Rainy day buck


Very Active Member
Rained pretty much all day today. Decided to still hunt some bedding areas in the timber, as it is a rare day that I can walk in such places without each step sounding like I'm walking on a bag of doritos. A bit of background noise with the rain and water dripping off the trees helps as well. Caught several bucks up for a snack, in the smaller openings in the timber. Two were shooters, and we saw each other at the same time. They were much faster than I.

I crossed a clearing to a new area and was about 80 yards into it when something looked out of place. It took me a few seconds to realize I was looking at antlers. The face and ears became clear in a moment. He was 30 or 40 yards out and hadn't seen me yet. I slowly raised the rifle to find my scope was too wet to see anything through. I'd wiped it dry several times, but even trying to be careful to keep the rain off the glass... failed. I slowly lowered the rifle, wiped the glass with my thumb, raised it, took aim, and "click!". Damn! I've had a couple of miss fires of late (new Wolf spring was ordered last week). I'm thinking this buck is going to blow out of there any moment, while I slowly lower the rifle and, as quietly as I can,cycle the action.

I discover that it wasn't a misfire. Some idiot had forgotten to chamber a round. Who still hunts the thick stuff without a round chambered!? I slowly chamber a round and start to raise the rifle up. He is finally getting the sense that all is not quite right and slowly stands up. He is quartering toward me. As I am settling the butt into my shoulder he turns and looks at me and I fire. The image in the scope was still pretty rough, but I took out the far shoulder. He ran down hill about 60 yards and stopped broadside. Another round through the lungs puts him down.

Always has been a goal of mine to stalk and kill a buck in his bed in the timber.



Congrats!! That there is one really nice buck!!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Minus the unchambered round, I took my very first WY buck nearly exactly as you described. Wipe the scope, wipe it again...and again. Buck fever is getting worse. I was a tense and amazing moment that I wont soon forget. Thanks for bringing back the memories and congrats on a good buck!
Nice way to use a rain day. Good looking Buck.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Wow- I'd be more than happy with a stud buck like that..!! Love those antlers...

Thanks for sharing... :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
always a great feeling sneaking up on any animal when they are in their bed to that range! congrats on a great buck too!


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I've hunted all morning with an empty chamber before as well. Unfortunately I didn't see anything nearly as nice as him! Good lookin buck, congrats!
It was a mess Deerlove, but I always have liked hunting in the rain or a light snow. It is a whole world of difference. Scent is down, it is quiet, most other hunters are hunkered down at camp or home... and it allows us to get in close without spooking them out. This buck was one of 13 I saw from 6:30 am to 2:00 pm. He was one of three shooters, one of which had to be at least 32" wide. He and another big typical were too fast for me. No regrets, this one was the best. He looks exceptionally dark because of the rain. Dry, the rack lightens up a little, though it is still dark.
Good Job!!!.......I was one of those wuss hunters this year...made it 15 minutes and was soaked,,went back to camp and didn't hunt till friday...didn't see anything I wanted to shoot..will be back at it starting tues... weather permitting HEHHEE...
RE: Rainy day buck: The Euro

Posing for the pic

The Euro. I started simmering it, but decided to try maceration. Put it in a bucket with an aquarium heater for a couple of weeks. Definitely a better finish than the simmering. As an after thought, I should've degreased it as well...




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