I try to present facts. You tell people they are wrong when they express concerns.
Hey BuzzH!

You're Full Of BULLSSHITT Just Like Always!

Some Of Us Have Future Generations Of Family Growing Up In This FUSTER-CLUCK!

And yes We Do THINK & WORRY & CARE About Them!

This Ain't The Same America It Used To Be!


When Things Gets Serious Your Truck Load Of F'N Money That You Have To BRAGG About All The F'N Time Ain't Gonna Do SQUAT For You!

UN-F'N-REAL How Blind You Are For Your Age!

Your BUDDY BIDEN Really F'ED This Country Up!

No,It Wasn't Just Him!

But He's Done More Damage In Nearly 4 Years Than All The Rest Of Them Combined!

So Carry On With Your BULLSSHITT Rhetoric!

I just don't live life in a state of constant paranoia like you do.
Isn't it funny how some people get rich off the capitalist system only to turn around and badmouth that same system once they are all set up and safe.
There is one thing about Capitalism. Without it, you could never fund all the other ism's. Socialism, Marxism, Fascism.........
I am confused. Exactly what is the faux outrage and conspiracy you speak of?
I try to present facts. You tell people they are wrong when they express concerns.
Do some research, Russia and the U.S. have been doing this chit for decades.

Post 12, with the comprehension turned up past 1.
Hey BuzzH!

You're Full Of BULLSSHITT Just Like Always!

Some Of Us Have Future Generations Of Family Growing Up In This FUSTER-CLUCK!

And yes We Do THINK & WORRY & CARE About Them!

This Ain't The Same America It Used To Be!


When Things Gets Serious Your Truck Load Of F'N Money That You Have To BRAGG About All The F'N Time Ain't Gonna Do SQUAT For You!

UN-F'N-REAL How Blind You Are For Your Age!

Your BUDDY BIDEN Really F'ED This Country Up!

No,It Wasn't Just Him!

But He's Done More Damage In Nearly 4 Years Than All The Rest Of Them Combined!

So Carry On With Your BULLSSHITT Rhetoric!
Crawl out of the bunker for some fresh air once a month and you'll feel better.

What's unreal is how much Kool-aid you drink for someone your age.

I guess the mayor of Laramie missed the combined Russia/China part.

Which, doesn't happen all the time, and is new. Don't confuse him with the facts though, he's busy sniffing his own farts

I guess the mayor of Laramie missed the combined Russia/China part.

Which, doesn't happen all the time, and is new. Don't confuse him with the facts though, he's busy sniffing his own farts
With a snout like his, wow, itโ€™s probably at the discharge point constantlyโ€ฆ

We Have Several Missiles Headed Our Way From Russia & China & North Korea!

Get Your Families To Safety ASAP!

Here's BuzzH Taking Care Of What He Thinks The Most Of:


We Have Several Missiles Headed Our Way From Russia & China & North Korea!

Get Your Families To Safety ASAP!

Here's BuzzH Taking Care Of What He Thinks The Most Of:

View attachment 152282
Way too tall, way too much hair.

Buzz is that open minded super progressive that lives in Wyoming where his progressivism and liberalism will never be in power.

If he truly believed the crap he spews, he'd move where his believes are put to practice.

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