Pretty good season.


Best deer to date. Green (rough) score 234 gross 219 net. DIY but I do have access to some stellar private land.
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Congratulations on your awesome trophy! That is a buck of a lifetime for most, please enjoy it!

If you don't mind, I will take the time to tell a quick story. Back in 2013 a friend of mine drew a Colorado deer tag; I did not. We were still pretty green to hunting out West but had done some "map scouting" and found a nice section of BGAP ground in Colorado we wanted to focus on. We stayed in the town of Eads. Since I didn't draw a deer tag, I bought a leftover antelope ML tag so we could go out a few days early--hunt some antelope midday and deer scout early/late getting ready for opening day.

Anyways.......why am I telling this story? Well, the day before the rifle deer opener we were driving around the area near the BGAP we were going to hunt and saw some deer running towards the road we were on. There was a lot of ag harvest going on so they may have been spooked from a field being harvested. There was a big buck in the group and we parked the truck. They kept coming and coming and came right to us and passed behind the parked truck at a distance of 50-60 yards--paid no attention to us.

The buck in the group was nothing short of huge. To this day, it is by far the largest buck I have personally seen. I have never been able to fully describe that buck, BUT, if I were to draw a picture in my mind what it looked like it would be nearly identical to the buck you killed. I know this might sound crazy, but even the smallest of details of the buck you just posted pics of is how I remember that buck.

Of course, we never saw him again. I think about that buck often--many times when daydreaming I see him coming up out of the ravine and running straight to us.

To quit my blabbing....congratulations to you again! I am super happy for you!
Congratulations on your awesome trophy! That is a buck of a lifetime for most, please enjoy it!

If you don't mind, I will take the time to tell a quick story. Back in 2013 a friend of mine drew a Colorado deer tag; I did not. We were still pretty green to hunting out West but had done some "map scouting" and found a nice section of BGAP ground in Colorado we wanted to focus on. We stayed in the town of Eads. Since I didn't draw a deer tag, I bought a leftover antelope ML tag so we could go out a few days early--hunt some antelope midday and deer scout early/late getting ready for opening day.

Anyways.......why am I telling this story? Well, the day before the rifle deer opener we were driving around the area near the BGAP we were going to hunt and saw some deer running towards the road we were on. There was a lot of ag harvest going on so they may have been spooked from a field being harvested. There was a big buck in the group and we parked the truck. They kept coming and coming and came right to us and passed behind the parked truck at a distance of 50-60 yards--paid no attention to us.

The buck in the group was nothing short of huge. To this day, it is by far the largest buck I have personally seen. I have never been able to fully describe that buck, BUT, if I were to draw a picture in my mind what it looked like it would be nearly identical to the buck you killed. I know this might sound crazy, but even the smallest of details of the buck you just posted pics of is how I remember that buck.

Of course, we never saw him again. I think about that buck often--many times when daydreaming I see him coming up out of the ravine and running straight to us.

To quit my blabbing....congratulations to you again! I am super happy for you!
Thanks for sharing that story, I have seen a few like that too. See once and done, only to be in the Mule Deer dreams. Thought this one might turn out like that as well, Saw him twice before (during season) but always moving, quickly and longs ways away. 3rd time was the charm.
Congratulations on your awesome trophy! That is a buck of a lifetime for most, please enjoy it!

If you don't mind, I will take the time to tell a quick story. Back in 2013 a friend of mine drew a Colorado deer tag; I did not. We were still pretty green to hunting out West but had done some "map scouting" and found a nice section of BGAP ground in Colorado we wanted to focus on. We stayed in the town of Eads. Since I didn't draw a deer tag, I bought a leftover antelope ML tag so we could go out a few days early--hunt some antelope midday and deer scout early/late getting ready for opening day.

Anyways.......why am I telling this story? Well, the day before the rifle deer opener we were driving around the area near the BGAP we were going to hunt and saw some deer running towards the road we were on. There was a lot of ag harvest going on so they may have been spooked from a field being harvested. There was a big buck in the group and we parked the truck. They kept coming and coming and came right to us and passed behind the parked truck at a distance of 50-60 yards--paid no attention to us.

The buck in the group was nothing short of huge. To this day, it is by far the largest buck I have personally seen. I have never been able to fully describe that buck, BUT, if I were to draw a picture in my mind what it looked like it would be nearly identical to the buck you killed. I know this might sound crazy, but even the smallest of details of the buck you just posted pics of is how I remember that buck.

Of course, we never saw him again. I think about that buck often--many times when daydreaming I see him coming up out of the ravine and running straight to us.

To quit my blabbing....congratulations to you again! I am super happy for you!
I saw a Whitetail in 1984 by Asotin Washington that would be an Idaho 2nd place buck. No story to tell really. Just driving the road at 3 am and almost smashed him. Those encounters stay burned in the memory bank.
Congrats on the trophy of a lifetime!

Bow? Muzzy? Rifle? Was he chasing does? Would love to hear how it all went down!
Congrats on the trophy of a lifetime!

Bow? Muzzy? Rifle? Was he chasing does? Would love to hear how it all went down!
It was rifle. I volunteer for a deal where we take wounded vets hunting and spent the 1st half of the season doing that, never even knowing this guy existed. When they filled their tags I started looking for me. A couple years ago I got a just over 200" gross mule deer with my bow so I was looking for something big or wasn't going to take one. Saw a few 180-190 deer but nothing that I got excited about. A week into the season, one of the landowners that we do the vet hunt on, bumped this buck bedded in his hay stack yard and sent me a picture of him running away. Blurry cell phone pic but I could tell he was worth getting a better look at. I was a few miles away so I hauled ass over there and found him still running with another great buck but a tad smaller, 2 miles from the stack yard he was bumped from. They were 800 plus yards and kept running out of sight. This was on a Friday. The next day I spent from before sun up til after dark in the area glassing. Saw him at 747 yards with 10 min of daylight left. No shot. All day Sunday in there and never saw him. Had the previous week off work so I had to go to work on Monday. Tuesday, last day of season, I decided to take the afternoon off for 1 last hoorah. Buddy of mine with me, driving a fence line to a little hill to glass, great thick cover around a corn circle about 1/2 mile from the stack yard he was bumped from, a doe stands up. Stood there for maybe 30 seconds. She starts trotting across the corn circle, up he pops and starts following her. I get out on bipod, buddy is ranging. 225, 260, 300, he isn't stopping but only trotting. 340, 360, dammit. I dial to 360 and sent one. Hear the thud and he drops. Commence the shaking. I still didn't know exactly what he was. Get within 100 and he stands up. Put another in him and that was it. If someone would have told me there was an over 230" deer in there I wouldn't have believed it. Absolutely no ground shrinkage on him, he was better than I thought he would be.
It was rifle. I volunteer for a deal where we take wounded vets hunting and spent the 1st half of the season doing that, never even knowing this guy existed. When they filled their tags I started looking for me. A couple years ago I got a just over 200" gross mule deer with my bow so I was looking for something big or wasn't going to take one. Saw a few 180-190 deer but nothing that I got excited about. A week into the season, one of the landowners that we do the vet hunt on, bumped this buck bedded in his hay stack yard and sent me a picture of him running away. Blurry cell phone pic but I could tell he was worth getting a better look at. I was a few miles away so I hauled ass over there and found him still running with another great buck but a tad smaller, 2 miles from the stack yard he was bumped from. They were 800 plus yards and kept running out of sight. This was on a Friday. The next day I spent from before sun up til after dark in the area glassing. Saw him at 747 yards with 10 min of daylight left. No shot. All day Sunday in there and never saw him. Had the previous week off work so I had to go to work on Monday. Tuesday, last day of season, I decided to take the afternoon off for 1 last hoorah. Buddy of mine with me, driving a fence line to a little hill to glass, great thick cover around a corn circle about 1/2 mile from the stack yard he was bumped from, a doe stands up. Stood there for maybe 30 seconds. She starts trotting across the corn circle, up he pops and starts following her. I get out on bipod, buddy is ranging. 225, 260, 300, he isn't stopping but only trotting. 340, 360, dammit. I dial to 360 and sent one. Hear the thud and he drops. Commence the shaking. I still didn't know exactly what he was. Get within 100 and he stands up. Put another in him and that was it. If someone would have told me there was an over 230" deer in there I wouldn't have believed it. Absolutely no ground shrinkage on him, he was better than I thought he would be.
Cool story! Fun to hear about your experience. That's good karma for all those Vet hunts you help with!

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