Republican Debate......

Agreed, I dont like it but I think it will either be McCain or Romney, even though I think Huckabee is going to be the best friend to the gun owners. Either way, anybody on that stage will be better than the dem's choices. It was pretty funny to see Romney try to defend his pro-gun stance saying he would'nt support further legislation, even though he has in the past.
Except for Paul they looked like a real bunch of goober's. Paul gets shafted by the media worse than any candidate I can remember. He had valid points and was the closest to what a republican was.
Corn I agree the more Paul debates these dorks the more I like him. the only reason I can imagine the media has written him off as a wacko is the fact he's a Texan, while that's understandable it's a little unfair.
I'll have to catch the late showing Family Guy is on. They can debate all they want McCain will be the nominee. It's a throw away election for the GOP they should go on a limb and pick Paul just for the hell of it.
.............the fat lady is singin' now.

There just simply ain't enough GOP support Nationwide to elect any of these guys.

I am still on the Ron Paul wagon, though I doubt he'll be printed on the ballot.

Funny, even Rudy dodged the gun control question.
its a shame, but it's true, the GOP is in the tank, just look at the polling stats the last I saw the republican turn out was 20% below historical averages. . .

Paul is cool, Hucky would set this nation back 60 years, mcain might be the best canditate, but rudy and romney, as bad as huck.

I wonder how come there's really such a poor selection among the GOP this time around (the dems done have a lot better, but at least their feet are on the ground and they represent the party), the rebulicans have a soup-to nuts candidates, you can have a flaming fruitcake, a preacher, or a pilot, take your pick.

I agree with FTW, it's a throw away, the party should just save us the pain the money and throw it right now. . . LOL Just kidding. . .
Vincente Fox's number 2 man was seen at a couple of fundraisers here. He is the guy who called the millions who have come to the US illegally "heroes". Was he at the Clinton rally? Was he at the Obama rally? No, he was at the McCain fundraisers. Now I have to vote for anyone but McCain so guess I will pull for that little wimp Romney to beat McCain. There are no conservative candidates.
Man, I forgot Paul was even in the race. Really, he just does'nt strike me as someone who can run anything. His ideas are not exactly bad but are so far outa the norm I just think it would shake things up too much. Plus I dont agree with him about the war or our national security. Its tough to get a guy with enough expierience to do the job, but not enough to be a lieing cheating crook.
Shaking things up would be bad? maybe breaking the way things have been done in DC for the last 50 years would do us good.
Yeah, but I think Paul is to radical in the idea thet he would do stupid things trying to enact his ideas. Most things like our dependence on oil need to be GRADUALLY put into place. The way he talks is like we'll be all running on biodiesel the second after he takes the oath. Plus he does'nt seem like a LEADER to me, he has some good ideas. I just am not convinced he knows how to put them into action without burning us down first.
What's another 4 years with a whacko president? we've survived 7 so far, if Paul is crazy but in a good way maybe we could accelerate our recovery?

He's not going to get the nomination that's a fact, but he's the only one who's not a dork in my opinion. Huckleberry would be the dork master, I like Bush better.
I think Hardway is right on with paul, I agree . . .

" Man, I forgot Paul was even in the race. Really, he just does'nt strike me as someone who can run anything. His ideas are not exactly bad but are so far outa the norm I just think it would shake things up too much."
Any one of these guys would be a BIGGGG Improvement over the
Dumb A$$ we currently have in office. Romney is a smart business man and he is well spoken. Age is the only thing that
hurts Paul.
I think Pual's biggest problem is his looks and his voice, watching/hearing him at the debates is like reading dude's posts, like fingernails on a blackboard!


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