Pround of my daughter. First hunt, First bull


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-16 AT 10:02AM (MST)[p]

Just returned from the best Wyoming Elk hunt ever. My daughter had dreamed of Elk hunting since she and I sat in the Whitetail blind when she was a kid. Every year she patiently applied for her preference points until it was time to apply for the tag. She got the good news and the planning began. We got out there 2 days early to scout and we were ready to go. Up the mountain in the dark and down the mountain in the dark. She killed her bull the 3rd evening. By then my GPS showed about 37 miles and 10,000 feet of elevation gain (total in 3 days)on foot. She passed up a 400 yard shot at a bull that made my knees weak. She said "dad, I'm just not comfortable taking that shot and if I wound him it'll ruin my trip ". A short time later we found the herd again and she crawled on her hands and knees up the side of the canyon and the they were right there. The nice 5 point was clear of the cows and broadside at 125 yards. She shot him perfectly behind the shoulder and the celebration began. I've been blessed with the opportunity to have had many great hunts but I can't say I ever been happier or prouder. You dads out there know exactly what I mean. Several of you were kind enough to offer advice and suggestions in our planning process so I wanted to share the results and thank you. I think the smiles on our faces tell you how we felt. Chip
Wow what a great experience for you and your daughter....congrats to both of you on a very successful hunt??
Very Nice Bull, Congrats!
I have passed up hunting time on my own tags to get my boys out hunting and I'm always greatful that they want to go.
Congrats! !!!! That picture is awesome. You need to.blow that up and have a nice frame for it
Congrats to you both! That is a fantastic picture!

"Easy now, keep the croshairs right behind his shoulder & squeeze the trigger"
Doesn't get any better than that. Great memories for a lifetime there. Congrats. Great bull. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats to the both of you!! Have two daughters myself that I hope to someday enjoy an elk hunt with!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-16 AT 07:51PM (MST)[p]Well done.
Huge congrats to you and your daughter!!!!

My fondest memories are trips afield with my daughters. They're all married and their husbands take them most often now but the sweet memories still remain....and we share camps often still.

Thanks for sharing,
Thanks guys. I appreciate the kind words. Anyone who thinks only sons can be great hunting partners hasn't hunted with their daughter! nfh... I'm getting a 20''x30'' canvas print of that picture for my office. They're pretty cool and way cheaper than I thought. I go through and that 20 x 30 was about $35.
Congrats! What a great adventure. Nothing beats time together hunting as a family! That is a great picture too!
Great story and great picture!! I am a female hunter too. I was blessed with the opportunity to go on my first elk hunt this year with my husband. Unfortunately,I didn't get one, but it sure makes me smile to see your daughter did :) I cried a little reading this too, haha! Congratulations and we daughters love our dads, so I know she will cherish it forever!
Absolutely the best types of posts on here. This is what it's really all about. Great bull, great trip, great result, great dad, and even better....great kid.

Great job.

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