Reward, $1000


Active Member
I thought I could get it done and I failed, I am willing to eat crow.
Only three days left with Utah General Open Bull archery.
I have killed a couple cows with my bow (crossbow, I have a COR) but have never killed a bull.
I live in Riverton, Utah.
If anybody can help me kill a bull of any size, even a dinky spike, and help me get it out the cash reward is yours.
Thank you, Shane
I thought I could get it done and I failed, I am willing to eat crow.
Only three days left with Utah General Open Bull archery.
I have killed a couple cows with my bow (crossbow, I have a COR) but have never killed a bull.
I live in Riverton, Utah.
If anybody can help me kill a bull of any size, even a dinky spike, and help me get it out the cash reward is yours.
Thank you, Shane
Can you fly me out there? lol good luck.
Sorry Mrshane... i dont think you are going to find any outfitters/guides to work for that little on short notice. I dont think it is legal for anyone without the forementioned titles to do it.
You might be right.
I was hoping maybe a landowner with a little herd hanging around would maybe be willing to let a spike be taken.
It's sad to see somebody just throwing money out there to "kill anything".

It's sad to see that "the hunt" has become all about "the kill, at any cost" (literally).

Learn to accept that you're not going to be successful every time. Maybe it's time to reevaluate why you hunt.
It's sad to see somebody just throwing money out there to "kill anything".

It's sad to see that "the hunt" has become all about "the kill, at any cost" (literally).

Learn to accept that you're not going to be successful every time. Maybe it's time to reevaluate why you hunt.
I know there are people like that but I really don’t think that’s what this is about with Shane. He doesn’t strike me as that type at all. I believe this is more of a bucket list thing for a guy who loves to hunt but has some challenges.
It's sad to see somebody just throwing money out there to "kill anything".

It's sad to see that "the hunt" has become all about "the kill, at any cost" (literally).

Learn to accept that you're not going to be successful every time. Maybe it's time to reevaluate why you hunt.
Dang, you are good!
You just described me 100% spot on!!
I know there are people like that but I really don’t think that’s what this is about with Shane. He doesn’t strike me as that type at all. I believe this is more of a bucket list thing for a guy who loves to hunt but has some challenges.
Thank you for the kind words Shadow.
I headed out Mon night and went up as far as I dared to not get me in a pickle.
My wife went with me to help if needed.
Had one bull interact appx. 800-900 yrds away.
With a little cow talk it took over an hour but came down about 1/2 way.
Wind was awesome.
He abruptly quit talking about 20 min before dark and we never saw him.
Rested Tues night.
I am up in the hills right now so cross fingers for me.
And, you are right about the bucket list/goal thing.
I can explain that later if you get bored! Haha
I mean this is essentially an illegal outfitting proposition posted on the WWW…
It is illegal to ask for help and offer payment to pack out an Elk?
In Utah also, or just Colorado?
I consider myself quite educated on Utah’s big game guidelines but if I missed it please enlighten me and I will correct my sinful ways.
It is illegal to ask for help and offer payment to pack out an Elk?
In Utah also, or just Colorado?
I consider myself quite educated on Utah’s big game guidelines but if I missed it please enlighten me and I will correct my sinful ways.
Go ahead and educate yourself…

Just got home from final night of GS archery Elk.
Just at point of almost being too dark I heard a bull on other side of small ridge I was sitting under.
Some light cow calls brought him to the ridge line where he held up for 4-5 more minutes.
A few more cow calls and he turned my direction but would not move.
Very dark now, can’t see pins.
Can see him good through binocs.
So I grab a branch and rake a tree and he piles off the cliff and runs straight at me.
But, he puts on brakes at about 125 yrds.
I watched him meander around for 5 more mins till I could not see him even with binocs.
I think he would have came in if I had a decoy.
Packed up to prepare for walk out while he continued to bugle and I called it a season.
The End.
Hey MrShane!

Just Thought I'd Run This Past You!

Decoys Are A Great Tool & Can Add Excitement!

But Make Sure There Isn't Any Cow Hunts Going On Especially During The GUN Hunts!

A Few Years Ago I Was up SmokePole Hunting Deer And I Thought I Was Seeing Things!

Well I Was Actually!

A Guy All Camoed Up With His SmokePole & His Wife/Girlfriend/Daughter Trailing Him With A Big Ole Cow Elk Silhouette Behind Him A Ways!

I Was In Disbelief!

They Had Also Made A Rule Change Where If You Had A Spike/Cow Elk Tag You Could Hunt Them The Same Time As Your Muzz Deer season!

So I'm Guessing The JOKER Didn't Like His Wife/Girlfriend/Daughter?:D


Most Hunters Would Look At It Just Like I Did & Figure It Out!

But It Looked Like An Accident Waiting To Happen To Me!

The Year Before I Didn't Know It & I Seen A Guy Shoot An Elk During MUZZ Deer Season With His SmokePole & That Guy Probably Still Hates Me,I Had Know Idea They Had Changed The Rules & Were Letting MUZZ Hunters Hunt Elk At MUZZ Deer Season If They Held An Elk Tag As Well!

I Ripped Him Perty Good,He Wanted To Know If I'd Help Him Get It Out,I Said It Isn't Elk Season,He Proved Me Wrong Because I Didn't Know About The Rule Change & I Helped Him Get It Out!

There's So Many Hunts Going On Anymore I Don't Keep Up With Them All!

Just Sayin:

Be Careful With The Decoys & Silhouettes!

If A DRAT Will Shoot A Cow Moose During Elk Season................................Just Sayin!

got home from final night of GS archery Elk.
Just at point of almost being too dark I heard a bull on other side of small ridge I was sitting under.
Some light cow calls brought him to the ridge line where he held up for 4-5 more minutes.
A few more cow calls and he turned my direction but would not move.
Very dark now, can’t see pins.
Can see him good through binocs.
So I grab a branch and rake a tree and he piles off the cliff and runs straight at me.
But, he puts on brakes at about 125 yrds.
I watched him meander around for 5 more mins till I could not see him even with binocs.
I think he would have came in if I had a decoy.
Packed up to prepare for walk out while he continued to bugle and I called it a season.
The End.


Thanks Robb.
I do appreciate the encouragement.
Pretty rough area up there for me, especially if I do kill one.
“A man needs to know his limitations”.
It's sad to see somebody just throwing money out there to "kill anything".

It's sad to see that "the hunt" has become all about "the kill, at any cost" (literally).

Learn to accept that you're not going to be successful every time. Maybe it's time to reevaluate why you hunt.
Pretty harsh assumptions considering thousands of people pay $5k+ for outfitted hunts every year to better their chances at filling a tag...

I agree that not filling a tag isn't the end of the world but being willing to pay a $1,000 trespass fee in order to have better access to good hunting doesn't seem outrageous to me. It's not my M.O. personally but it makes sense to me why some people do it.
Pretty harsh assumptions considering thousands of people pay $5k+ for outfitted hunts every year to better their chances at filling a tag...

I agree that not filling a tag isn't the end of the world but being willing to pay a $1,000 trespass fee in order to have better access to good hunting doesn't seem outrageous to me. It's not my M.O. personally but it makes sense to me why some people do it.

There's a big difference in an outfitted "hunt" to "better their chances", and somebody offering money for a "kill".

The original post wasn't a request for help in *hunting*, it was a straight-out plea for a *kill*.

"If anybody can help me kill a bull of any size, even a dinky spike, and help me get it out the cash reward is yours."

You pay for the outfitted hunt regardless of outcome. This offer ("reward") was only payable upon a kill. That's a big difference.

And it changed to a "trespass fee" after people pointed out that what he was asking for was illegal, so it became a "wink wink" trespass fee instead.

Life isn't always fair, but if killing is that important, just pay the money to go on a guaranteed canned hunt behind a fence. "No game, no pay". Otherwise accept the reality that hunting is not a 100% sport.

It may not be a popular position with some here, but I stand by it.
There's a big difference in an outfitted "hunt" to "better their chances", and somebody offering money for a "kill".

The original post wasn't a request for help in *hunting*, it was a straight-out plea for a *kill*.

"If anybody can help me kill a bull of any size, even a dinky spike, and help me get it out the cash reward is yours."

You pay for the outfitted hunt regardless of outcome. This offer ("reward") was only payable upon a kill. That's a big difference.

And it changed to a "trespass fee" after people pointed out that what he was asking for was illegal, so it became a "wink wink" trespass fee instead.

Life isn't always fair, but if killing is that important, just pay the money to go on a guaranteed canned hunt behind a fence. "No game, no pay". Otherwise accept the reality that hunting is not a 100% sport.

It may not be a popular position with some here, but I stand by it.
Thank you for pointing out my flaws.
I will try my hardest to become a better hunter.
I will admit I am desperate to kill a bull with my bow to complete a goal on my ‘Master Hunter’ adventure I set for myself years ago.
I did not know I crossed any ‘legal’ lines and I tried to remedy that.
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There's a big difference in an outfitted "hunt" to "better their chances", and somebody offering money for a "kill".

The original post wasn't a request for help in *hunting*, it was a straight-out plea for a *kill*.

"If anybody can help me kill a bull of any size, even a dinky spike, and help me get it out the cash reward is yours."

You pay for the outfitted hunt regardless of outcome. This offer ("reward") was only payable upon a kill. That's a big difference.

And it changed to a "trespass fee" after people pointed out that what he was asking for was illegal, so it became a "wink wink" trespass fee instead.

Life isn't always fair, but if killing is that important, just pay the money to go on a guaranteed canned hunt behind a fence. "No game, no pay". Otherwise accept the reality that hunting is not a 100% sport.

It may not be a popular position with some here, but I stand by it.
I don't disagree with anything you said here, I guess I read it differently and didn't see the thread until trespass fee had already been mentioned.
Thank you for pointing out my flaws.
I will try my hardest to become a better hunter.
I will admit I am desperate to kill a bull with my bow to complete a goal on my ‘Master Hunter’ adventure I set for myself years ago.
I did not know I crossed any ‘legal’ lines and I tried to remedy that.

I'm not pointing out your flaws.

I'm just saying that elk hunting, in the mountains, isn't a fair or equitable sport. It's not meant for everybody. The older I get, I can appreciate that as much as anybody. I can't do nearly what I used to do decades ago. But I also realize and accept that. I know that my chances of killing a bull today are much less than they were in my prime. And I accept that. Will I pay for an outfitted hunt, especially as a nonresident? Yes, with expectations already clearly laid out from both sides (and mine are simply a fair hunt, with an honest effort from the guide. No more than that. And no guarantees of a certain size, or an animal at all. Just an honest hunt.). Will I pay extra for an increased chance of a kill, or a guaranteed kill? No way.

That's my point. Regardless of physical limitations or conditions, I disagree with placing a cash bounty on an animal's head. Especially so that you can check off some arbitrary box on a list you made for yourself. Asking for assistance on a *hunt* is one thing. Offering an actual *reward* (your word) for only a kill is something else, and something that I can't condone.

Like I said at the very beginning, you might want to think deep about why you hunt, and what "hunting" means to you.

This is likely the last time I'll post on here about this one. I think it's pretty clear where I stand. Anything after this would just be repetitive.
I'm not pointing out your flaws.

I'm just saying that elk hunting, in the mountains, isn't a fair or equitable sport. It's not meant for everybody. The older I get, I can appreciate that as much as anybody. I can't do nearly what I used to do decades ago. But I also realize and accept that. I know that my chances of killing a bull today are much less than they were in my prime. And I accept that. Will I pay for an outfitted hunt, especially as a nonresident? Yes, with expectations already clearly laid out from both sides (and mine are simply a fair hunt, with an honest effort from the guide. No more than that. And no guarantees of a certain size, or an animal at all. Just an honest hunt.). Will I pay extra for an increased chance of a kill, or a guaranteed kill? No way.

That's my point. Regardless of physical limitations or conditions, I disagree with placing a cash bounty on an animal's head. Especially so that you can check off some arbitrary box on a list you made for yourself. Asking for assistance on a *hunt* is one thing. Offering an actual *reward* (your word) for only a kill is something else, and something that I can't condone.

Like I said at the very beginning, you might want to think deep about why you hunt, and what "hunting" means to you.

This is likely the last time I'll post on here about this one. I think it's pretty clear where I stand. Anything after this would just be repetitive.
I definitely could have titled my ad better.
Lesson learned.
Thank you.
I'm Perty Sure MrShane Wasn't Purposely Trying To Break any Rules/Laws!

I Don't Really see It A Problem To Offer Somebody A Little Compensation For A Day Or Two & Some Fuel!

But then again I Don't Make the Rules & Laws!

And Yes I Know The 1,000.00 Could Get A Guy In A Bind!

It'd Probably Get A Guy In A Quicker Bind Than Some Of The BS That's Been Going On Here In DRATville For Years & Years!

Keep At It MrShane!
I'm Perty Sure MrShane Wasn't Purposely Trying To Break any Rules/Laws!

I Don't Really see It A Problem To Offer Somebody A Little Compensation For A Day Or Two & Some Fuel!

But then again I Don't Make the Rules & Laws!

And Yes I Know The 1,000.00 Could Get A Guy In A Bind!

It'd Probably Get A Guy In A Quicker Bind Than Some Of The BS That's Been Going On Here In DRATville For Years & Years!

Keep At It MrShane!
Thanks EA!
I might go try the Extended Area, against my better judgement.
If I don’t make it out alive, the ‘reward’ (see what I did there…..haha) for reporting the location of my remains to my wife is you get to keep my mid 90’s clunky bow as your own!!
I'm Perty Sure MrShane Wasn't Purposely Trying To Break any Rules/Laws!

I Don't Really see It A Problem To Offer Somebody A Little Compensation For A Day Or Two & Some Fuel!

But then again I Don't Make the Rules & Laws!

And Yes I Know The 1,000.00 Could Get A Guy In A Bind!

It'd Probably Get A Guy In A Quicker Bind Than Some Of The BS That's Been Going On Here In DRATville For Years & Years!

Keep At It MrShane!
There's a big difference in an outfitted "hunt" to "better their chances", and somebody offering money for a "kill".

The original post wasn't a request for help in *hunting*, it was a straight-out plea for a *kill*.

"If anybody can help me kill a bull of any size, even a dinky spike, and help me get it out the cash reward is yours."

You pay for the outfitted hunt regardless of outcome. This offer ("reward") was only payable upon a kill. That's a big difference.

And it changed to a "trespass fee" after people pointed out that what he was asking for was illegal, so it became a "wink wink" trespass fee instead.

Life isn't always fair, but if killing is that important, just pay the money to go on a guaranteed canned hunt behind a fence. "No game, no pay". Otherwise accept the reality that hunting is not a 100% sport.

It may not be a popular position with some here, but I stand by it.

I guess the difference is knowing the guy asking for help. If you knew Shane better, you would prob understand that though he may not phrase his words the best, he is not a “successful hunt only if there is a kill” kind of guy.

Here is a breakdown of your option for the Extended areas.

It's sad to see somebody just throwing money out there to "kill anything".

It's sad to see that "the hunt" has become all about "the kill, at any cost" (literally).

Learn to accept that you're not going to be successful every time. Maybe it's time to reevaluate why you hunt.
I think I know what you mean, but in all reality, I measure my success by harvesting. I tell my family when I leave that I will get back ASAP. That means killing as fast as possible. If I go hunting and return with nothing, it's almost a let down, because of the sacrifice that my wife is giving working to keep the family going.
Just hiked out of a side canyon of Cottonwood Canyon.
Very pretty, and a nice hike.
No Elk to be seen or heard unfortunately.
Hopefully you will find a Private landowner with in 1 of the Extended elk units that will give you a Trespass Fee access.

Hang in their man,


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