They gonna keep running these until somebody gets killed!
Foot in the Fan & Don't/Never lift!
Just wondering what ya think?
I think left turn races are boring...Hey you asked... }>


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Ya kinda sage!
Just like puting up 75mph speed limit signs in SLC!
Foot in the fan & whatever you do,don't lift!!!
I don't think the casual fan (people like me) even notice? It's fun to watch and see how the race plays out. It still exciting to watch the strategy. It's still pretty fast? At least it looks fast to me. (anything over 60 is fast to me x()


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
Smoke'em if you got em! I'd be for more power, open rules, and regulations in these races, might be a little more interesting to me personally.

Lots of big $$$ on the line in these races though. Some guys would push the envelope a bit too much if they could. Not really my game but i do like a tight race when it gets right down to the end! :)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-10 AT 09:09AM (MST)[p]Well, look who has returned with some more of his intelligent contribution to the site. MARCOPUKEO!

How was your stay in the rehab ward?

Are they optomistic that that you may fully recover, or will you just continue to be allowed to go home for a few weeks a year?

I never really knew anyone who actually had an STD that deteriorated his brain....except Al Capone. How long do you have? We can't wait.

cjboz.....are you a soccer mom?
I actually like them now i dont want a solid schedule of them but i think they are fricken intense just wish Jr. would win one one of these days but they are going to Richmond this Sat. night and thats pretty intense to
MMMMMM...Soccer Moms!!!:)


Nickman, I really have nothing against it, but watching them go in cricles for 3 hrs or so, 200-500 times doesn't hold my attention that well. To each his own I guess! Enjoy the soccer mom. 50% approved too!!
MMmmmm soccer moms...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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