Post One Photo Per Day

Drove by the Pitchfork B-Ranch this morning.

Anybody but me think this is a cool old aspen.

A hard-ly used Blaze Orange SFW hat if you’re the first one to share where it’s located.

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Yup, pretty unusual aspen. That would run my stove for about 2 weeks in the winter. We have a big old dead spruce on our place that looks kinda like that. I never thought to take a picture of it.
An artist with a chainsaw could have fun with that. I see a Bigfoot.
Is your Bigfoot picking his teeth or combing his hair?

But if we’re gonna go there….. I’ll see your bet and raise you a Van Gogh. A Hamas artist with a chain saw sees a post October 7 menorah.

And with that OutdoorWriter just went for a spin.

Sorry Tony, no need to come see me again.
Well my pics won't download any more. Same camera. Same SD card. File too large for server to process. Nothing about my pics is any different than before. My camera is by no means a high-quality camera. I know yours is better, Blue!

My wife tossed this on my lap then I came in from spotting elk this morning on the Fish Lake. She said, “you wanna keep this.”

About 1980 Hancock Flat. Fish Lake Mt. Utah. Bunch of mountain men wannabes.

Just after sunrise, before the lodge fires got rekindled for breakfast. Mine was in the back, on the far right. You can tell it was only a year or two old, the lodge poles are still long and white above the flaps. (The older more seasoned guys told me my lodge poles need to be as long above the flats and they were below the flaps. It sees like mine were well over 30’ long. Also, the flaps on my lodge weren’t covered with smoke residue yet.

There were some dang good ole boys circled up around the lodge fires in that camp. Mine was 18’ diameter and you could stuff about 30 men, woman and children in it, if we made three circles around the fire. For fun we were shooting out candle flames, (in the dark), splitting round lead balls…… on an axe blade, shooting feathers in half, tell’en lies, sending clay jugs of apricot brandy around the fire circle, and the pickers play’en their ax until their fingers bled or they passed out.

Oh, it was quite a time for us wannabes. I think I’ll keep the photo for a few more years.

Great image blue. The contrast in size between the cows and the bull are amazing.
Grainy because it was right at dark. He didn’t have that many cows in the morning because some of his competition was eliminated. Got to help a nice old feller break him down and get him in the shade. Made a new friend yesterday (y)

Going to Monticello to chase a Titleist today. I love that course :)
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A county road goes right through this ranch. For years, these racks hung there for a view as you drove the cty road. They all disappeared a few years ago.

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Many years ago there was an old line shack on the Strip that the OUTSIDE was covered with lion skins. Back then I didn’t have sense enough to carry a camera.
Sorry Tony ODW, I couldn't help but to respond. I caught a Coopers Hawk in a box trap once. I used a dead pigeon that it killed as bait. I kept it in a cage for about a day and then released it.
I have a couple of better Coopers Hawk images buried in this thread somewhere. Someday I’m going to look at the whole thread from beginning to end again. Probably crack a cold one and have a chat with Tony.(y)

I miss that dude.

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