Remember Last Year HAHAHA Snowflakes


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-17 AT 07:44PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-17 AT 07:35?PM (MST)

Turn it up the music will make you even more bitter. Hope you guys got some bad ulcers tonight. How was the bet board the next day.

Ocho, NePads, FTW, and CornF#cker.

Hope this one don't hit home to bad. Thought I'd remind you that 365 days later you snowflake tears are still falling. As Ocho would say "You cant make this up". I would have added some middle finger emojies but the computer don't have em. Not sorry about posting it either.


"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Ocho everyday you speak I laugh. Your the head of the circus boys club.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Whines education didn't teach you much as we all witness daily. One attempt from me free of charge it's "You're the head of the circus boys club."

You're not smart but at least you believe you are. It was probably my generations fault giving every moron in your generation participation ribbons misled you.
If whines would hit the books half as often as his boyfriend he'd be worth talking to.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Economy has already hit 3% growth Obama couldn't make that happen. Stock market is roaring. Unemployment is down so what books are you hittin'. You really need to lay off the yahoo coolaid.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Okay let's bet on it, Trump will raise the markets more than Obama's 140%, and Trump has more consecutive months of increases than Obama. name it punk, and I won't take your doobies or video games I want cash.

Trump is managing to raise oil prices and he wants a " yuge " gas tax increase. that's something he can lay claim to there.

All Trump did was take over and ride Obama's boom upward. but if that's how you want to play the game Trump has to assume Obama's debt too. how does that work for you?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Pretty stupid bet there. Obama was on the floor at 6500 after the Great Depression II. It had nowhere to go but up.
If the dog hadn't stopped to chit he would have caught the rabbit. the fact is the markets were up 140%.

If Obama had dropped the ball and the auto industry, banking industry and markets had spun apart you'd be saying he failed. success is never guaranteed. but he succeeded.

Trump is either as good as he says or he's not. who has faith ? .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
It's simple economics Ocho when the market makes big booms so does oil. Last I checked we are an oil driven economy you cant live without it nor can I. Sell your powerskirt diesel and shut the gas off to your home and go ride your bike. Will the market come back down absolutely it's been to hot for too long. Prices on goods are going up housing prices are going up. The bottom will fall out. I don't see it being as bad as the last go around but it will fall.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."

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