Region G Bucks


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-12 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]How is the deer herd doing on the unit. We will be heading up this week to get ready for the openning on saturday. What has everyone seen this year for quality and quantity. Last year was bad, hunters were dumping 18 inch 3's on opening morning.
" Last year was bad, hunters were dumping 18 inch 3's on opening morning."

I hear you! Not gonna come here and say that the hunting was great because a lot of what i heard says it wasn't, But, when i hear stuff like above, makes me wonder just how hard those that shot those dink three's were hunting for a better class of buck.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I wonder the same if the guys where shooting smaller deer on opening day, not hunting too hard? Ill be backpacking in about a week after opener to let things settle down and hunting till end of the season, if required. Either way, Im looking forward to it.
I've seen less deer this year than last, though I saw more last year than apparently anyone else. There are good bucks in G, but they are not common and it will take some hunting to get one.
I went through the G&F check station at Alpine on Sunday, and they said they had seen some nice bucks come thru. I saw only younger bucks, but there was plenty of shooting, especially Saturday morning. I've got a buddy with a moose license so if anyone sees a nice bull the intel would be appreciated.
Hi beech18, Saw your posting from last year wondering how you did on your hunt in G. I'm planning to hunt G this year, and should draw with 4pts. Ive hunted it before, but its been 10 years, shot a 32 1/2 buck,
Hey Dreamchaser. Hunt went well and had lots of fun. Ended up staying about a week on the mountain. Both my father and I filled our tags with nice bucks, not monsters but nice. We ended up hunting 1 core area for the 1st 1/2 of the hunt and wasnt seeing much in terms on bucks so moved into another area and found lots of bucks. Saw alot of 18-24 inch bucks, seems they are all in the approx same class in the area I was hunting, nothing bigger I can absolutely say for sure.
Fun time, I never hunted G during the glory days to compare to it.
I saw acouple guys on the trail head when I was coming out and had a chat with them, they where not seeing squat, but by the looks they wherent getting off the roads very far.
If I can be of any further assistance feel free to let me know.
Ill be putting in for G again with no points in the special draw, I know the odds are not good so putting in for a 2nd choice that Ill pry end up drawing.
"Fun time, I never hunted G during the glory days to compare to it. "

Maybe that is the advantage those of us who didn't hunt the glory days. We can enjoy beautiful country and the deer that we do see, without pining away for "better times."
region g was good to my uncle and myself ,uncle shot a 26 1/2 4 point and i shot a 27 inch heavy horned 4 point,did not see another hunter in the area we were hunting.
Thanks beech18 for the chat, just sent the $$ in for the draw, see what happens. I would apprieciate any further help you could give. thank you you can text me a 801-830-1002

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