Recommendation Gen Season Rifle Deer for family?


Long Time Member
Lookin for some PMs here guys. I've got 9 Pref Points that I'm splitting with my wife and daughter (2 each) to go rifle deer hunting this year. That puts us at average of 4 Pref points. So we can pretty much draw any rifle deer tag. I'm also hoping to mentor my tag to my 12 year old son as its his first year putting in.

Curious where you think I should put in? I'd love a beautiful area where we can find deer but this is not a trophy hunt by any means. We will take anything bigger than a 2 point. Day hikes only, no packing in. And honestly some road hunting/glassing at times I'd wager.

I was thinking Fishlake as we can go camp there this summer and have fun fishing and exploring. I used to love Boulder but haven't been in 9 years and have heard the deer herd is down. Any of your thoughts would be appreciated. You can PM me. Thanks guys!

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